Fossil Cladoceran References

NOTE: For many of these references, I have pdfs. This list includes all known papers on the fossil record of cladocerans (i.e. water fleas). Some of the 'subfossil cladoceran' literature is included, but I have not made an exhaustive survey of this area. If you think I am missing something, please let me know!

Fossil Cladoceran references (116)


1.Adamczak, F. (1965). On some Cambrian bivalved Crustacea and egg cases of the Cladocera. Stockholm Contributions in Geology 13, 27–34.


2.Álvarez-Parra, S. & Peñalver, E. (2020). Palaeoentomological study of the lacustrine oil-shales of the lower Miocene San Chils locality (Ribesalbes-Alcora Basin, Castellón province, Spain). Spanish Journal of Palaeontology 34, 187–204.


3.Álvarez-Parra, S., Albesa, J., Gouiric-Cavalli, S., Montoya, P., Peñalver, E., Sanjuan, J. & Crespo, V. (2021). The early Miocene lake of Foieta la Sarra-A and its relevance for the reconstruction of the Ribesalbes-Alcora Basin palaeoecology (E Iberian Peninsula). Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 66, S13–S30.


4.Anderson, L. I., Crighton, W. R. B. & Hass, H. (2003). A new univalve crustacean from the Early Devonian Rhynie chert hot-spring complex. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Earth Sciences 94, 355–369.


5.Bennike, O. (1995). Palaeoecology of two lake basins from Disko, West Greenland. Journal of Quaternary Science 10, 149–155.


6.Bennike, O., Björck, S., Böcher, J. & Walker, I. R. (2000). The Quaternary arthropod fauna of Greenland: a review with new data. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Denmark 47, 111–134.


7.Bennike, O., Sarmaja-Korjonen, K. & Seppänen, A. (2004). Reinvestigation of the classic late-glacial Bølling Sø sequence, Denmark: chronology, macrofossils Cladocera and chydorid ephippia. Journal of Quaternary Science 19, 465–478.


8.Bergue, C. T., Kotov, A. A. & Maranhão, M. S. A. S. (2015). Ephippia of Cladocera (Crustacea: Branchiopoda) from the Oligocene Tremembé palaeolake, Brazil. Journal of Natural History 49, 2265–2273.


9.Bjerring, R., Nykänen, M., Sarmaja-Korjonen, K., Sinev, A. Y., Jensen, K., Nevalainen, L., Szeroczyńska, K. & Zawisza, E. (2008). Description of the subfossil head shield of Alona protzi Hartwig 1900 (Anomopoda, Chydoridae) and the environmental characteristics of its finding sites. Studia Quaternaria 25, 47–53.


10. Boikova, O. S. (2017). The origin of Cladocera (Crustacea, Branchiopoda): A new understanding of an old hypothesis. Biological Bulletin 44, 672–687.


11. Cornetti, L., Fields, P. D., Van Damme, K. & Ebert, D. (2019). A fossil-calibrated phylogenomic analysis of Daphnia and the Daphniidae. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 137, 250–262.


12. Courtney-Mustaphi, C. J., Steiner, E., von Fumetti, S. & Heiri, O. (2024). Aquatic invertebrate mandibles and sclerotized remains in Quaternary lake sediments. Journal of Paleolimnology 71, 45–83.


13. Dechaseaux, C. (1953). Sous-classe des Branchiopodes (Branchiopoda Latreille 1817). Traité de Paléontologie 3, 257–268.


14. Dickinson, K. A. & Swain, F. M. (1967). Late Cenozoic freshwater Ostracoda and Cladocera from northeastern Nevada. Journal of Paleontology 41, 335–350.


15. Dumont, H. J., Pociecha, A., Zawisza, E., Szeroczyńska, K., Worobiec, E. & Worobiec, G. (2020). Miocene cladocera from Poland. Scientific Reports 10, 12107.


16. Elmoor-Loureiro, L. M. A. (2006). Male claspers and lobes homology of the first thoracopod among cladocerans (Branchiopoda). Nauplius 13, 19–22.


17. Eyun, S.-I. (2017). Phylogenomic analysis of Copepoda (Arthropoda, Crustacea) reveals unexpected similarities with earlier proposed morphological phylogenies. BMC Evolutionary Biology 17, 23.


18. Flössner, D. & Fryer, G. (2016). An Early Cretaceous anomopod (Crustacea: Branchiopoda) preserved in amber that reveals an unexpected venture during the evolution of the order. Journal of Natural History 50, 1291–1304.


