Photos & Match Reports

2 April 2016

Report by Bernie Mitchell


Hillhead/Jordanhill 12 pts Aberdeenshire 50pts

Although holding their own in both scrum and line out and occasionally proving quite destructive in the set scrum, “ Hills” struggled throughout their final home league game to match the craft, dynamism and hard running of visitors Aberdeenshire in the loose. There were only rare occasions of parity in the game ; during the first ten minutes “Hills” came back well to counter the opening score from the visitors with a fine close range driving maul try from Douglas Grove. For the rest of the first period, “ Hills” were on the defensive apart from some fine individual thrusts from second rower Callum Stove with Aberdeenshire well worthy of their twenty four points to five half time lead.

“ Hills” threatened early on in the second period of play when replacement front rower Carlos Celsis threw himself about with some effect, but generally any phases of continuity play were few due to too much slow ball from the breakdown. Rory Harte always threatened to break free with his ability to beat players in confined spaces, but he had few opportunities to display his elusive talents in the danger areas of the field such were the pressures his team were under. Callum Stove’s fine shift in the second row was franked by a well taken support try close to the visitors’ posts which Harte converted. Aberdeenshire on their very first visit to Hughenden in any form of domestic competition were well worth their fifty to twelve winning score which yielded them five league points.

Hills 1st XV Clement Tranier , Oscar Welsh, Scott Halliday, James Lowry, Rory Harte, David Paterson ( James Reekie ) , Ross Thomson, Josh Thom, Harry Perston ( Blair Mackenzie ) , Blair Mackenzie ( Carlos Celsis ), Callum Stove, Alec Cameron ( Tom Harding ), Douglas Grove ) C ), Chris Tulloch , Jonny Clipston ( Zak McCrae )

12 March 2016

Report by Bernie Mitchell


Hillhead/Jordanhill 0pts Hamilton 49 pts

The sombre mood that accompanied the minute’s silence at Hughenden for the sudden passing of popular former Hills President, Donald Robertson, was quickly lifted by the energy and enthusiasm of the already promoted visitors Hamilton who gave a text book display of running rugby in conditions which were ideal for the fast open game they adopted. “Hills” cause was not helped by the early departure of stand –off and captain AJ Macfarlane with shoulder damage, but such was Hamilton’s superiority in the first half that his absence in reality made little difference to the eventual outcome. Although the home pack had parity in the line out and set scrum, the “Hills” appeared to operate at a different gear compared to the smooth Hamilton machine for whom half backs Turnbull and McLeish ran the show, with the latter excelling in his use and distribution of the ball. “Hills “ threatened only occasionally in the first forty minutes, and it was usually through the efforts of Callum Stove in ball carrying which brought them any headway. Indeed it was more the brave efforts of full back Rory Harte in defence which caught the eye and the appreciation of the home support. “ Hills” limped to the interval fortunate that they had conceded only forty four points such was the domination of the visitors.

Fortunately the second half was a much more acceptable experience for the home supporters and their team, as the “Hills” finally woke up from their first half lethargy to start running with the ball. At the heart of the home attacks was back rower, Kevin Lowrie, who repeatedly made yards through the visitors defence, but try as hard as they might “Hills” were unable to get across the try line and had to settle for try less second half where they competed well without any rewards for their endeavours. Hamilton added just the one second half try and finished worthy winners at forty nine – nil.

By virtue of this victory, Hamilton finished the game as Champions of National League 2 and had their moment in the sun when they received the League trophy from SRU Council member, Graeme Scott, in front of the Fraser stand. “Hills” for their part also had good news at the conclusion of the game, when word came through from Ardrossan that they had defeated Lasswade, the consequence of which was that “Hills” would finish above the Midlothian club in the NL 2 league table thereby confirming NL 2 status in 2016/2017 for the Hughenden side. It was then a “win/win “ outcome for both of the Clubs in this game.

5 March 2016


Biggar 1st XV 44 pts Hillhead/Jordanhill 1st XV 6pts

An understrength “Hills” side, principally in their forward pack, competed gamely at Hartreemill for the full eighty minutes, but try as they might they could not keep upsides with a sprightly home side which fully deserved their five point try bonus win to move well clear from the NL 2 “drop zone”. There were, however, enterprising passages of play from “Hills” particularly when stand-off AJ McFarlane spun the ball wide to his willing three quarters where Scott Halliday had a fine game, but despite good off- loads and backing up the breaking of the Biggar line to score tries remained elusive and out of their reach all the game.

While the touchline proved a reasonably reliable source of first phase ball from the veteran Chris Tulloch and the coltish Alec Cameron, the set scrummage proved a tough shift with very little clean ball to use, the “Hills” eight being driven back and twisted at will. Opportunities then for going through the phases were very limited and “Hills” had to play with hardly any “go forward ball”. Breakdowns were contested mostly on Biggar’s terms and their strengths here saw them move away from a catchable seventeen – three points half time margin to record five more second half tries to finish at forty four – six at the fulltime whistle. “Hills” captain AJ McFarlane converted the only two penalty chances that came his way.

“Hills” now meet top of the table Hamilton at Hughenden on Saturday the 12th March with a 15.00 KO.

Hills 1st XV – Darren Knox, Oscar Welsh ( Robbie Dwyer ), Clement Tranier, Scott Halliday, Rory Harte, AJ McFarlane, Ross Thomson, Josh Thom, Harry Perston, Adam Plunkett ( Michael Sinclair ), Chris Tulloch, Alec Cameron ( David Webster ), Douglas Grove, Craig Bryson, Jonny Clipston. Subs All used

6 March 2016


Hillhead/Jordanhill 1st XV 43 points – RHC 1st XV 27 points

In a game where they were never behind to their Edinburgh opponents, “ Hills” Ladies built on a useful twenty four points to ten halftime score to finish triumphantly as winners by forty three points to twenty two and thereby remain at the top of the Womens Premier league in Scotland. A morning full of the promise of an early spring with warm sunshine gave way to an afternoon when a snell north westerly wind blew and made for awkward conditions for handling, but the skills on display from both sides kept the small crowd involved to the final whistle.

Throughout the game, “Hills” made much of the good distribution skills and tactical kicking of stand off Ally Cook and the mazy, but strong running of Abi Evans in the 13 channel to record a fine win. First half scorers for the “Hills “ were Abi Evans with two tries ; and the evergreen Lizzie Willis and athletic Sarah Smith with the others. Ally Cook and Lana Skeldon with a fine touchline conversion added the goal points. RHC came into the game more in the second half urged on by the excellent Clare Bain at scrum half , but they could not match “Hills” all round fitness and strong direct running with some exquisite off loads from Jenny Johnston and Louise McMillan. Further second half tries were recorded by Abi Evans after a wonderful swerving run through the RHC defence, Kirstin Daly profiting from a series of close range drives and then Kirsty McConnell who pounced from close range. Two conversions were added by Ally Cook who recovered well from a knock to the ankle which necessitated her receiving touchline treatment.

