• Clone Bay | FTL: Faster Than Light Wiki | FANDOM powered by Wikia
      • 19 Apr 2014 ... Having crew at random healths for multiple jumps feels too risky to me given that their regeneration takes time if things go a bit wrong and loosing the clone bay can really quickly cause a massive problem mid-fight as well. Granted from what I have used the clone bay those problems have been really rare, ...
      • The Love Machine(Engi Type A) - Subset Games Forum
      • ubsetgames
      • 4 Aug 2016 ... If you stack the Clone Bay with the Medbay, I think the Clone Bay takes over. But you should stack them and untick "available" for the Clone Bay so it starts with the medical facilities. And then you can buy the Clone Bay later on if needed. Don't remove the station on the Clone Bay though. That's where the ...
      • Clones - UniWiki
      • 19 Jul 2017 ... You can move your medical clone elsewhere by setting a different Home Station. Dock up in a station (or citadel) and either using the Clone Bay, or in the absence of such, simply right click on the station's link (top left corner of the screen), selecting "Set Home Station" from the contextual menu, and paying ...
      • FTL Advanced Edition: the definitive version of Subset's strategy ...
      • 10 Apr 2014 ... My proudest moment so far in using the Clone Bay came when three rooms in the middle part of my ship - including weapons - were on fire, and my remaining crew struggling to fight the flames. With their health bars on the blink and the Clone Bay itself about to be destroyed by the inferno, I opened all the ...
      • Clone Bay Mod ⋆ RimWorld Base
      • 3 days ago ... The Clone Bay Mod adds 3 buildings that allow you to revive dead colonists. Clone Bay Mod features Meat Grinder Will grind meat or corpses for amino acids 300 amino acids capacity Supplies ressources to Clone Vat. Pheno Drill Performs venipuncture to initiate Colonist register Transmits data to Clone ...
      • EVE Online - Patch Notes For Rhea
      • 8 Dec 2014 ... Fixed Medical Clone tutorial not detecting when the Clone Bay window is open; Manufacturing of Self-Assembling Nanolattices is now taxed appropriately. Technical: Fixed an issue where moving stacked windows would show an obvious drop in performance. User Interface: Fixed an issue where the active ...
      • FTL: Advanced Edition's Clone Bay, hacking system detailed - Polygon
      • 17 Feb 2014 ... Subset Games' free expansion for FTL: Faster Light, FTL: Advanced Edition, will feature new systems and subsystems such as the Clone Bay, h

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