the Acropolis of Athens and the Parthenon - PODCASTS and YOUTUBE VIDEOS


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National Geographic The Secrets of the Parthenon - Τα μυστικά του Παρθενώνα


Published on Dec 22, 2013

Tvrip Adek

duration 44:35 minutes διάρκεια 44:35 λεπτά της ώρας

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The Parthenon (Acropolis), 447 - 432 B.C.E.

Smarthistory. art, history, conversation. Published on Jan 25, 2014 Iktinos and Kallikrates (Phidias directed the sculptural program), Parthenon, Athens, 447 - 432 B.C.E.

Speakers: Dr. Beth Harris and Dr. Steven Zucker. Created by Steven Zucker and Beth Harris.

duration 16:03 minutes

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video transcript

(lively piano music) Voiceover: We're looking at the Parthenon. This is a huge marble temple to the goddess Athena. Voiceover: We're on the top of a rocky outcropping in the city of Athens very high up overlooking the city, overlooking the Aegean Sea. Voiceover: Athens was just one of many Greek city states and almost everyone had an acropolis. That is had a fortified hill within its city because these were warring states. Voiceover: In the 5th Century Athens was the most powerful city state and that's the period that the Parthenon dates to. Voiceover: This precinct became a sacred one rather than a defensive one. This building has had tremendous influence not only because it becomes the symbol of the birth of democracy, but also because of its extraordinary architectural refinement. The period when this was built in the 5th century is considered the high classical moment and for so much of western history we have measured our later achievements against this perfection. Voiceover: It's hard not to recognize so many buildings in the west. There's certainly an association especially to buildings in Washington D.C. and that's not a coincidence. Voiceover: Because this is the birthplace of democracy it was a limited democracy but democracy nevertheless. Voiceover: There was a series of reforms in the 5th century in Athens that allowed more and more people to participate in the government. Voiceover: We think that the city of Athens had between 300 and 400,000 inhabitants and only about 50,000 were actually considered citizens. If you were a woman, obviously if you were a slave you were not participating in this democratic experiment. Voiceover: This is a very limited idea of democracy. Voiceover: This building is dedicated to Athena and in fact the city itself is named after her and of course there's a myth. Two gods vying for the honor of being the patron of this city. Voiceover: Those two gods are Poseidon and Athena. Poseidon is the god of the sea and Athena has many aspects. She's the goddess of wisdom, she is associated with war. A kind of intelligence about creating and making things. Voiceover: Both of these gods gave the people of this city a gift and then they had to choose. Poseidon strikes a rock and from it springs forth the saltwater of the sea. This had to do with the gift of naval superiority. Voiceover: Athena offered in contrast an olive tree. The idea of the land of prosperity, of peace. The Atheneans chose Athena's gift. There actually is site here on the acropolis where the Atheneans believed you could see the mark of the trident from Poseidon where he struck the ground and also the tree that Athena offered. Voiceover: Actually the modern Greeks have replanted an olive tree in that space. Let's talk about the building. It is really what we think of when we think of a Greek temple but the style is specific. This is a Doric temple. Voiceover: Although it has Ionic elements which we'll get to. Voiceover: The Doric features are really easy to identify. You have massive columns with shallow broad flutes the vertical lines. Those columns go down directly into the floor of the temple which is called the stylobate and at the top the capitals are very simple. There's a little flare that rises up to a simple rectangular block called an abacus. Just above that are triglyphs and metopes. Voiceover: It's important to say that this building was covered with sculpture. There were sculpture in the metopes, there were sculpture in the pediments and in an unprecedented way a frieze that ran all the way around four sides of the building just inside this outer row of columns that we see. Now this is an Ionic feature. Art historians talk about how this building combines Doric elements with Ionic elements. Voiceover: In fact there were four Ionic columns inside the west end of the temple. Voiceover: When the citizens of Athens walked up the sacred way perhaps for religious procession or festival. They encountered the west end and they walked around it either on the north or south sides to the east and the entrance. Right above the entrance in the sculptures of the pediment they could see the story of Athena and Poseidon vying to be the patron of the city of Athens. On the frieze just inside they saw themselves perhaps at least in one interpretation involved in the Panathenaic Procession, the religious procession in honor of the goddess Athena. This was a building that you walked up to, you walked around and inside was this gigantic sculpture of Athena. Voiceover: These were all sculptures that we believe were overseen by the great sculptor Phidias and one of my favorite parts are the metopes. Carved with scenes that showed the Greeks battling various enemies either directly or metaphorically. The Greeks battling the Amazons, the Greeks against the Trojans, the Lapiths against the Centaurs, and the Gigantomachy. The Greek