Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How is Lander Defense different from traditional gun classes.

A: Lander Defense's unique curriculum melds the physical skills of self defense and gun handling with the "soft skills" of personal safety. By analogy, being good with a hammer doesn't make you a carpenter, but being a carpenter means that you are good with a hammer. Firearms are like the hammer. Traditional gun classes teach you how to handle your firearm and minimally cover self defense and fighting, so it is like "Hammer School". Lander Defense training centers on personal safety and self defense, including conflict avoidance, violence prediction and fighting. Think of it as "Carpenter School".

Q: When are your classes?

A: Due to the restrictions that COVID has placed on us, all training scheduling is done on a custom basis. Click here for more information.

Q: Where are your classes?

A: Our classes are held in various locations in Fremont County and beyond. We are completely portable, and can hold classes almost anywhere on demand.

Q: Should I bring my gun to class?

A: Yes, if you have one.

Q: Do I have to have a gun to attend?

A: No. 98% of gun based personal safety has nothing to do with the gun. You will get the most from the sessions if you have a gun, but we have other options for you during training as well.

Q: All I have is a hunting rifle. Do I need a pistol?

A: We will teach you with ANY gun that you want to bring to class.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions (Click here):