The next two weekends see the “Hills” ladies taking a break from domestic competition during the final two games of the 6N programme. Their next game is at Millbrae in the semi final of the Sarah Beaney Cup on the 27th Match when they play the fast improving Ayr ladies 1st XV. Everyone at Hughenden sends their best wishes to those ladies who will be representing their country this coming Friday in the international vs France. So to Jade, Jemma, Lana, Heather, Megan and Lindsey ( and perhaps Abi ? ) GO GIRLS.


20 February 2016


Lasswade 7pts Hillhead/Jordanhill 10pts

It was a delighted “Hills” head coach, Bill Macdonald, at the end of this very tight game who was effusive about the performance and noted :” It was a fantastic second half show full of discipline and the correct attitude from all and our willingness to stick in and play rugby that won this vital game for us.” Assistant coach, Chris Reid, added : “ It was great for the team to have so many supporters present, as that definitely gave us all a lift”.

The game itself was notable for the considerable efforts of both sets of players to try to play and entertain given the extremely adverse conditions in which the game took place. A snell south-westerly blew continuously, and the underfoot conditions were very heavy, hardly conducive to running rugby, but both “Hills” and Lasswade gave it their all. Hitting with the wind, “Hills” failed to settle and the hosts were soon ahead with a breakaway try from some twenty five metres out which was converted easily. But “Hills” came back into via a penalty from AJ McFarlane after ten minutes, and thereafter the tale of the first half was Lasswade’s soaking up with some ease “Hills” attempts to breach the line and taking every opportunity themselves to take the play to the visitors. “Hills” defended stoutly during this period when in theory they should have been more on the attack, but they reached the break only the one score adrift which was testimony to a spirited performance.

The narrative of the second half was almost a replay of the first in that the team playing against the wind, the “Hills” had much the better of both the first and second phases of play and indeed the longer the game went on the more Lasswade seemed to tire and fade as an attacking force. At the heart of the visitors’ show was a dominant scrummage where the amply proportioned members of the front row union, Messers Urquhart and Mackenzie, ably assisted by Phyfer and Thom turned on the heat against their opposite numbers. At their heels, scrum half Ross Thomson produced a terrier like performance to drive his team on with darting runs and excellent ball clearance. The clinching score, when it came after some sixty minutes, was the culmination of the “Hills” persistent attacking and pressure in the home twenty two which produced some close range line outs and scrums and eventually could not be legitimately resisted. A penalty try was awarded which McFarlane goaled.

Try as hard as they could in the remaining fifteen minutes , Lasswade could not really make much impression on the “Hills”, and indeed the visitors might have added to their lead, but just narrowly failed on two occasions. The admirable match referee David Sutherland’s final whistle brought great relief and cheer to the “Hills” players, coaches, physiotherapists and supporters who can now enjoy a weeks rest prior to taking to the road again for the next fixture at Biggar on the 5th March.

13 February 2016



Overhead conditions were far from ideal at Hughenden for this mid-table NL 2 clash with frequent heavy sleet showers and the mercury refusing to rise much above 3 C, but the environmental drawbacks did not impede the players of both sides from entertaining the stoical supporters of both clubs to a fine match. The match turned out to be a classic example of a “ game of two halves “. Some early “Hills” pressure with stand off AJ McFarlane directing the traffic produced an early penalty chance which the accomplished “Hills” captain converted. Thereafter for the remainder of the first half, it appeared as if the climate had caused the “Hills” to hibernate and fall asleep as an attacking force such was the domination of the north Ayrshire men. Ardrossan parked their bus in the home twenty two and attacked relentlessly, refusing any kicks at goal – there were at least four kickable penalty chances which they ignored – to attempt short range line –outs, but a volatile cocktail of resolute home defence and a lack of patience in building phases was to prove the visitors’ undoing. Excellent clearance kicks from AJ McFarlane, one surprisingly adroit “hoof” from Douglas Grove and a wonderful smother tackle from Josh Thom franked a superb “Hills” defensive performance. To be 3-0 up at the turn was an amazing outcome for the first half which, if it had been a boxing match, might have seen the “towel being thrown in” .

The second half found “Hills” on the attack down the Gartnavel slope with a recovery of their attacking skills, but Ardrossan were equally adept in defence. They started, however, to incur the displeasure of match referee, Alex Pratt, for illegal work on the ground. This allowed “Hills” general, AJ McFarlane, to stroke two more penalties to take his side to nine points up after fifty minutes. The pace and physicality of the game seemed to affect Ardrossan more than the “Hills” and their tiring pack then allowed “Hills” tight forwards to take control, but it took a touch of magic from McFarlane, an expert in the “dark arts “, to create the first try. Shaping to kick for touch from a penalty award, he instead tapped to himself, made some good yards and then offloaded to see a driving maul take Juan Phyfer over for the first try of the game. Though the conversion was missed form a tight angle, McFarlane quickly refound his range to nudge his side to seventeen points up after sixty five minutes with another penalty goal. Then with both sides throwing on their benches, the game opened up for the “Hills” with Ardrossan having a man in the bin. The returning Rory Harte began to find some space and put in some intelligent runs and kicks ahead, from one of which Scott Halliday benefitted from a defensive error to scamper over for the second try, being closely followed by Craig Bryson who touched down for the “Hills” third try which captain and maestro, McFarlane, converted.

The game finished incredibly with “Hills” having scored twenty nine points and Ardrossan none, despite their having the lions share of territory and possession for some thirty minutes of this engrossing fixture. While the “Hills” and their coaches left the field elated, Ardrossan were totally deflated. “Hills“ are quickly into action again on Saturday the 20th February, when they travel to Bonnyrigg to play Lasswade in what will be another crucial fixture in their battle to survive in NL 2


Greenock Wanderers 14 pts Hillhead/Jordanhill 26 pts

On a heavy but eminently playable, well grassed pitch at Fort Matilda, “Hills” brought a long run of five successive defeats to an end with a hard fought win against a spirited Wanderers side, and left for their holiday break relieved to move away from the bottom of the National League 2 table. It was not a day, however, for “champagne” rugby as the south westerly wind blew capriciously across the ground from the Clubhouse end, putting a premium on selection of tactics and moves. The outcome of the game, given the conditions and the recent form of both clubs, was going to turn on whichever pack proved the stronger and how that possession was used. There was only one winner when it came to game craft as “Hills” stand off, AJ McFarlane, gave a masterful display of his art with well judged distribution and probing kicks both into and with the wind which assisted his side considerably ; and the “Hills” forward pack eventually shut out their opposite numbers when they threatened briefly to take control in their wind assisted second half.