gods against the titans. Voiceover: All of these battles signified the ascendancy of Greece and of the Atheneans of their triumphs. Civilization over barbarism, rational thought over chaos. Voiceover: You've just hit on the very meaning of this building. This is not the first temple to Athena on this site. Just a little bit to the right as we look at the east end there was an older temple to Athena that was destroyed when the Persians invaded. This was a devastating blow to the Atheneans. Voiceover: One really can't overstate the importance of the Persian War for the Athenean mindset that created the Parthenon. Athens was invaded and beyond that the Persians sacked the acropolis, sacked the sacred site, the temples. Destroyed the buildings. Voiceover: They burned them down. In fact, the Atheneans took a vow that they would never remove the ruins of the old temple to Athena. Voiceover: So they would remember it forever. Voiceover: But a generation later they did. Voiceover: They did, well there was a piece that was established with the Persians and some historians think that that allowed them to reneg on that vow and Pericles, the leader of Athens embarked on this enormous, very expensive building campaign. Voiceover: Historians believe that he was able to fund that because the Atheneans had become the leaders of what is called the Delian League. An association of Greek city states that paid a kind of tax to help protect Greece against Persia but Pericles dipped into that treasury and built this building. Voiceover: This alliance of Greek city states, their treasure, their tax money, their tribute was originally located in Delos hence the Delian League, but Pericles managed to have that treasure moved here to Athens and actually housed in the acropolis. The sculpture of Athena herself which was made of gold and ivory Phidias said if we need money we can melt down the enormous amount of gold that decorates this sculpture of Athena. Voiceover: Since that sculpture doesn't exist any longer we know somebody did that. (chuckles) We need to imagine this building not pristine and white but rather brightly colored and also a building that was used. This was a storehouse. It was the treasury and so we have to imagine that it was absolutely full of valuable stuff. Voiceover: In fact we have records that give us some idea of what was stored here. We think about temples or churches or mosques as places where you go in to worship. That's not how Greek religion work. There usually was an altar on the outside where sacrifices were made and the temple was the house of the god or goddess, but with the Parthenon art historians and archeologists have not been able to locate an altar outside so we've wondered what was this building? One answer is it was a treasury. Voiceover: It also functions symbolically. It is up on this hill. It commands this extraordinary view from all parts of the city, and so it was a symbol of both the city's wealth and power. Voiceover: It's a gift to Athena. When you make a gift to your patron goddess you want visitors to be awed by the image of the goddess that was inside and of her home. Voiceover: This isn't any goddess. This is the goddess of wisdom so the ability of man to understand our world and its rules mathematically, and then to express them in a structure like this is absolutely appropriate. Voiceover: Iktinos is a supreme mathematician. I mean we know that the Greeks even in the archaic period before this were concerned with ideal proportions. Voiceover: Pythagoras. Voiceover: Or the sculptor Polykleitos and his sculpture of the Doryphoros searching for perfect proportions and harmony and using mathematics as the basis for thinking that through. Voiceover: We have that here. Voiceover: To an unbelievable degree. Voiceover: What's extraordinary is that it's perfection is an illusion based on a series of subtle distortions that actually correct for the imperfections of our sight. That is the Greeks recognize that human perception was itself flawed and that they needed to adjust for it in order to give the visual impression of perfection. Their mathematics and their building skills were precise enough to be able to pull this off. Voiceover: Every stone was cut to fit precisely. Voiceover: When we look a this building we assume it's rectilinear, it's full of right angles, and in fact there's hardly a right angle in this building. Voiceover: There's another interpretation of these tiny deviations that these deviations give the building a sense of dynamism. The sense of the organic that otherwise it would seem static and lifeless. The Greeks had used this idea that art historians call entasis before in other buildings. Slight adjustments. For example, columns bulge toward the center. This is not new but the degree to which it's used here and the subtlety in the way it's used is unprecedented. Voiceover: For instance in those Doric columns you can see that there's a taper and you assume that it's a straight line but the Greeks wanted ever so slight a sense of the organic. That the weight of the building was being expressed in the bulge, the entasis of the column about a third of the way from the bottom. In this case every single column bulges only 11/16th of an inch the entire length of that column. The way that the Greeks pulled this off is they would bring column drums up to the site. They would carefully carve the base and the top and then they would carve in between. Voiceover: We see this slight deviation in the columns but we also see it not only vertically but also horizontally in the building. Voiceover: That's right. You assume