19. Frey, D. G. (1976). Interpretation of Quaternary paleoecology from Cladocera and midges, and prognosis regarding usability of other organisms. Canadian Journal of Zoology 54, 2208–2226.


20. Frey, D. G. (1991). First subfossil records of Daphnia headshields and shells (Anomopoda, Daphniidae) about 10,000 years old from northernmost Greenland, plus Alona guttata (Chydoridae). Journal of Paleolimnology 6, 193–197.


21. Fritsch, A. (1910). Miscellanea Palaeontologica. II. Mesozoica. Prag: Selbstverlag.


22. Fryer, G. (1991). A daphniid ephippium (Branchiopoda: Anomopoda) of Cretaceous age. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 102, 163–167.


23. Fryer, G. & Flössner, D. (2017). A comment on remarks made by Van Damme & Kotov (2016) on the fossil record of the Cladocera (Branchiopoda), with particular reference to the recently described Pseudoscapholeberis enigmatica Flössner & Fryer, 2016. Crustaceana 90, 761–763.


24. Garibian, P. G., Karabanov, D. P., Neretina, A. N., Taylor, D. J. & Kotov, A. A. (2021). Bosminopsis deitersi (Crustacea: Cladocera) as an ancient species group: a revision. PeerJ 9, e11310.


25. Golubtsova, V. K. (1978). Stratigrafichesniye i paleontologichesniye issledovaniya v belorussii [Stratigraphic and paleontological investigations in Belarus]. Minsk: Nauka i Tekhnika.


26. Greaves, P. M. (2012). An introduction to the branchiopod crustaceans. Quekett Journal of Microscopy 41, 679–694.


27. Greenwalt, D., Rose, T., Siljestrom, S., Goreva, Y., Constenius, K. & Wingerath, J. (2015). Taphonomic studies of the fossil insects of the Middle Eocene Kishenehn Formation. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 60, 931–947.


28. Gueriau, P., Rabet, N., Clément, G., Lagebro, L., Vannier, J., Briggs, D. E. G., Charbonnier, S., Olive, S. & Béthoux, O. (2016). A 365-Million-Year-Old Freshwater Community Reveals Morphological and Ecological Stasis in Branchiopod Crustaceans. Current Biology 26, 383–390.


29. Hegna, T. A. (2012). Phylogeny and Fossil Record of Branchiopod Crustaceans: An Integrative Approach. Ph.D. thesis, Yale University, New Haven, CT, 262 pp.


30. Hegna, T. A. & Kotov, A. A. (2016). Ephippia belonging to Ceriodaphnia Dana, 1853 (Cladocera: Anomopoda: Daphniidae) from the Lower Cretaceous of Australia. Palaeontologia Electronica 19.3.40A, 1–9.


31. Huang, D., Cai, C., Fu, Y. & Su, Y. (2018). The Middle-Late Jurassic Yanliao entomofauna. Palaeoentomology 1, 3.


32. Jell, P. A. & Duncan, P. M. (1986). Invertebrates, mainly insects, from the freshwater, Lower Cretaceous, Koonwarra Fossil Bed (Korumburra Group), South Gippsland, Victoria. Memoirs of the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists 3, 111–205.


33. Kirillova, I. V., Kotov, A. A., Trofimova, S. S., Zanina, O. G., Lapteva, E. G., Zinoviev, E. V., Chernova, O. F., Fadeeva, E. O., Zharov, A. A. & Shidlovskiy, F. K. (2015). Fossil fur as a new source of information on the Ice Age biota. Doklady Biological Sciences 460, 48–51.


34. Kirillova, I. V., van der Plicht, J., Gubin, S. V., Zanina, O. G., Chernova, O. F., Lapteva, E. G., Trofimova, S. S., Zinovyev, E. V., Zharov, A. A., Fadeeva, E. O., Van Kolfschoten, T., Shidlovskiy, F. K. & Kotov, A. A. (2016). Taphonomic phenomenon of ancient hair from Glacial Beringia: perspectives for palaeoecological reconstructions. Boreas 45, 455–469.


35. Kirillova, I. V., Argant, J., Lapteva, E. G., Korona, O. M., van der Plicht, J., Zinovyev, E. V., Kotov, А. А., Chernova, O. F., Fadeeva, Е. О., Baturina, O. A., Kabilov, M. R., Shidlovskiy, F. K. & Zanina, O. G. (2016). The diet and environment of mammoths in North-East Russia reconstructed from the contents of their feces. Quaternary International 406, 147–161.