“ Hills” did not have it all their own way in the opening quarter and the Wanderers were quick to capitalise on the visitors’ typically nervous start scoring a good close range try, but also missing two penalty goal attempts. Good close range driving from the visitors assisted by the home team’s tendency to concede penalties at the breakdown allowed McFarlane to set up field position at the Wood Street end of the ground. A close driving maul from the line out saw Craig Bryson plunge over the line with the “Hills” stand off converting nonchalantly from far out. “Hills” continued to dominate in midfield through aggressive ball carrying from their stand out forward, Kevin Lowrie, but their next try owed more to good luck than good judgement when Scott Halliday burst through unopposed between the posts , benefitting from a ricochet off an opposition player. Wanderers came back with a Diffenthal penalty, but “Hills” finished the first period the stronger with Lowrie pirating an opposition maul ball to score a wonderful opportunist try and take the “Hills” to nineteen points to eleven at the interval.

The second half required a concentrated effort from the “Hills” to ensure a victory, and, apart from the occasional lapse, the “Hills” forwards began to dominate the set scrummage where Josh Thom on the loose head enjoyed a strong game. Alec Cameron, for a young man in his first season of senior rugby, was also impressive with his high tackle rate and showed commendable aggression at the breakdown. Some wayward kicking from the Wanderers allowed full back Richie Graham to show his soundness in fielding the ball and his elusiveness in running the back through a splintered home defence. Wanderers fell away as an attacking force in the second half and the “Hills” would have been disappointed to add only the one try in the second period, but it was worth waiting for and showcased the skills of AJ McFarlane. Running the ball out to the left he looped with his outside centre to create a maul for replacement left wing David Webster. Some two phases later he created space for Kevin Lowrie to burst through for his second and his side’s bonus point try which McFarlane also goaled.

So the end of the year break has been reached with “Hills” still in the nether reaches of the table. This win should, however, give the squad and their coaches, the tireless Bill Macdonald and Chris Reid, some confidence for the final eight games which commence on Saturday the 9th January 2016 when Aberdeenshire make their first ever visit to Hughenden, kick off 14.00.

“Hills” 1st XV Richie Graham , Oscar Welsh ( Tom Harding ) , James Lowry , Scott Halliday , Andrew Bolster ( David Webster ) , AJ McFarlane ( C ) , Ross Thomson , Blair Mackenzie , Harry Perston , Josh Thom , Alec Cameron , Callum Stove, Kevin Lowrie , Christopher Tulloch , Craig Bryson . Subs Harry Singh, Adam Plunkett


As quiz nights go in most clubs, this was notable in many ways. Despite the best efforts of several, the “mics” failed to function, leading to an unprecedented rise in decibels in the Sports club bar with the trio of quizmasters, Messers Bell, Mackenzie and Plunkett, a well proportioned front row, having to shout to make themselves heard. The seven rounds of questions were certainly varied, but it was unanimously agreed that Adam Plunkett, who offered a “Science Round”, should be asked to resign and return to his position on the “Brain of Britain” panel team : “How many times heavier would Bobby Martin be if weighed on the surface of Jupiter compared to Earth ? “.

Quizmaster supreme, Murray Bell, incurred the wrath of at least one of the teams in his marking of the round - “ Name ten pop songs featuring an animal in the title” – when he refused the entry which included that well known rugby favourite, “ Cats on the Rooftops” . It’s all very well knowing the words and acknowledging the importance of “Crocodile Rock” in the genre, but to disavow “Cats” is a sad commentary on current rugby mores.

Pipe Major, Murray, growing increasingly incoherent as the night wore on, redeemed himself, however, and salvaged the reputation of the quiz and indeed the “Hills” by his innovation in introducing a “dance off” to determine the ( eventual ? ) quiz winners. Young Ross Thomson and the “ginger” Andy Bolster gyrated very convincingly to a variety of tunes on a hastily arranged space, cleared of debris from several rounds of drinks and the left overs from some post match pasta meals. The dance off was greeted with tumultuous applause from the rest of the bar, who questioned why they had been ignored in the dance selection.

The rest of the evening seemed to involve a game blowing up, tying and bursting balloons all in a ten second period. At this stage, it did not seem clear how the “pipe major” was going to determine the winner of the cash prize. But the fact is nobody really seemed to care as they had enjoyed a wonderful night of fun and insult, which should ensure that the next quiz will be even better attended and supported.

Oh and by the way and importantly, Murray, Blair, Adam and the “Collector”, Andy Scott, raised some £400.00 for Club funds. Very well done.


Hillhead/Jordanhill 13pts Cartha QP 41 pts

Persistent heavy rain had made for some uncertainty about whether the game would be played, but the Hughenden turf and infrastructure behaved impeccably, allowing the south side visitors to win this derby match comfortably and leave with five league points. Yet the opening exchanges were far from the one sided nature of the final score line with “Hills” seeing plenty of the ball, but incurring the displeasure of the referee, at one stage conceding seven successive penalties. This allowed “Cartha QP “ to build their confidence and from a driven line out, they scored a classic rolling maul try. “Hills” were not slow to respond with AJ McFarlane finding a long touch from one of the few penalties awarded to the home team. There was a hint of controversy about the position of the lineout close to the visitors try line and then some more discussion about the ensuing penalty awarded to “Hills”. During the “stairheid” debate following the line out offence , AJ McFarlane needed no second invitation to tap, go and touch down, a typical close range predator’s try. The conversion was missed and Cartha quickly re-assumed control, scoring with a fine move through their backs to take the score to five points to twelve after some thirty two minutes of play. AJ McFarlane knocked over a thirty five metre penalty goal and then narrowly missed another on the stroke of half time to leave the match relatively evenly poised at eight points to twelve.

Poor play from the “Hills” at the start of the second half allowed their visitors to advance the score by a converted try, but that introduced a period of play when honours were even. “Hills” started to see more of the ball and fine interpassing over on the stand side of the grounds provided space for “Dom” Gagleone to cross unopposed for a fine try. This gave encouragement to the sheltered group of “Hills” diehards in the stand, who felt, with the score at thirteen- nineteen, there was now a chance for the home side. Unfortunately the score did not close at all, and any optimism the try had raised was quickly extinguished by a devastating final quarter from the visitors who upped their play to run in four unanswered tries , one of which showcased some wonderful handling skills and sleight of hand from Cartha Centre, Andy Scott. A derby fixture which had stared promisingly for the “Hills” ended in a heavy defeat. The next three fixtures sees the “Hills” competing against sides all in the lower end of the table.

Next Saturday, the 5th December , “Hills” travel to Beveridge Park, Kirkcaldy, to play a league/cup double header. Kick off will be 15.00.