that the stylobate, the floor of the temple is flat but it's not. Rain water would run off it because the edges are lower than the center. Voiceover: But only very, very slightly lower. Voiceover: Across the long side of the temple the center rises only 4 3/8 of an inch and on the short side of the temple on the east and the west side the center rises only by 2 3/8 inches. What happens is it cracks. Our eye would naturally see a straight line seem as if it rises up at the corners a little bit so it seems to us to be perfectly flat. The columns are all leaning in a little bit. Voiceover: You would expect the columns to be equidistant from one another but in fact the columns on the edges are slightly closer to one another than the columns in the center of each side. Voiceover: Architectural historians have hypothesized that the reason for this is because the column at the edge is in the sense an orphan. It doesn't have anything past it. Therefore, it would seem to be less substantial. If we could make that column a little bit closer to the one next to it it might compensate and it would have an even sense of density across the building. Voiceover: Placing of the columns closer together on the edges create a problem in the levels above. One of the rules of the Doric Order is that there had to be a triglyph right above the center of a column or in between each column. Voiceover: They also wanted the triglyphs to be at the very edge so one triglyph would abut against another triglyph at the corner of the building. If in fact you're placing your columns closer together you can actually solve for that problem. You can avoid the stretch of the metope in between those triglyphs that would result, but because the columns are placed so close together they had the opposite problem which is to say that the metopes at the ends of the building would be too slender. What Phidias has done in concert with Iktinos and Kallikrates the architects is to create sculptural metopes that are widest in the center just like the spaces between the columns and actually the metopes themselves gradually become thinner as you move to the edges so that you can't really even perceive the change without measuring. Voiceover: The general proportions of the building can be expressed mathematically as X equals Y times two plus one. Across the front we see eight columns and along the sides 17 columns. That ratio also governs the spacing between the columns and its relationship to the diameter of a column. Math is everywhere. Voiceover: If we look at the plan of the structure we see the exterior colonnade on all four sides. On the east and west end it's actually a double colonnade and on the long sides, inside the columns a solid masonry wall. You can enter rooms on the east west only. The west has a smaller room with the four Ionic columns within it but the east room was larger and held the monumental sculpture of Athena. It's interesting. The system that was used to create a volt that was high enough to enclose a sculpture that was almost 40 feet high was unique. There was a U shape of interior columns at two storeys. They were Doric and they surrounded the goddess. The sculpture is now lost but the building is almost lost as well. Here we come to one of the great tragedies of western architecture. This building survived into the 17th century and was in pretty good shape for 2000 years and it's only in the modern era that it became a ruin. Voiceover: First it was as we know an ancient Greek temple for Athena then it became a Greek orthodox church then a Roman catholic church and then a mosque. In a war between the Ottomans who were in control of Greece at this moment in history in the 17th century and the Venetians. The Venetians attacked the Parthenon, the Ottomans used the Parthenon to hold ammunitions, gunpowder. Gunpowder exploded from the inside basically ripping the guts out of the Parthenon. Voiceover: Then to add insult to injury in the 18th century, Lord Elgin received permission from the Turkish government to take sculptures that had already fallen off the temple and bring them back to England. The [lie] and share of the great sculptures by Phidias are now in London. Greece recently has built a museum just down the hill from the acropolis specifically intended to house these sculptures should the British ever release them. Voiceover: Some have argued that Elgin saved the sculptures that would have been further damaged had he not removed them, but what to do about the future is uncertain. Voiceover: At least one theory states that this building was paid for by plundered treasury from the Delian League so there's a long history of contested ownership. Voiceover: As we stand here very high up on the acropolis overlooking the Aegean Sea, islands beyond and mountains on this glorious day, I can't help but imagine standing inside the Parthenon between those columns which we can't do today. Voiceover: The site is undergoing tremendous restoration. There are cranes, the scaffolding to maintain the ruin and not let it fall into worst disrepair. Voiceover: But if we could stand there what would it feel like? Voiceover: There is this beautiful balance between the theoretical and the physical. The Greeks thought about mathematics as the way that we could understand the divine and here it is in our world. Voiceover: There's something about the Parthenon that is both an offering to Athena, the protector of Athens, but also something that's a monument to human beings, to the Atheneans, to their brilliance, and by extension I suppose in the modern era human spirit generally. (lively piano music)



