Sissonne - March 1917

Date: June 25, 1917

Time: 10:30

Mission objectives:

    • Entente forces will have to attack enemy transports; vehicles and trains.

    • Central Forces will have to defend and recon the enemy lines.

Plane set:

    • Central: Albatros DII, Albatros DIII, DFW CV (bombers limited)

    • Entente: Nieuport 17, SPAD 7, SPAD 7 180 hp (limited)

Intel report:

Recent Intelligence reports indicate that the Germans might prepare a counter attack after our failed offensive. A lot of troop movements have been spotted just behind their lines. French escadrilles stationed at Bonnemaison Ferme are operating from forward airfields at Vauxcere and Maizy. In a desperate attempt to prevent an immedaite counter attack, the scouts are ordered to strafe the enemy transports.

German HQ is anxious to know what the state is of the French defences therefore a photo recon mission has been requested. If the recon is succesful, German bombers are to attack targets behind the French lines.

Objective incentives:

    • When the Central forces have successfully photographed the French lines, 8 DFW CV's with 3x50kg bombs will be made available.

    • When the Entente forces manage to destroy 10 transports (a train counts as two) 8 SPAD 180 hp will be made available.

Weather report:

Overcast at 1800m with an occasional drizzle. Poor visibility. Wind is 2-3 meters per second, from the West. Heavy turbulance is expected at lower altitudes.