“Hills” 1st XV Richy Graham , Dominiceo Gagleone , James Lowry , Scott Halliday ( Jamie Maddox ) , Ruairidh Mayes , AJ McFarlane ( C ) , Ross Thomson , Josh Thom , Harry Perston , Jonathan Urquhart ( Blair Mackenzie ) , Kevin Lowrie , Callum Stove, Douglas Grove ( Johnny Clipstone ) , Christopher Tulloch ( Alec Cameron ) , Theo Nwosu – Hope. Subs all used.


Hillhead/Jordanhill 17pts Preston Lodge 19 pts

This was a game which got frustratingly away from “Hills”. Numerous chances were created in the first half to ensure a comfortable cushion at half time, but as it was “Hills” turned round two points adrift at twelve points to fourteen down. Flanker Jonny Clipstone burst from a ruck forty metres out after only two minutes; but was hauled down just short of the try line with no support in sight; outside centre Richy Graham was put through by AJ McFarlane’s sleight of hand but he was also tackled just short of the line. And so it went on, as “Hills” were profligate with their chances. The first score, when it came, fell to the visitors from East Lothian who benefitted from a very fortunate bounce of the ball. AJ McFarlane had kicked a long penalty from hand which bounced off the terracing steps back over the spectator fence into the welcoming hands of a Preston Lodge player who immediately took a quick throw in. By the time “Hills” had noticed the ball was not in touch, the visitors had moved the ball across the field and were faced with an easy run in to the “Hills” try line. This produced an instant response, and an excellent passing move involving the irrepressible McFarlane, the rejuvenated Christopher Tulloch playing at no. 8 and the sprightly Douglas Grove allowed Callum Stove to throw himself over the line. Parity was restored with McFarlane’s conversion, but then disaster again befell the “Hills” when in running the ball out of defence Clement Tranier slipped in passing to his winger, Jamie Maddox, allowing the visitors to pick up the loose ball and stride unopposed to the posts. The softness of this score again galvanised “ Hills” and Christopher Tulloch, after some driving play from the “Hills” forwards, crashed over the line to score. Unfortunately AJ McFarlane could not add the goals points.

The second half of the game was as close as the first with both defences on top. Clement Tranier continued to impress with his well balanced running out of defence and AJ McFarlane’s game craft shown through the gloom of the grey late autumnal day. But try as they might, the break through from “Hills” was elusive. Harry Perston had two strikes against the head and then a speculative blind side move in the opponents twenty two from Ross Thomson created enough space for substitute back James Lowry to cross for a try which took “Hills” three points up with twelve minutes to play. But the stuffy Preston Lodge side had their eyes on a win, and opposition pressure began to build which, despite heroic home defence, could not be contained. A series of drives on the home line were just kept out, but when the ball was spun wide, Preston Lodge found a chink in the “Hills” defence to cross for the winning try. The three remaining minutes of play saw “Hills” frantically trying to play the game in the opposition half but it was not to be. The spoils of victory to “Preston Lodge ” , the bitter taste of defeat to “Hills”.

Next Saturday, the 28th November, the Glasgow derby takes place at Hughenden when “Hills” play their long time city rivals, Cartha QP. Kick off will be 14.00.

“Hills” 1st XV Clement Tranier , Dominiceo Gagleone , Richie Graham , Scott Halliday, Jamie Maddox ( James Lowry ) , AJ McFarlane ( C ) , Ross Thomson , Josh Thom , Harry Perston , Jonathan Urquhart ( Blair Mackenzie ) , Kevin Lowrie ( Alec Cameron ) , Callum Stove, Douglas Grove ( Craig Bryson ) , Johnny Clipstone , Christopher Tulloch Subs. All used.


Hamilton 64 pts Hillhead/Jordanhill 10pts

It is very difficult to argue against a scoreline of thirty one points to nil after only twenty eight minutes of play and then a fulltime score of sixty four points to ten and suggest ”we wuz robbed”. The fact, however unpalatable, is that Hamilton confirmed their pedigree as runaway leaders of the BT NL 2, and “Hills” enjoyed only brief passages of play when they managed to upstage their opponents during this game on an eminently playable pitch.

Despite parity at the set scrum, “ Hills” were unable to match Hamilton’s fifteen man style of rugby where their backs moved the ball wide with refreshing speed and accuracy to constantly attack. When the visiting defence held firm through their midfield, Hamilton were adept at keeping play going through the enterprising interplay of backs and forwards which repeatedly stretched the “Hills” defence. “Hills” best moments in the game came from the craft of their midfield trio, AJ McFarlane, Richie Graham and Scott Halliday, who combined well to create opportunities for others. Clement Tranier’s running from deep on another day would have sparked more continuity but his promptings produced little.

“Hills” managed two late scores from backs substitute, Robbie Dwyer, who profited from his midfield being able to create space for him to come into the line and touch down. The scores were welcome and just reward for some spirited second half resistance which at least occupied Hamilton in some defensive chores, something which “ Hills” had not had too much opportunity to do for much of this game.

Next Saturday, the 21st November, “Hills” play east Lothian club, Preston Lodge, at home. Kick off will be 14.00.

“Hills” 1st XV Clement Tranier ( Robbie Dwyer ) , Dominic Gagleone , Richie Graham , Scott Halliday, Oscar Welch ( Ross Thomson ) , AJ McFarlane ( C ) ( Clement Tranier ), Ross Thomson ( A J McFarlane ) , Jonathan Urquhart ( Adam Plunkett ) , Harry Perston , Blair Mackenzie ( Jonathan Urquhart ) , Alec Cameron ( Kevin Lowrie ) , Callum Stove, , Kevin Lowrie ( Ryan Reilly ), Johnny Clipstone , Theo Nwosu-Hope Subs. Christopher Tulloch .


Hillhead/Jordanhill RFC 1st XV 14pts Biggar RFC 13pts

After the first forty minutes of play on a pitch remarkably firm after the early morning deluge, “Hills” looked down and out in this mid table NL 2 encounter at Hughenden. Their line out seriously malfunctioned and their set scrum provided few attacking returns. They were left to feed off scraps of possession or the individual bursts of Hamish Locke from the back or Josh Thom and Theo Nwosu-Hope up front. Indeed if it had not been for the profligacy of Biggar in handling errors, “Hills” would have conceded much more than the single try, conversion and two penalty goals which found them thirteen points adrift at half time.

It is not recorded exactly what words of wisdom head coach Bill Macdonald imparted during the half time “huddle”, but the second half witnessed a transformation with a new formation. AJ McFarlane was moved to stand off and Ross Thomson was now working the scrum and this gave some stability to the side. Suddenly the forward exchanges at both first and second phases became more even, and the overall intensity of play was lifted. “Hills” became more of an attacking force and opponents Biggar began to contribute to their eventual downfall by conceding far too many penalties. A very well driven line out maul allowed Douglas Grove to burrow over the line with McFarlane adding the conversion. That stung the visitors into series of attacks on the home line but a very committed defence from all the “Hills” players kept Biggar at bay.