History Channel - Athens Ancient Supercity - Αρχαία Αθήνα (ελληνικοί υπότιτλοι / greek subs)

Komis 1978

Published on Jan 25, 2016

History Channel - Athens Ancient Supercity - Αρχαία Αθήνα (ελληνικοί υπότιτλοι / greek subs)

duration 42:50 minutes

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The Acropolis of Athens in ancient Greece - Dimensions and proportions of Parthenon

Hernán Gil Published on Sep 30, 2014 This video contains a description of the monumental buildings in the Acropolis. Especially it has very interesting analysis of the proportions and optical refinements of The Parthenon.

This monumental work is a peripteral octostyle Doric temple on the Athenian Acropolis dedicated to the goddess Athena, whom the people of Athens considered their patron.

Its construction began in 447 and was completed in 438 BC although decoration of the building continued until 432 BC.

It is the most important surviving building of Classical Greece, considered the zenith of the Doric order.

The construction of The Parthenon, made almost entirely of white marble from Mount Penteli, was initiated by Pericles in thanks to the gods for his victory against the Persians. The architects in charge of the work were Ictino and Calicrates and were, in most cases, under the direction of the architect and great Athenian sculptor Phidias, author of the sculptural decoration and the great statue of Athena Parthenos which was located as the centerpiece of the temple (measuring forty feet high and for its elaboration 1,200 kg of gold were needed).

duration 47:08 minutes

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GREECE - ancient art wasn't black&white

amarildo topalis

Uploaded on Dec 9, 2009

Its a video about ancient art, every statue had colors.

by Amarildo Topalis

duration 07:30 minutes

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Painting on Greek Statues 2


Published on Nov 25, 2012

Second attempt to get my video to work for my art history professor.

duration 04:12 minutes

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Acropolis Virtual Tour

The Virtual Tour of the Acropolis monuments is a web application that allows the exploration of the archaeological site in an interactive way.

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The Parthenon by Costas Gavras (HD)

Ο Παρθενώνας του Κώστα Γαβρά (HD)


Uploaded on Aug 19, 2009

The Parthenon of Kostas Gavras (HD) - was made to tell the history of this great monument of Greece.

Ο Παρθενώνας του Κώστα Γαβρά (HD) - φτιάχτηκε για να πει την ιστορία αυτού του μνημείου της Ελλάδος.

duration 07:33 minutes διάρκεια 07:33 λεπτά της ώρας

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The Acropolis of Athens - Η Ακρόπολη των Αθηνών


Uploaded on Jan 7, 2012

A brief history of the Athenian Acropolis from 3500BC-2010AD, through 3d representations.

Many of the dates shown are always open to debate. The same happens with some buildings and especially those of the Pre-Classical Acropolis which we cannot be sure where and when they were built or whether they existed at all.

For more information visit

duration 06:27 minutes διάρκεια 06:27 λεπτά της ώρας

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Discovery Channel Documentary - Engineering Feats of the Golden Age - The Parthenon - Part 1

Klaus Vonderlein

Published on Mar 25, 2013

Engineering Feats of the Golden Age - The Parthenon.

The Parthenon (Greek: Παρθενών) is a temple on the Athenian Acropolis, Greece, dedicated to the maiden goddess Athena, whom the people of Athens considered their patron. Its construction began in 447 BC when the Athenian Empire was at the height of its power. It was completed in 438 BC, although decoration of the building continued until 432 BC. It is the most important surviving building of Classical Greece, generally considered the culmination of the development of the Doric order.

duration 14:07 minutes διάρκεια 14:07 λεπτά της ώρας

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Discovery Channel Documentary - Engineering Feats of the Golden Age - The Parthenon - Part 2

Klaus Vonderlein

Published on Mar 25, 2013

Engineering Feats of the Golden Age - The Parthenon.