36. Kopylov, D. S., Rasnitsyn, A. P., Aristov, D. S., Bashkuev, A. S., Bazhenova, N. V., Dmitriev, V. Y., Gorochov, A. V., Ignatov, M. S., Ivanov, V. D., Khramov, A. V., Legalov, A. A., Lukashevich, E. D., Mamontov, Y. S., Melnitsky, S. I., Ogłaza, B., Ponomarenko, A. G., Prokin, A. A., Ryzhkova, O. V., Shmakov, A. S., Sinitshenkova, N. D., Solodovnikov, A. Y., Strelnikova, O. D., Sukacheva, I. D., Uliakhin, A. V., Vasilenko, D. V., Wegierek, P., Yan, E. V. & Zmarzły, M. (2020). The Khasurty Fossil Insect Lagerstätte. Paleontological Journal 54, 1221–1394.


37. Korosi, J. B. & Smol, J. P. (2012). An illustrated guide to the identification of cladoceran subfossils from lake sediments in northeastern North America: part 1—the Daphniidae, Leptodoridae, Bosminidae, Polyphemidae, Holopedidae, Sididae, and Macrothricidae. Journal of Paleolimnology 48, 571–586.


38. Korosi, J. B. & Smol, J. P. (2012). An illustrated guide to the identification of cladoceran subfossils from lake sediments in northeastern North America: part 2—the Chydoridae. Journal of Paleolimnology


39. Korovchinsky, N. M. (2006). The cladocera (Crustacea: Branchiopoda) as a relict group. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 147, 109–124.


40. Kotov, A. A. & Korovchinsky, N. M. (2006). First record of fossil Mesozoic Ctenopoda (Crustacea, Cladocera). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 146, 269–274.


41. Kotov, A. A. (2007). Jurassic Cladocera (Crustacea, Branchiopoda) with a description of an extinct Mesozoic order. Journal of Natural History 41, 13–37.


42. Kotov, A. A. (2007). The origin of Cladocera (Branchiopoda, Crustacea). Report 1. Zoologicheskii Zhurnal 86, 526–536.


43. Kotov, A. A. (2009). A revision of the extinct Mesozoic family Prochydoridae Smirnov, 1992 (Crustacea: Cladocera) with a discussion of its phylogenetic position. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 155, 253–265.


44. Kotov, A. A. (2009). New finding of Mesozoic ephippia of the Anomopoda (Crustacea: Cladocera). Journal of Natural History 43, 523–528.


45. Kotov, A. A. & Taylor, D. J. (2011). Mesozoic fossils (> 145 Mya) suggest the antiquity of the subgenera of Daphnia and their coevolution with chaoborid predators. BMC Evolutionary Biology 11, 129.


46. Kotov, A. A. & Wappler, T. (2015). Findings of Daphnia (Ctenodaphnia) Dybowski et Grochowski (Branchiopoda: Cladocera) in Cenozoic volcanogenic lakes in Germany, with discussion of their indicator value. Palaeontologia Electronica 18, 1–9.


47. Kotov, A. A., Kuzmina, S. A., Frolova, L. A., Zharov, A. A., Neretina, A. N. & Smirnov, N. N. (2019). Ephippia of the Daphniidae (Branchiopoda: Cladocera) in Late Caenozoic deposits: untapped source of information for palaeoenvironment reconstructions in the Northern Holarctic. Invertebrate Zoology 16, 183–199.


48. Lai, X.-R. & Li, Y.-P. (1987). Ephippia of Cladocera from the Tertiary of China. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica 26, 171–180.


49. Lai, X.-R. (1990). Fossil cladoceran ephippia from the Cretaceous of the Songliao Basin, northeast China. Acta Micropalaeontologica Sinica 7, 77–81.


50. Leggitt, V. L. (2005). Cladocerans (Branchiopoda; Anomopoda) from the Miocene Barstow Formation, San Bernardino County, California. Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America 37, 368.


51. Li, G. & Shu, S. (2024). SEM morphological study on carapace of Cyclestheria hislopi and comparison with fossil taxa. Palaeoentomology 7, 76–79.


52. Li, L.-L. (1992). [Cladocera]. In: Li, L.-L., Yao, Y.-M. & Xiang, W.-D. (eds.) [The Tertiary ‘miscellaneous fossils’ from Jiyang depression, Shandong Province]. Jinan: Shandong Science and Technology Press, 54–57.


53. Li, L.-L., Yao, Y.-M. & Xiang, W.-D. (1992). [The Tertiary ‘miscellaneous fossils’ from Jiyang depression, Shandong Province]. Jinan: Shandong Science and Technology Press.