The game craft of McFarlane at stand off, allied to the hard running of Scott Halliday in the centre and the increasing security of Callum Stove on the touchline , brought “Hills” back into it again, and with Biggar reduced once more to fourteen players , the home pack knew they had to wrest the initiative from their opponents. And a retreating scrum in the Biggar twenty two provided the opportunity for super sub. Johnny Clipstone to pick up and feed no. 8 , Theo Nwuso-Hope, who plunged over the line to touch down for the second try of the game. It was now up to the veteran and captain, AJ McFarlane to nudge his side into the lead with the conversion, and he obliged by bisecting the posts.

The last five minutes of the game were nerve shredding for both sets of supporters. “Hills” looked far from convincing in fielding Biggar’s kick off, and when Biggar won some go forward ball they then dropped it in the centre. Typically frenetic stuff but exciting nonetheless with both sides still in with a chance of winning the game. As it was “Hills” triumphed on this occasion to give themselves and their supporters a boost after the disappointment of the previous week.

Next week, the 14th November, “Hills” travel to play league leaders Hamilton. Please consult the website for Kick off information and details on travel.

“Hills” 1st XV Hamish Locke ( Clement Trainer ) ) , Dominic Gagleone , Richie Graham , Scott Halliday, Oscar Welch , Clement Tranier ( AJ McFarlane ( C ) ) AJ McFarlane ( Ross Thomson ) , Josh Thom, Harry Perston ( Jonathan Urquhart ) , Jonathan Urquhart ( BlairMackenzie ) , Alec Cameron , Callum Stove, Douglas Grove, Kevin Lowrie ( Johnny Clipstone ) , Theo Nwosu-Hope Subs. Ryan Reilly


Ardrossan Academicals RFC 1st XV 48 pts Hillhead/Jordanhill RFC 1st XV 19 pts

The final scoreline does not lie, but there was a brief period in this game at Memorial Field when “Hills” looked as if they were going to make a game of it. The first thirty five minutes had been virtually all one way traffic with the Ardrossan forwards making considerably better use than their opponents of the choice second phase ball they won and seeming to score almost at will such was their domination. Their try bonus point was secure, but then “Hills” sparked into life when Douglas Grove broke away in the home twenty two, took the play through three phases to allow scrum half and captain, AJ McFarlane, sufficient room to wriggle past the maul fringe defence and put Scott Halliday over for try at the posts. The conversion put a much healthier complexion on the half time score than the “Hills” performance actually deserved.

The third quarter of the game saw the visitors in much better form with their forwards starting to build possession across several phases and having AJ McFarlane sniping around the base of the breakdown. His all round gamecraft created space out left for centre Richie Graham to cross for a fine try which was unconverted, and five minutes later the scrum half cheekily took a tap penalty to himself some five metres out to crash over the line unopposed . The conversion was a formality and “Hills” were now within one converted score of Ardrossan. The small but vociferous travelling support were eagerly awaiting their team’s next score, but the “ comeback kids” lost their dominance very quickly and allowed the more vigorous and direct Ardrossan team back into the game. “Hills” had little answer to the home team’s hard running and the pick and drive routines of their forwards. The game slipped inexorably away from “Hills” in the final quarter and even the prospect of a consolation four try bonus point proved beyond them, as a Callum Stove drive up field ran out of steam and support.

On the basis of their first half performance, Ardrossan deserved their five point victory. “Hills” will need to regroup quickly for their next NL2 game which is at home on Saturday the 7th November vs Biggar with a 14.30 hours K.O.

“Hills” 1st XV Oscar Welch ( Robbie Dwyer ) , Dominic Gagleone , Richie Graham , Scott Halliday, James Maddox ( Oscar Welch ) , Clerment Tranier, AJ McFarlane ( C ) , Josh Thom, Harry Perston , Blair Mackenzie (Adam Plunkett) , Christopher Tulloch ( Alec Cameron ) , Callum Stove, Douglas Grove ( Kevin Lowrie ) , Johnny Clipstone ( Kevin Lowrie ) , Theo Nwosu-Hope Subs. All used


Hillhead/Jordanhill RFC 1st XV 34 pts Lasswade RFC 1st XV 24 pts

The minute’s silence before the game in memory of the ”Hills” stalwart, Grahame Locke, seemed to have a soporific effect on the home team, as they immediately surrendered territory and impetus to a lively Lassawde side who impressed with their spirit and running energy. Such was the visitors’ early monopoly of field matters that they opted not to take a penalty at goal from in front of the home posts, but kick to the right hand bottom corner at Hughenden for a driven lineout across the home line which was nonchalantly converted by their very able stand –off. Worse was to follow for the “Hills” when Lasswade attacked in numbers down the home right flank with only desperate defence from Hamish Locke keeping them out. But the visitors from Midlothian could not be denied when they added a further try and goal points from a well worked move once against down their wide left channel. At the end of the first quarter, “Hills” were looking somewhat bedraggled and in need of some change of fortune. It came, as so often happens in a fractured game, from a speculative kick ahead by flanker Douglas Grove whose follow up, catch and drive eluded the despairing visiting defence. The score seemed to settle “Hills”, but their attacking plays at times lacked conviction and the forceful driving need to break organised defences. But the piratical looking Jonathan Urquhart eventually linked well with his half backs to leave full back Robbie Dwyer sufficient room to cross in the corner and move “Hills” closer to their visitors at ten point to fourteen than they actually merited at half time.

Whatever information was passed by the “Hills” coaches, Bill MacDonald and Chris Reid, to the players remains unknown, but it had an immediately galvanising effect on their performance. Gone was their stuttering first half ineptness to be replaced by thoughtful running rugby at the heart of which was Frenchman, Clerment Trainer, whose probing, kicking and distribution was a joy to watch. His first dart at the Lasswade defence produced a sumptuous offload which inside centre Scott Halliday raced onto to touch down wide just to the left of the posts with AJ McFarlane converting ; his second “assist” produced a long flat pass which missed out both centres but found no. 8 Theo Nwosu-Hope running clear in the wide right channel for an easy touch down; and his third play produced a classic Garryowen which centre Scott Halliday gathered amid a splintered visiting defence to put full back Robbie Dwyer away for his second and “Hills” fifth try. The third quarter had produced seventeen unanswered points for the home side, but the best of the afternoon was yet to come.

Hamish Locke has started on the left wing beat and had revealed only occasional glimpses of his talent, but a move to the outside centre berth was the catalyst. Taking a short range pass from Trainer at speed some thirty metres from the Lasswade line, Locke showed his athleticism in sprinting in untouched for the try with a coruscating turn of pace. “Hills” were now twenty points ahead and the game in its final quarter. But worryingly for the rather tense home support, “Hills “ reverted to their earlier dreamy play and allowed their spirited visitors back into the game with two well worked tries. Lasswade had produced a fair head of enthusiasm in the final ten minutes and were disappointed when the admirable

match referee, Neil Sutherland, brought the game to its conclusion. Lasswade then left with a try bonus point while “Hills” accrued five for their efforts.

