San Gorgonio

The Plan:

We hike up Saturday morning September 28th 2013 and stop just before the peak while we are still in the tree line and camp. In the morning on Sunday we hike up the rest of the way and stand at the top. Take pictures...then hike straight down.

The Hike:

What Happened:

We got there Saturday morning and began our hike. The first 2 miles were killer. Just straight up. I had hurt my knee on a previous trip to Bear Canyon so only after a mile up my leg started to throb. I popped some aspirin and marched on. It took all day to get to the camp site which was 3 miles below the summit. We set up camp and spent the night. We were not allowed to have fires and it was COLD. It was late September and it was in the 40's. There was plenty of water at the stream that runs through the camp. In the morning we left our tents and gear and hiked the 3 mile summit. Once we broke the tree line the sun was harsh. It was not until about 11,000 feet that I felt a little dizzy because of the elevation. After some time at the summit we marched back down. Made it the 3 miles to camp, packed our gear and headed down the rest of the mountain. We did not get to the van until 9pm on Sunday.

My Gear List:

4 person Tent (We split the pieces to carry)

45 Degree Sleeping Bag

Air Mat

Stove, Kettle, Cup, Spoon

Trekking Poles

Headlamp, GoPro, Tent Lantern

Sweater, Shell, Beanie, Thermals, Knit Gloves, Hiking pants, Wool Socks (2 pair), Sport Underwear (2 pair) Hiking Shirt, T-Shirt, Hiking Boots

Sawyer 4L gravity fed water filtration system

Food, First Aid, Etc.

Regrets or wish list:

My hat; even though it was cold, once we cleared the tree line the sun was harsh and my neck fried

A warmer bag; the 45 degree barley cut it

A fire is always nice...

Here is a list of all of the trails that lead up to the San Gorngonio Peak

Here is a list of the pros and cons of each trail

Current trail conditions