
Public Lectures: Want to learn about paleontology and what I do? I've developed six different lectures for general audiences about my work. Email me if you are interested.

    Using research by myself and other paleontologists over the last two decades, I talk about the importance of trilobites, and what we can learn from these iconic, long-extinct arthropods.


    Using research by myself and others, I explore weird aspects of the natural history of branchiopod crustaceans. Are Triops living fossils? What is a living fossil, anyway? How does a female-only species evolve? Why exactly can we hatch dry sea monkey eggs in water? What does that have to do with doomsday preppers and extinction"?


    Species are often considered a fundamental unit of biodiversity. But if you ask biologists or paleontologists to tell you what a species IS, you will get many different, conflicting answers. How can we understand biodiversity if we don't understand what species are? 


    Everyone makes mistakes. Some are forgivable and others are egregious. The same thing happens in science. A hypothesis can be wrong, but understandable given the limits of knowledge at the time. Other hypotheses are wild and detached from reality. Using real examples from paleontology, I explore how we can tell good hypotheses from bad, and how we can teach critical thinking.


    How do we know how a long-dead creature reproduced? Using some exceptionally preserved fossils from upstate New York, I discuss the intimate life of trilobites, with a review of some of the old ideas about trilobite sex in the fossil record.


    A general talk that removes the baggage from the term and explains what exactly it is.

Teaching the Geology Merit Badge at the University of Scouting, SUNY Fredonia Campus

Fall 2022

Skype-a-Scientist with Catlettsburg Elementary 4th grade, Catlettsburg, TN

Fall 2022

Skype-a-Scientist with Catlettsburg Elementary 4th grade, Catlettsburg, TN

Fall 2022

Classroom visit with Mrs. Clark's 3rd grade, Fredonia Elementary

Winter 2022