Battle of Amiens, August 1918


For both the Allies and Central Forces this is a two-stage mission. In the first stage, all three reconnaissance tasks must be completed. Based on the results, a target will be chosen by HQ for stage 2, when bombers will be made available on the two-seater airfield. When the bombers spawn on the airfield they will be told which target should be destroyed.

The scout planes can choose from two tasks: Defensive patrol, to intercept enemy two-seaters or an offensive patrol to clear a path for friendly two-seaters.

When a side has destroyed the primary target, the mission will end in 15 minutes. When the mission reloads, a new target per side (out of the three possibles) is selected at random.

Plane set

Se5a, Sopwith Camel, Sopwith Dolphin, R.E.8, Bristol F2, D.H. 4 (only in stage 2)

Albatros DVa, Fokker DVII, Fokker DVIIF, Fokker DVIII, DFW C.V, Halberstadt CLII (au)


Cloud coverage 3/8th at 1000 m. Wind 2-4 m/s from the South - South East.


Photographic Reconaissance sorties should be flown at altitudes between 8000 and 10,000 ft / 2500 -3000m. When spawning, you will be notified of which recon objectives have already been completed. Fly exactly over the target using your bomb sight and carefully watch the subtitles. You may only photograph one target per mission. There are three recon planes available and these may photograph any target. The refresh time is 30 minutes, so be careful not crash the plane on take-off!

Forward airfields may be used, by scouts only, to rearm, repair and refuel. After landing hit "Finish" and your plane type will be available on the forward airfield.

Historical Background

The Battle of Amiens, which began on 8 August 1918, was the opening phase of the Allied offensive later known as the Hundred Days Offensive that ultimately led to the end of the First World War.