This was a good afternoon’s entertainment for the small but enthusiastic crowd,. “Hills” are next at home on Saturday the 24th for their next NL 2 fixture vs Falkirk with a 15.00 hours K.O.

“Hills” 1st XV Robbie Dwyer, Oscar Welch, James Reekie ( Hamish Locke ) , Scott Halliday, Hamish Locke ( Ross Thomson ) , Clerment Tranier, AJ McFarlane ( C ) , Josh Thom, Jonathan Urquhart, Blair Mackenzie ( Mo Adams ) , Christopher Tulloch, Alec Cameron, Douglas Grove ( James Clipstone ) , Theo Nwosu-Hope, Kevin Lowrie ( Ryan Reilly ) Subs. All used


Hillhead/Jordanhill RFC 1st XV 27pts Greenock Wanderers 1st XV 15 pts

In a game more notable for the effort and energy that both sides expended rather the quality of some of the rugby played, “Hills” did just enough over the full eighty minutes of this contest against the Wanderers to merit a hard earned victory by two goals, two tries and a penalty goal to one goal, one try and a penalty, thereby earning five league points from the fixture. In truth there were few patches of continuity rugby from either side, as there was no clear dominance of either the scrum or line out, and when the ball was won, handling and ball retention skills were not always as either the players would have wished or both sets of coaches might have expected.

Nevertheless there were some stand out performances both from the visitors and the hosts : scrum half Andy McDougall for Greenock had a fine game displaying the full range of skills, as did inside centre Callum Robb with second rower, Murray McDonald putting in a fine shift. For the visitors, scrum half and captain , AJ “ Chunk” McFarlane, provided the necessary direction and leadership for his side; Tonci Buzov was his usual abrasive self in the loose, Callum Stove showed up well in the line out and loose head prop, Josh Thom, had an excellent game, both in the tight and Loose.

Wanderers started brightly with Frizzell converting a close range penalty, but the “Hills “ pack put together a series of drives which resulted in Josh Thom scoring. The “Hills” prop was soon to double his season’s try tally, when he profited from a typical Buzov drive to finish off close to the posts, giving McFarlane a straightforward conversion. “Hills” should have extended their lead following a fine interception by Grove, but despite a good crossfield passing move the final thrust was forced out by the corner flag. This stung the visitors into a swift response with McDougall knifing through the home defence to touch down unopposed and present Lavelle with an easy conversion. The end to end tryfest continued with “Hills” centre Craig Bryson next to benefit from the deadly McFarlane/ Buzov combination when he touched down by the posts and once again McFarlane converted. But just before the break with “Hills” reduced to fourteen, the combative Kevin Lowrie having been sin binned, Harrison scored for Greenock to make the half time score nineteen points to fifteen for the hosts.

The second half was less frenetic with neither side having much by way of territorial domination. But there was always menace when Buzov and McFarlane got in on the act, and it was these two players who were involved in the lead up to Douglas Grove’s close range try. Despite loads of effort and application, neither side could extend their cause in try scoring, and it was left to the veteran McFarlane to end the scoring with a well struck penalty from some thirty five metres.

So “Hills” mini revival continues with wins in successive games, while the Wanderers still seek their elusive opening points in their campaign. Competition in the league is now suspended temporarily to allow the first round of the Cup to take place with “Hills” renewing their acquaintance with Kirkcaldy whom they last played only two weeks ago at Hughenden, but on this occasion visit Beveridge Park for the fixture.

“Hills” 1st XV Robbie Dwyer, Ruairidh Mayes, Craig Bryson ( Richie Graham ) , Scott Halliday, Oscar Welch, Clerment Tranier, AJ McFarlane ( C ) , Josh Thom, Harry Perston, Jonathan Urquhart ( George Stephenson ) , Callum Stove, Alex Cameron, Douglas Grove, Tonci Buzov, Kevin Lowrie ( Tom Harding ) Subs Christopher Tulloch

HillJills 66 - Cartha 7

Thanks to Iain Dewar for taking them and passing them on.


Whitecraigs 10pts Hillhead/Jordanhill 15pts

A win for the “Hills” in the BT Domestic Leagues had to happen sometime. After all, it was only some twenty four games ago on the 22nd March 2014 that “Hillhead/Jordanhill RFC ” last registered a win against Biggar; so the soothsayers were certain to forecast correctly for the 12th September 2015!! Only two “Hills” players remain from that last victory, Scott Halliday and David Paterson, and the taste of victory must have been sweet for them. Also the small but intrepid band of supports who made their way to the south side at West Lodge for this seminal event of the “Hills” 15/16 campaign would have enjoyed the experience.

The game itself, however, was much more prosaic. Two very well matched sides went at it furiously in a hard, competitive way, but with no single malicious activity ; match referee Andy Somers receiving credit for his control and direction. In truth, there were few memorable rugby moments to recall in the post match glow. A well controlled rolling maul with Douglas Grove as ball carrier allowed “Hills” to register their first try with the man of the match, AJ McFarlane, amply filling the no. 20 jersey converting nonchalantly from the right hand touchline. “Hills” second try was down to the quick thinking of no. 8 Tonci Buzov, who reacted first to the referee’s award of a five metre penalty for the illegal chopping of Ruairidh’s Mayes mazy run by tapping, picking up and plunging over the line.

The “Hills” half time lead of twelve points to ten was a mighty precarious one, and thankfully “AJ”, revealing rather late in his rugby career a competence in goal kicking, piloted over a thirty yard penalty to nudge the visitors into a five point lead. This was in the fiftieth minute of play, and the “Hills” touch judge for the day was heard to remark : “ the next score would be crucial to the outcome of the game” . Not for the first time he got it wrong, as the final thirty minutes remained scoreless with Whitecraigs attacking relentlessly, and equally the “Hills” defence resolutely repulsing them. The collective defiance of the team was much evident, as was the field craft of AJ McFarlane and Tonci Buzov who individually and collectively worked well to use what possession came their way effectively and also “wind down the clock “.

So will the victory and its smallish margin impact on a “revival ? Come along to Hughenden on Saturday the 19th when “Hills” play their fourth game in National league 2 at Hughenden against Greenock Wanderers with a 15.00 K.O to find out. There is a pre-match lunch ; names please to John Maclean All friends and supporters will be made very welcome.

