Final Exam

Below you will find several options to choose from to get a total of 30 points. Only the first 30 points will be graded.

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The subject line should be "Final - The Tudors"

Don't forget to put your HOL name and House at the top of your email.

This assignment is due no later than June 15th, 11:59 pm HOL time.

I hope you've all enjoyed the class!

Matching (20 points):

Match each statement below with the correct historical figure.

1. This uncle of Edward VI's was Catherine Parr's fourth husband.

2. This spouse was a cousin to another of Henry VIII's ill-fated wives.

3. This ruler was Henry VIII's only legitimate son.

4. One of this ruler's most famous speeches was the Golden Speech.

5. This spouse was asked to retire to a nunnery, but adamantly refused to do so.

6. This king won the English crown in the Battle of Bosworth.

7. She was the last of King Henry's wives.

8. This king met France's king at the grand event called the Field of the Cloth of Gold.

9. Though he agreed to marry England's queen in hopes of becoming king himself, this man was never crowned.

10. As part of his father's schemes, this young nobleman was married to Lady Jane Grey.

Research (30 points):

While Henry VII was in many ways a medieval king, the reign of his son Henry VIII marked the beginning of the Renaissance (literally 'rebirth') in England. There were so many fascinating people, discoveries, and inventions they couldn't possibly all fit in the lessons!

Some of those people and events are listed below. Choose one and write an essay on it (minimum 300 words, and remember to cite your sources). If there's a subject or person you'd like to write about that isn't on the list, just ask me if it's all right.

Henry Fitzroy, the only one of his illegitimate children that Henry VIII acknowledged

Sir Francis Drake (1540-1596)

Sir Walter Raleigh (1552-1618)

Shakespeare and the rise of the theatre during Elizabeth's reign

Dr. John Dee, 'The Queen's Conjurer' (1527-1608)

The formation of the East India Company (1600)

The murder of Lord Darnley (1567)

Christopher Marlowe (1564-1593)

Sir Francis Walsingham, Spymaster (1531?-1590)

The lost English colony at Roanoke (1587)

Sir Phillip Sidney (1554-1586)

Sir Thomas More (1478-1535)

The Norfolk Rebellion (Kett's Rebellion) (1549)

Cardinal Thomas Wolsey (1473?-1530)

Edmund 'Bloody' Bonner, Bishop of London (1500?-1569)

Play a Game! (10 points):

After working so hard, it's time to have a little fun. Try your hand at Naimh Cassidy's Famous Tudors game. Take a screenshot of the win screen once you've completed the game, upload it to imgur or a similar site, and send me the link.

Crossword Puzzle (20 points):

Complete the following Crossword Puzzle! Take a screenshot of the puzzle once you've completed the it, upload it to imgur or a similar site, and send me the link.

image shows a crossword puzzle

Art (10 points):

Illustrate a famous scene from the Tudor era, either one mentioned in the lessons, one from the list above, or something from the era that you've always liked. For instance, you might draw Queen Elizabeth giving her famous speech to rally England's defenders when the Spanish Armada was headed their way. Have fun with it!

Feedback (10 points): What is your opinion about this class? Anything I can improve on? Activities you wish I had included? Information you'd like to see added?