Script-GPS hackers club


      • gps hacking - Online Cyber Security News - The Hacker News
      • Read more in-depth articles about gps hacking, hacker news, hacking news, hackernews, online cyber security degree, network security, zero day malware, ... Researchers have already reported this flaw to WhatsApp Team and it has already been fixed in the latest beta version of WhatsApp app available on their official ...
      • Hackers Can Steal Your Passwords Just by Monitoring SmartPhone ...
      • 11 Apr 2017 ... An average smartphone these days is packed with a wide array of sensors such as GPS, Camera, microphone, accelerometer, magnetometer, proximity, gyroscope, pedometer, and NFC, to name a few. Now, according to a team of scientists from Newcastle University in the UK, hackers can potentially ...
      • GitHub - NARKOZ/hacker-scripts: Based on a true story
      • Based on a true story. Contribute to hacker-scripts development by creating an account on GitHub.
      • If You Use This Script, You've Probably Already Been Hacked
      • 25 Jul 2017 ... During the last few weeks, our Security Services Team has noticed a spike in infections using this script. The hackers use their botnets to look for the script all over a target site. The following is a sample of log entries searching for this file. We tracked scans from a set of known malicious IPs over the past two ...
      • Hacking A Phone's GPS May Have Just Got Easier - Forbes
      • 7 Aug 2015 ... For some time it's been possible to spoof the location of a smartphone or any other device that is connected to a global position system (GPS), but to do so required a sophisticated and often expensive GPS emulator that can cost thousands of dollars. Now a team of researchers at Chinese Internet security ...
      • Hacking and GPS spoofing involved in Navy accidents - Business ...
      • 24 Aug 2017 ... After the McCain collision, the Navy relieved the commander of the 7th fleet "due to loss of confidence in his ability to command," according to the Navy. USS Fitzgerald ... And causing a collision by hacking or hijacking a commercial vessel's GPS is seen as increasingly possible. Most commercial and ...
      • Hacking Your Phone - CBS News
      • 17 Apr 2016 ... The following script is from “Hacking Your Phone” which aired on April 17, 2016. Sharyn Alfonsi is the correspondent. Howard L. Rosenberg and Julie Holstein, producers. A lot of modern life is interconnected through the Internet of things -- a global empire of billions of devices and machines. Automobile ...
      • Forget GPS. Hackers can pinpoint your exact location using social ...
      • 6 Mar 2015 ... We know that corporations and governments want to track our exact GPS location all the time. If they know where to find us, they know what to sell to us. But if we turn off the GPS on our phones, they won't know where we are, right? Not so fast. Researchers have discovered a way to pinpoint your location ...
      • $80 million yacht hijacked by students spoofing GPS signals ...
      • 31 Jul 2013 ... In plain English, that means that hackers can send drones smashing, say, into our skulls. After the students had gained control of the ship's navigation system, the team planned to coerce the ship onto a new course with subtle maneuvers that positioned the yacht a few degrees off its original course.
      • Avi Rubin: All your devices can be hacked | TED Talk |
      • Every security expert wants to hack a smartphone, and we tend to look at the USB port, the GPS for tracking, the camera, the microphone, but no one up till this point had looked at the accelerometer. The accelerometer is the thing that determines the vertical orientation of the smartphone. And so they had a simple setup.

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