54. Li, W.-B. (1993). Kuqaia—a new palynomorph taxon. Acta Micropalaeontologica Sinica 10, 71–76.


55. Liao, H.-Y., Cai, C.-Y., Shen, Y.-B., Sun, X.-Y. & Huang, D.-Y. (2020). An Early Cretaceous branchiopod community in northeastern China: discovery of daphniid (Cladocera: Anmopoda) ephippia in the early assemblage of the Jehol Biota. Cretaceous Research 113, 104491.


56. Lin, Y.-Q., Dong, X.-H., Liao, Y.-J., Li, Y., Yang, X.-D. & Jeppesen, E. (2022). Environmental evolution of Lake Taibai (Hubei Province) over the past century revealed by cladoceran subfossils. Journal of Lake Science 34, 1372–1383.


57. Lin, Y.-Q., Dong, X.-H., Zhang, Q.-H., Huang, G.-Y., Dai, Z.-L., Liu, Z.-X., Liu, Y.-Q. & Yang, X.-D. (2022). Subfossil cladoceran record and environmental evolution in the Shitang Lake (Anhui Province) over the past 150 years. Acta Micropalaeontogica Sinica 39, 180–189.


58. Lindholm, M. (2014). Morphologically conservative but physiologically diverse: The mode of stasis in Anostraca (Crustacea: Branchiopoda). Evolutionary Biology 41, 503–507.


59. Luo, Z.-J., Wu, X.-Y., Wang, R. & A, L.-A. (2003). [New understanding of Kuqaia sporomorph]. Xinjiang Petroleum Geology 24, 424–426.


60. Luo, Z.-J., Cheng, X.-S., Wang, R., A, L.-A. & Lu, L. (2008). [Jurassic megaspore assemblages in hinterland of Junggar Basin. Xinjiang Petroleum Geology 29, 488–491.


61. Lutz, H. (1991). Autochthone aquatische Arthropoda aus dem Mittel-Eozän der Fundstätte Messel (Insecta: Heteroptera; Coleoptera; cf. Diptera-Nematocera; Crustacea: Cladocera). Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg 139, 119–125.


62. Margalef, R. (1949). Importancia de la neotenia en la evolución de los crustáceos de agua dulce [Importance of neoteny in the evolution of freshwater crustaceans]. Publicaciones del Instituto de Biología Aplicada 6, 41–51.


63. Matthews, J. V., Telka Jr., A. & Kuzmina, S. A. (2019). Late Neogene insect and other invertebrate fossils from Alaska and Arctic/Subarctic Canada. Invertebrate Zoology 16, 126–153.


64. McCoy, F. (1849). On the classification of some British fossil Crustacea with notices of some forms in the University collection at Cambridge. Annals and Magazine of Natural History 161–179, 330.


65. Mesâcev, I. I. (1924). Iskopaemaâ fauna Kosinskih ozer [Fossil fauna of Kosinski Lakes]. Trudy Kosinskoj Biologičeskoj Stancii. Moskovskogo Obŝestva Ispytatelej Prirody 1, 16–26.


66. Morris, P. H., Cullum, A., Pearce, M. A. & Batten, D. J. (2009). Megaspore assemblages from the Åre Formation (Rhaetian–Pliensbachian) offshore mid-Norway, and their value as field and regional stratigraphical markers. Journal of Micropalaeontology 28, 161–181.


67. Negrea, S., Botnariuc, N. & Dumont, H. J. (1999). Phylogeny, evolution and classification of the Branchiopoda (Crustacea). Hydrobiologia 412, 191–212.


68. Neretina, A. N., Gololobova, M. A., Neplyukhina, A. A., Zharov, A. A., Rogers, C. D., Horne, D. J., Protopopov, A. V. & Kotov, A. A. (2020). Crustacean remains from the Yuka mammoth raise questions about non-analogue freshwater communities in the Beringian region during the Pleistocene. Scientific Reports 10, 859.


69. Nevalainen, L. & Sarmaja-Korjonen, K. (2005). Identification of subfossil remains of cladocerans Latona setifera, Diaphanosoma brachyurum and Holopedium gibberum. Studia Quaternaria 22, 21–22.


70. Nevalainen, L. (2007). Description of subfossil post-abdomen and post-abdominal claw of Ceriodaphnia (Cladocera, Daphniidae). Studia Quaternaria 24, 65–67.