“Hills” 1st XV Rory Harte ( Angus Smith ) , Oscar Welch, Robbie Dwyer, Scott Halliday , Ruairidh Mayes , David Paterson, AJ McFarlane ( C ) , Josh Thom, Harry Perston ( Carlos Celsis , George

Stephenson ( Blair McKenzie ) , Callum Stove, Alex Cameron , Douglas Grove , Tonci Buzov , Kevin Lowrie ( Craig Bryson ) . Subs All used

LATE RUSH SEES “HILLS” FALL SHORT : 5th September 2015

Hillhead/Jordanhill 27 pts Kirkcaldy RFC 31 pts

On a glorious early autumnal day for running rugby, a fine rumbustious start from “Hills” was quickly eclipsed by Kirkcaldy who controlled the second quarter of the game to deservedly go into half time twenty four points to twelve ahead; and then the visitors bossed the third quarter to reach what appeared to be an unassailable thirty one points to twelve lead only for the hosts to roar back in the final quarter and almost steal the game at the final whistle. “ Hills” then took two points from this game, one for the four try bonus and the other for the losing bonus while Kirkcaldy took the full five points.

A injury sustained during the warm up period by new start Craig Haddow at stand-off might have caused some disruption, but there was no hint of it as captain AJ McFarlane directed play astutely from stand –off. Robbie Dwyer missed an early penalty, but some impressive driving from a seemingly rejuvenated pack from the one badly defeated at Dumbreck allowed outside centre Angus Smith to burrow over close to the left corner to open “Hills” score. But even with Tonci Buzov destructive in open play, the “Hills” could not piece together sufficient continuity ball to worry Kirkcaldy who came back into it well with some impressive open field running from their wingers who tested the “Hills” defence and found it wanting. The hosts quickly fell behind fourteen points to five, and it was only through an opportunistic play from Andrew Scott ( jnr ) at scrum half that kept his side in contention : a snap kick over the visitors defence bounced kindly for him to pick up and scuttle over the line for a fine score. Robbie Dwyer converted but Kirkcaldy continued to run well at “Hills” and stretched away with a further two tries just before the interval.

The start of the third quarter offered little joy for the “Hills” support as, despite the promptings of AJ Mcfarlane now operating in his favoured “9” position, little headway could be made against a well organised Kirkcaldy side who moved the ball well through Sanft, their playmaker, to score a fifth try which was converted. Previously this margin, some nineteen points, would have been sufficient in season 2014-2015 for the ceiling to fall in on “Hills”. But they rallied well. Loose head prop Josh Thom’s ball carrying was becoming more prominent ; Tonci Buzov raised his game and Scott Halliday ran with menace on the right wing every time the ball was worked to him.

No. 8 Buzov finished well at close range following a series of drives on the Kirkcaldy line ; Douglas Grove followed up well following a fine run from Halliday ; and, as the “stadium clock” seemed to be stuck on the seventy ninth minute for quite a while, Rory Harte raced through to touch down for the “Hills” third try in some twelve minutes of play. Unfortunately Robbie Dywer could not convert any ; but astonishingly there was time for Kirkcaldy to take the restart kick. “Hills” ran back well, but in stretching the visitors on the wide left channel the ball was knocked on and that was it. A much improved and heartening performance then from “Hills” saw them just fall short in what was a good advert for NL 2 rugby.

“Hills” play their third game in National league 2 at West Lodge on SATURDAY the 12th September against Whitecraigs with a 15.00 K.O. All friends and supporters will be made very welcome.

“Hills” 1st XV Rory Harte, Scott Halliday, Angus Smith, Robbie Dwyer ( Robbie Williamson ) , Rhuairidh Mayes , AJ McFarlane ( C ) ( Robbie Dwyer ) , Andrew Scott ( jnr ) ( A J McFarlane ) , Josh Thom, Harry Perston , Jonathan Urquhart ( Mo. Adams ) , Callum Stove, Alex Cameron ( Tom Harding ) , Douglas Grove , Tonci Buzov , Craig Bryson. Subs Konstantin Muller – Rettstatt

Photos can be found at Photobucket and on the Hills Facebook Page.


RHC Women 1st XV 40pts Hillhead/Jordanhill 1st XV 32pts

Anyone doubting the intensity and energy of the womens game in Scotland should have been present at the RHC grounds in the leafy Barnton suburbs of Edinburgh to watch this clash between “East” and “West” on a wonderful afternoon for open rugby. Twelve tries were shared between the teams with RHC edging the keenly fought contest due to the footballing skills of their stand- off Clare Bain who converted five of her side’s six tries. Unfortunately Jenny Johnston who had an energetic game throughout for the visitors just could not find the target consistently, and converted only one of her team’s tries.

“Hills” strike runner, Megan Gaffney, was soon into action striding untroubled through the RHC ranks to touch down, but RHC struck back quickly and dominated the next twenty minutes racing to a twenty one points to five lead due to good passing and finishing across their back line and Bain supplying the goal points. This stung the visitors into action and “Hills”, without their Scottish Forwards , Jade Konkel and Lana Skeldon, both injured, hit back with some continuity play involving Rachael Whyte, Jenny Johnston and Louise McMillan to provide opportunities for Megan Gaffney to add a further two tries, one of which Jenny Johnston converted to take the game to half time with “Hills” seventeen to twenty one points down.

The pace did not diminish in the third quarter with RHC quickly adding another converted try to take them two scores clear. The next try was going to be crucial as if “Hills” scored, it would keep them in the game. Thanks to a lung bursting run out of defence by Lynsey Bennett, which showed that the family sporting genes were not the exclusive property of her brother Mark, the Scotland centre, Abie Evans on the left wing for “Hills” was able to score in the corner. Twenty two- twenty eight, and the excitement was growing, but then a harsh decision by the referee robbed “Hills” of their combative captain, Jemma Forsyth, due to a technical offence at the breakdown. Outnumbered “Hills” began to struggle with RHC adding an unconverted try, but the visitors rallied again and good passing exchanges between backs and forwards allowed Abie Evans to cross for her second try of the afternoon. The momentum then moved back to the hosts with another well worked converted try to take then thirteen points ahead with ten minutes left. Then in bravely tackling an opposing forward, Jemma Forsyth sustained a head knock signalling her departure from the game. Full marks to the “Hills” however who overcame this loss to work their way again up the field to allow Abie Evans another run to the line thereby recording her third try of the afternoon. There was little time left for the “Hills” to close the gap again , and the referee blew for “no side” at the end of a well and evenly contested game with the visitors only having one try bonus point to show for all their endeavours. Make no mistake this was a good advert for the women's game in Scotland.

“Hills” now have to gather themselves and hope some of their International players will be able to return soon. Their next game is away at Melrose on Sunday the 6th September with a 14.00 hours start.

