

We have a change this year in our pre-season arrangements. Beginning this coming Tuesday, the 7th June, and continuing till Tuesday the 5th July i.e. for five consecutive Tuesdays, we have an S and C programme to enable all playing members to get into better shape physically for the beginning of the actual pre-season training on TUESDAY the 12th JULY.

The core elements of the S and C sessions will address some running activities and then weights programmes. The sessions are OPEN TO ALL; BUT best if you are there from the 7th June.

Management and control of the five TUESDAY EVENINGS are entrusted to JAMES LOWRY, one of our playing members who is also well qualified in this area.

Hope as many as possible can attend. N.B. NO STUDDED FOOTWEAR, only trainers allowed.

Further information on the programme from 12th JULY will be posted soon.

Best wishes

Bernie Mitchell

Head of Rugby- Hillhead/Jordanhill RFC


Pictured on the left are Tonci Buzov, the Croatian International No. 8 and captain, Bernie Mitchell, head of Rugby for Hillhead/Jordanhill RFC , presenting Ian Smith, Bryan Maxwell and Lynsey Paris of Circle Affinity, with a signed Scotland RWC 2015 jersey, won at a recent post match function and auction in the clubhouse at Hughenden.

Bernie explained : “ Tonci broke his neck on the 26th September. His progress since then during his time at the Spinal Unit at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital and thereafter during his ongoing rehabilitation has been an inspiration to all who know him, both in Scotland and the wider rugby community beyond. The Scottish Rugby Union, via Stuart Dow of the Murrayfield Injured Players’ Foundation, have been immensely supportive. Stuart supplied the jersey and suggested it should be auctioned to provide Tonci with much needed funds for his support. The “Hills” were very happy to do this , and were delighted when Circle Affinity took up the challenge to bid for it. “

Ian Smith, “ Director of Circle Affinity “ and a Glasgow Warriors season ticket holder added : “Tonci’s story is an absolutely inspiring one and we are all delighted to have been able to assist in some small way in his rehabilitation, we hope to be able to continue this support and would also wish to say how impressed we are with the support being provided by Tonci’s club – it just reiterates how generous the folks of Rugby can be”

TRESPASS – Video Recording at Hughenden

Please follow the links below to see the video produced by Trespass. It's well produced, very creative, very well integrated and shows off our training methods, Club and Douglas Grove, our Club captain, to great effect.

Here’s the video:

And the blog post:

Update on Tonci Buzov


Following assessment and observation overnight in the Victoria Hospital in Kirkcaldy, Tonci was brought to-day by ambulance to the high dependency Edenhall Ward of the Spinal Unit at the Southern General Hospital here in Glasgow. Given the extent of his trauma, his spirt and attitude are both remarkable and very positive. It is hoped Tonci may be operated on this coming Wednesday, but that is not yet certain. His partner, Ana, has been with him all day, and he has had visits from Ants Posa and AJMcFarlane.

The Club has been moved by the number of enquiries and good wishes it has received via its Facebook Site and also by email. Kindred Clubs have been in touch ; members of Kirkcaldy RFC : SRU Council members and officials and also many of the “Hills” global diaspora. The President of the SRU, Eddie Crozier, telephoned from Leeds at half time during the RWC game vs South Africa to express his support and best wishes for a positive outcome.

The Club will begin working to-morrow with the SRU, Graham Ireland, trustee of the Murrayfield Centenary fund and Stuart Dow, its welfare officer, to arrange flights from Croatia for Tonci’s parents. There will also be support offered towards accommodation costs for them while in Glasgow.

There has been a stream of enquiries/requests about visiting. All should respect and be aware of the fact Tonci is exhausted and concerned ; but visits are possible. To-morrow, the holiday Monday, the Spinal Unit is open from 12.00 till 21.00. On Tuesday, it reverts to its normal times of 16.00 – 21.00. To avoid any upset, it is requested that visits from players and friends are restricted to two people /hour. I have agreed with AJ, Ana and Antony Posa that these are best scheduled. If you wish to visit on Monday please text/email ( NO telephone calls please ) Bernie Mitchell by 08.00 on Monday morning and you will receive a response by 09.30 that morning. ; ditto 10.30 Tuesday , ditto 13.00. Contact details 07968 703350 ;

Unless there is any new information about Tonci’s condition, there will be NO further posting till after Tonci’s operation. Our hopes and prayers remain with Tonci for a successful outcome.

McCrea Financial Services extends support for Hills Rugby for another 2 years

Hillhead Jordanhill RFC are delighted with continued valuable corporate support we receive from McCrea Financial Services and hope that they will continue to be part of the Hills family for many seasons to come. With Hills having so many young and old players [male and female] at Hughenden sponsorship is vital to our club.

Former Hills, Warriors and Scotland star Dougie Hall has joined McCrea Financial Services as a trainee financial advisor and hopefully members will keep Dougie in mind should they require any assistance with their financial matters.

Dougie who recently retired from Glasgow Warriors said “For my part, without the support of both clubs, I wouldn’t have accomplished half of what I did in my rugby career".

Post-Training Pasta - Thursdays

Serving of pasta meals on Thursday evenings in the first floor Sports club bar after training – 20.45h – has recommenced. Last Thursday, 6th August, fourteen players stayed behind to sit down and chat to their (new) team mates and friends over a plate of pasta.

This is to encourage a few more of those who train regularly and would welcome a nutritious meal – well priced at £3.00 (three pounds) – to stay behind after training.

This is one way to re-establish a rugby culture at Hughenden and build for a successful future this season. Bernie hopes to see more players this Thursday and on succeeding weeks.


This is to advise that our new lead physiotherapist, Michael Clark, will be taking the clinics on Tuesday and Thursday, 11th and 13th August, this week. Michael comes from having a background with professional rugby in England and more recently private practice work in Central Scotland.

As you know Michael’s predecessor , Catherine Phillips stood down from her role at the 2015 Players Awards dinner. She will be less active this season, but still able to help us from time to time along with our other support members, Stephen Coyle and Mike McIntyre.

Can I ask please for your patience until all support systems are firmly in place.


Tonci Buzov, Bernie Mitchell, Ian Smith, Bryan Maxwell and Lynsey Paris with a signed Scotland RWC 2015 jersey, won at a recent post match function and auction in the clubhouse at Hughenden.