71. Nevalainen, L., Helama, S. & Luoto, T. P. (2013). Hydroclimatic variations over the last millennium in eastern Finland disentangled by fossil Cladocera. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 378, 13–21.


72. Nicolini, F., Martelossi, J., Forni, G., Savojardo, C., Mantovani, B. & Luchetti, A. (2023). Comparative genomics of Hox and ParaHox genes among major lineages of Branchiopoda with emphasis on tadpole shrimps. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 11, 1–10.


73. Nowak, A., Lis, P. & Radziejewska, T. (2008). Sonication as an aid in cleaning cladoceran remains extracted from sediment cores. Journal of Paleolimnology 39, 133–136.


74. Nykänen, M. & Sarmaja-Korjonen, K. (2007). Finding of Alona protzi Hartwing 1900 (Branchiopoda: Anomopoda: Chydoridae) in Finland. Studia Quaternaria 24, 73–77.


75. Olesen, J. (2009). Phylogeny of Branchiopoda (Crustacea)—Character evolution and contribution of uniquely preserved fossils. Arthropod Systematics & Phylogeny 67, 3–39.


76. Olsen, P. E. (2016). The paradox of “clam shrimp” paleoecology. 35th International Geological Congress, Cape Town, South Africa 35,


77. Peñalver, E., Martínez-Delclòs, X. & De Renzi, M. (1996). Registro de pulgas de agua [Cladocera: Daphniidae: Daphnia (Ctenodaphnia)] en el Mioceno de Rubielos de Mora (Teruel, España). Reunión de Tafonomía y Fosilización 2, 311–317.


78. Peng, J.-G., Slater, S. M., McLoughlin, S. & Vajda, V. (2023). New species of Kuqaia from the Lower Jurassic of Sweden indicates a possible water flea (Crustacea: Branchiopoda) affinity. Plos one 18, e0282247.


79. Ponomarenko, A. G. & Prokin, A. A. (2014). 9.3. Nasekomyye v Drevnikh Ozerakh Mongolii [9.3. Insects in the Ancient Lakes of Mongolia]. In: Dgebuadze, Y. Y. (ed.) Limnologiya i Paleolimnologiya Mongolii [Limnology and Paleolimnology of Mongolia]. Moscow: 285–309.


80. Purper, I. & Pinto, I. D. (1980). Interglacial ostracodes from Wasa Mayu, Boliva. Pesquisas 13, 161–184.


81. Rasnitsyn, A. P. (1985). Yurskie kontinental’nye biotsenozy yuzhnoi Sibiri i sopredel’nykh territorii [Jurassic non-marine biocoenoses of South Siberia and adjacent territories]. Nauka Press: Moscow.


82. Richter, G. & Baszio, S. (2001). First proof of planctivory/insectivory in a fossil fish: Thaumaturus intermedius from the Eocene Lake Messel (FRG). Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 173, 75–85.


83. Richter, G. & Baszio, S. (2001). Traces of a limnic food web in the Eocene Lake Messel—a preliminary report based on fish coprolite analyses. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 166, 345–368.


84. Richter, G. & Wedmann, S. (2005). Ecology of the Eocene Lake Messel revealed by analysis of small fish coprolites and sediments from a drilling core. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 223, 147–161.


85. Richter, G., Baszio, S. & Wuttke, M. (2017). Discontinuities in the microfossil record of middle Eocene Lake Messel: clues for ecological changes in lake’s history. Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments 97, 295–314.


86. Riek, E. F. (1970). Lower Cretaceous fleas. Nature 227, 746–747.


87. Røen, U. (1988). Remains of early glacial Cladocera from North Greenland. Verhandlungen des Internationalen Vereinigung für Theoretische und Angewandte Limnologie 23, 845–847.


88. Rossolimo, L. (1927). Atlas ostatkov životnyh organizmov v torfah i sapropelâh [Atlas tierischer überreste in torf und sapropel; Atlas of animal remains in peat and sapropel]. Moskva: Žizn’ i znanie.


89. Sarmaja-Korjonen, K., Hakojärvi, M. & Korhola, A. (2000). Subfossil remains of an unknown chydorid (Anomopoda: Chydoridae) from Finland. Hydrobiologia 436, 165–169.


90. Sarmaja-Korjonen, K. (2007). Sexual reproduction of chydorids (Anomopoda, Chydoridae) as indicator of climate in recent sediments of Lake Aitajärvi, northern Finnish Lapland. Studia Quaternaria 24, 69–72.