Hlls Ladies 1st XV Mary Lafaki, Amy Watson, ( Jo Boland ) Megan Gaffney, Hannah Telling, Abie Evans, Kirstin Daly, Rachael Whyte, Heather Lockhart, Lindsey Smith, Fiona Dorman, Jenny Johnston, Tamsin Tyeson, Lynsey Bennett, Louise McMillan, Jemma Forsyth ( C ) ( Andrea Gaffney ) Subs All used


Cartha QP 33pts Hillhead/Jordanhill 14 pts

While the hosts, Cartha QP, fully deserved their five try bonus point victory under the Dumbreck floodlights, a result which was fashioned on an aggressive opening forward dominated thirty minutes , “Hills” took some consolation from a much improved second half performance and the precocious talents of their full back, Rory Harte.

In the first forty minutes, the Cartha forwards delivered a master class in the arts of close driving play which did not allow “Hills” any useable possession at all such was the home team’s domination of the line out, the set piece and the breakdown. The only relief from the Cartha QP siege tactics was provided by individual bursts from scrum half and captain, AJ McFarlane, no,8 Tonci Buzov , who spent ten minutes in the sin bin after a breakdown offence, and the silky running skills of the coltish Harte. The hosts had secured their fourth and bonus point try by the thirty third minute with “Hills” hardly being able to string any continuity rugby together, such was the meagre rations they had to feed off. But an encouraging spell of play initiated by a break from inside centre Robbie Dwyer allowed them to establish a platform close to the home line. Some good recycling allowed second rower, Chris Tulloch, to cross the line unopposed by the posts with Dwyer adding the goals points.

The half time score of twenty six points to seven actually flattered “Hills, ” but Cartha QP were now down to fourteen men, one of their players having offended just before the interval. But any prospects for pegging back the opposition were lost when on a promising break out of defence, “Hills” gifted their opposition the ball, and the hosts added to their lead with a converted try. The visitors tried to lift their game with the back three of Harte, Richie Graham and Oscar Welsh frequently looking to trouble the opposition. AJ McFarlane continued to harry his opposite number and make good use of some occasional quick possession from the breakdowns which were becoming more even thanks to the charges of Buzov in the open field. A typical blind side thrust allowed McFarlane to touch down after sixty four minutes of play ; Dwyer converted. Try as hard as they might with Mo Adams becoming more prominent with ball in hand, the “Hills” could find no way through the tigerish home defence. Any last chances of adding to their two tries were further undermined when two of the visitors, Chris Tulloch and Oscar Welsh, were awarded red cards for some law 10 indiscretions in a midfield misunderstanding. Some, on hearing of the two dismissals, would consider this had been a very tousy match with constant physical interactions between the players ; certainly while the match was very competitive throughout, it could never have been construed as bordering on the dangerous or malicious. So “Hills” trooped off disconsolate and short handed. It had not been a happy return to Dumbreck.

“Hills” play their second game in National league 2 at Hughenden on SATURDAY the 5th September against Kirkcaldy with a 15.00 K.O. All friends and supporters will be made very welcome.

“Hills” 1st XV Rory Harte, Richie Graham, Angus Smith, Robbie Dwyer, Oscar Welsh, David Paterson ( AJ McFarlane ) AJ McFarlane ( C ) , Andrew Scott ( jnr ) , Mo. Adams ( Josh Thom ) Harry Perston ( Josh Thom ) , Konstantin Muller – Rettstatt ( George Stephenson ), Callum Stove, Chris Tulloch, Josh Thom ( Kevin Lowrie ), Tonci Buzov , Ryan Reilly ( Craig Bryson )


The second of the three pre- seasons weekend games found the “Hills” squad travelling to Newcastle for an inter Club mini tournament with Broughton from Edinburgh and the home Novocastrian Club ( Novos RFC ) which numbers among its alumni Jim Pollock, a member of the 1984 Scotland Grand slam side and former “Hills” prop, Nick Cotterill, an esteemed supporter of the “Hills” Hawaii Golfing Society. When a club has the likes of Iain Dewar in its midst, you can be certain that all matters of entertainment will be provided on the long bus trip, and so it was on the outward journey that the Good Doctor attended to family entertainment by acting as a quiz master with a series of tests which revealed his extensive, eclectic interests. Unfortunately, most of the subject matter was suitable for the “silver surfers” on the bus, as the questions generally covered the decades before many of those on the bus had been born. Ah the joys !!

The rugby was encouraging. The first game, two halves of twenty minutes , was against Broughton who are now in SRU East League 2 which has some very keen local derbies this Season for Clubs adjacent to the Ferry Road. Their pack was certainly a match up front for the “Hills”, but out in the wider channels the returning Hamish Locke and Rory Harte had too much pizazz for their opponents, and “Hills” ran out comfortable winners fourteen points to five with Robbie Dwyer showing good early season form with kicking from both hand and ground. The second and final game of the afternoon was against Novos first team who presented an altogether different challenge in terms of both rugby and physical maturity. “Hills”, with some splendid midfield tackling from Scott Halliday and excellent line out work from Callum Stove , gave a good account of themselves, but an interception try lost after a period of driving at the home line proved to the visitors’ undoing and Novos came through strongly to defeat “Hills” by twenty nine points to fourteen. A good afternoon was enjoyed by all, and the party repaired to the club house to enjoy BBQ hospitality and watch Scotland do well in Dublin.

A bus journey home after such an away day is to be enjoyed. There are always tales to tell. This tour had two episodes which bear repetition ; all tour aficionados will know that the best tales, however, stay on tour. Craig McLenneghan, Hughenden’s answer to Sir Bradley Wiggins, had determined to bring his bicycle with him to Newcastle. This bizarre behaviour is as yet unexplained ; indeed the best tourists generally go looking for a bicycle after their tour game !! But the homeward bus journey from Novos required a detour to the main railway station in Newcastle to allow Craig to catch the last train to Edinburgh along with his bike and the obligatory carry out. Strange indeed !! The other tale of the “unexpected ” relates to the people’s friend, Adam Plunkett, who was overcome by a combination of too many “hot dogs” and John Barleycorn’s finest and gave a more than passable imitation of Rip Van Winkle, that is apart from the excessive snottering from his nostrils; see Hills Facebook pages. All returned safely at 00.15.

The “Hills” final pre-season game is at Torrance House, East Kilbride, on Saturday the 22nd with a 15.00 hours K.O. All spectators welcome.

“Hills “ squad and officials. Adam Plunkett, Angus Smith, Callum Stove, Carlos Cellis, Lord Christopher Tulloch, Craig McLenneghan, David Paterson, Darryl Elvin, Douglas Grove ( C ), Hamish Locke, Harry Peston, Harry Singh, John Kelly, Josh Thom, Mo. Adams, Oscar Welsh, Robbie Dwyer, Rory Harte, Ryan Reilly, Scott Halliday, Tonci Buzov, Will McLean. Coaching Staff – Bill Macdonald, Murray Bell, Stuart Torbett. Match Manager – Kenny Campbell. Ents. and Photographer – Iain Dewar. Cub reporter – Bernie Mitchell.