

Everyone - players, non players, sponsors and supporters - is cordially invited to the Clubhouse on TUESDAY the 24th May at 19.15 for an informal get together with our new coaching team of ROBBIE STEWART and FRANKLIN ( “ Frankie” ) CLARK. This will be an opportunity to meet and welcome both Robbie and Franklin to Hughenden to hear about their objectives for the 2016-2017 season.

I hope to welcome as many of you as possible on the 24th . See you then.

Best wishes

Bernie Mitchell

Head of Rugby- Hillhead/Jordanhill RFC

THE HILLS OSCARS – Saturday 14th MAY 2016

Given the unprecedented demands from dedicated followers of this site for the “low down “ on “Who won What” at the Club Dinner and the distinctly hazy recollections posted on the Facebook page of two dinner stalwarts ( casualties ? ) on the various outcomes, it was felt necessary to put matters straight by jumping into “print”.

But it would be remiss, however, if the “dirt “ was not ditched on the carnage and debauchery which attended this West End ( of Glasgow !! ) high Society Function, since it is believed that ( some ) people at least feast on matters which others find abhorrent. Thus it was that Jimmy Gow CA ( Canny Add ) self appointed Master of ceremonies, set a sartorial tone which has never been attempted before and on the evidence of last night will not be repeated again. Those familiar with “golf watching” and noting the trousers which the American Golfer , John Daly, models will immediately catch the tone of Lord Gow’s recent purchase from the lost property office of Billy Smarts Circus. Additionally his bow tie was a “belter” and was worn for those who tend to enjoy dressing in the “dark”. Our fashion correspondent reported that there were no other extroverts on show, but some of the Ladies were “kitted out” in their latest fineries. Sarah Smith , not the media Sarah but our own athletic right winger/full back, sported an eye catching pair of culottes which had several wondering if they were indeed a fashion statement or a gift from an admirer ?

The dinner passed without any extremes of vomiting or the throwing of rolls, activities which were one time considered to be exemplars of manhood, but have recently fallen out of fashion due to the unusual fact that most attending prefer to eat their rolls and not use them as missiles, and try not to “boke”. Whether this change in behaviours is really down to the fact of the civilising ( !! ) presence of the Ladies ( some thirty of them ) or perhaps that Gary Kitchener,a recent ennobled Hills legend, has left his “manchild” status behind is open to debate.

The speeches were presided over by an increasingly fractious Andrew Scott ( senior) who attempted, unsuccessfully it has to be said, to quell the Visigoths who had it in for Douglas Grove and constantly bayed for ( his ) blood during his address to the “house”. Douglas battled on manfully, but alas has had easier shifts for the 1st XV. In sharp contrast, Tamsin Tyeson delivered an oratory in “verse” in which she managed to find something good to say about each and every one of her “Hills” sorority. This delivery had the ladies “rocking” in their seats and making light of any bacchanalian excesses which might have interfered with their perceptions. Clearly the “cub” reporter is a media start in the offing !!

And then to the awards which were managed for the 1st XV ( mens ) by Bill Macdonald in his valedictory address to the troops ; Murray Bell in his valedictory address as 2nd XV coach and Lois Legendre and his doppelganger, Stuart Irvine, for the 2A XV. For the record the “dramatis personae” were SCOTT HALLIDAY ( 1ST XV player of the year ) , ALEC CAMERON ( Young player of the year ) and CALLUM STOVE ) ( most improved player of the year ). HARRY SINGH won the 2nd XV award to great acclamation ; and SHANE MCCORMICK and FRASER GOW raced home for the 2A awards ( NB Editors note – Fraser Gow wishes to make it understood he is NOT related to Jimmy Gow !! ). The highlight of the Oscars was however the awards to MURRAY BELL AND STUART TORBETT for their outstanding service as coaches to the 2nd XV over some six seasons

By this stage the Visigoths ( male and female ) were becomingly increasingly agitated for some more action and Murray Bell – by this stage Andrew Scott ( senior ) was well and truly silenced – lit the “blue touch paper” to announce the “DJ” was starting in the Multi purpose room. That was the signal for more than 90 % of the company to make a rush for the Bar which was surrounded like the storming of the Bastille ( Lois Legendre and Clement Tranier take note) .

Age and a desire to be reunited with some form of sanity drove this reporter home; but it is rumoured that some partied the night away in one of the exclusive “night spots” on the Great western Road. Certainly a Kiwi reported some damage the day after the night before, but a quick check on A. and . E departments in our City revealed a surprising absence of any “Hills” dinner casualties. Tender is the night and “Hills” awards dinners.