91. Sarmaja-Korjonen, K. (2007). Subfossil shell margins and tail spines of Daphnia in Finnish lake sediments—is Daphnia underrepresented in Cladocera analysis. Studia Quaternaria 24, 61–64.


92. Sarmaja-Korjonen, K. & Sinev, A. Y. (2008). First records of Alona werestschagini Sinev in Finland—subfossil remains from subarctic lakes. Studia Quaternaria 25, 43–48.


93. Schwentner, M., Clavier, S., Fritsch, M., Olesen, J., Padhye, S., Timms, B. V. & Richter, S. (2013). Cyclestheria hislopi (Crustacea: Branchiopoda): A group of morphologically cryptic species with origins in the Cretaceous. Molecular Phylogenetics & Evolution 66, 800–810.


94. Sebestyén, O. (1969). Kladocera tanulmányok a Balatonon IV. Szubfosszilis maradványok Balatoni Üledékekben I. (Cladocera Studies in Lake Balaton IV. Subfossil remains in the sediments of Lake Balaton I). Annales Instituti Biologici (Tihany) 36, 229–256.


95. Shen, Y.-B. & Huang, D.-Y. (2008). Extant clam shrimp egg morphology: taxonomy and comparison with other fossil branchiopod eggs. Journal of Crustacean Biology 28, 352–360.


96. Shen, Y.-X. (1995). Discovery of resting egg fossils of Cladocera in Anjihai River Formation, Kiutun River section, Junggar Basin and its geological significance. Acta Micropalaeontologica Sinica 12, 63–66.


97. Smirnov, N. N. (1970). Cladocera (Crustacea) from the Permian of eastern Kazakhstan. Paleontological Journal 1970, 376–382.


98. Smirnov, N. N. (1971). A new species of Archedaphnia (Cladocera, Crustacea) from Jurassic deposits of Transbaykal. Paleontological Journal 1971, 391–392.


99. Smirnov, N. N. (1992). Mesozoic Anomopoda (Crustacea) from Mongolia. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 104, 97–116.


100.        Stenderup, J. T., Olesen, J. & Glenner, H. (2006). Molecular phylogeny of the Branchiopoda (Crustacea)—Multiple approaches suggest a ‘diplostracan’ ancestry of the Notostraca. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 41, 182–194.


101.        Sun, X., Yang, Q. & Shen, Y. (2006). Jurassic radiation of large Branchiopoda (Arthropoda: Crustacea) using secondary structure-based phylogeny and relaxed molecular clocks. Progress in Natural Science 16, 292–302.


102.        Szeroczyńska, K. & Sarmaja-Korjonen, K. (2007). Atlas of Subfossil Cladocera from Central and Northern Europe. Świecie: Friends of the Lower Vistula Society.


103.        Tang, X.-H. (1987). [Cladocera from the Early Tertiary in the Dongpu Sag]. Journal of Stratigraphy 12, 310–311.


104.        Tasch, P. (1969). Branchiopoda. In: Moore, R. C. (ed.) Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology(Part R, Arthropoda 4(1)). Boulder, CO and Lawrence, KS: The Geological Society of America and The University of Kansas, R128–R191.


105.        Taylor, B. J. & Coope, G. R. (1985). Arthropods in the Quaternary of East Anglia; their role as indices of local palaeoenvironments and regional palaeoclimates. Modern Geology 9, 159–185.


106.        Van Damme, K. & Kotov, A. A. (2016). The fossil record of the Cladocera (Crustacea: Branchiopoda): Evidence and hypotheses. Earth-Science Reviews 163, 162–189.


107.        Van Damme, K., Cornetti, L., Fields, P. D. & Ebert, D. (2022). Whole-Genome Phylogenetic Reconstruction as a Powerful Tool to Reveal Homoplasy and Ancient Rapid Radiation in Waterflea Evolution. Systematic Biology 71, 777–787.


108.        Van Damme, K. (2023). Identification of ancient Cladocera-like fossils requires homologies: The Jurassic Kuqaia is not a Waterflea. Zootaxa 5343, 91–97.


109.        Wappler, T., Grímsson, F., Wang, B., Nel, A., Ólafsson, E., Kotov, A. A., Davis, S. R. & Engel, M. S. (2014). Before the ‘Big Chill’: A preliminary overview of arthropods from the middle Miocene of Iceland (Insecta, Crustacea). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 401, 1–12.


110.        Womack, T., Slater, B. J., Stevens, L. G., Anderson, L. I. & Hilton, J. (2012). First cladoceran fossils from the Carboniferous: Palaeoenvironmental and evolutionary implications. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 344-345, 39–48.


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