The Parthenon is regarded as an enduring symbol of Ancient Greece, Athenian democracy, western civilization and one of the world's greatest cultural monuments. The Greek Ministry of Culture is currently carrying out a program of selective restoration and reconstruction to ensure the stability of the partially ruined structure

duration 15:00 minutes διάρκεια 15:00 λεπτά της ώρας

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The Best of Athens - Athens, Greece


Published on Apr 7, 2014

The Best of Athens - Athens, Greece

No matter what type of traveler you are, there's no destination in the world that's quite like Athens, Greece. Built upon 7,000 years of history and culture, filled with ancient artifacts, monuments & structures and boasting its own modern charms as well, this buzzing international metropolis is one of the world's must visit destinations. Join David's Been Here as they tour some of the top ancient and modern attractions in one of the world's oldest cities. For a glimpse into ancient Athens, don't miss the Acropolis, Parthenon, Agoras, Hadrian's monuments or the Temple of Zeus; simply the top attractions of the city. Head into the Plaka Disrtict, Syntagma Square or Monastiraki for a more old world/new world mix of the city, and don't forget to visit the museums, endless restaurants & cafes, Central Market or best shopping spots. One of the world's most traditional yet progressive cities, Athens should be on every travel enthusiast's itinerary. Enjoy the Best of Athens,Greece.

duration 04:50 minutes διάρκεια 04:50 λεπτά της ώρας

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Athens Travel Guide

Expoza Travel

Published on Aug 12, 2013

Travel video about destination Athens in Greece.

Athens is a lively city set in historic surroundings.Likavittós is a two hundred and seventy-seven metre high limestone rock that dominates the city. It towers up above several buildings and on its summit there’s a small chapel. The capital of Greece has a long history. It was founded three thousand five hundred years ago and had its golden age during Greek Antiquity under the democratic rule of Perikles. At that time the symbol of one Europe’s most influential cultures was created, Greek’s national sanctuary, the Acropolis. It took nine years to build the great temple of the goddess Athene, The Parthenon, that was completed in 438 B.C. Unique among all other Greek temples, with its imposing appearance and artistic decoration this temple signified the great influence and power of ancient Athens. With its striking majestic appearance and timeless elegance it was more magnificent than any other building in Greece. Six female figures, the Karyatides, support the southern hall of the Ionic Temple of Erechtheion that stands on sacred ground close to the main temple. Since the beginning of the 4th century the mythical kings Kekrops and Erechtheu were worshiped here until the city’s subsequent decline. Legend has it that during a contest between the gods Poseidon left the imprint of his trident on a rock upon which Athene created an olive tree. Throughout its history the temple served many purposes and the Turks, somewhat disrespectfully, transformed the Erechtheion into a harem. The evening sun descends slowly across the ruins of Ancient Greece. The marble of the temple shines golden as though to thank the gods for creating this remarkable city. A city in which both antiquity and the present unite: a symbol of the Occident.

duration 25:34 minutes διάρκεια 25:34 λεπτά της ώρας

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Athens Vacation Travel Video Guide • Great Destinations

Expoza Travel

Published on Mar 8, 2015

Whoever visits the Greek capital, takes a pilgrimage to the fountain of European culture. The city’s most famous building is the Citadel 150 meters above sea level, the Acropolis, which is garlanded by the golden pillars of the Parthenon. The statues, reliefs and frieses of Acropolis Museum and the Archeological Museum of Athens show us the classical beauty ideal and the perfect sense of proportion. The Agora tells us about the life of ancient Athens, while the Plaka with its narrow roads introduces us to a vivid, Eastern bazaar. In front of the parlament, funnily dressed guards give guard of honor. The city can be best seen from the Likavitos mountain, and the sunset is also the most beautiful from here. From Athens we can take a trip to the port of Pireus, to the monument of the battle at Marathon, to the ruins of the sacred area of Eleusis, to the Korinthos canal, and to the sunny holiday resorts of the Attican Riviera.


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duration 56:28 minutes διάρκεια 56:28 λεπτά της ώρας

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Athens and Side-Trips

Rick Steves Europe

Published on Aug 19, 2013

The thriving capital of Greece sprawls out from the foot of its magnificent Acropolis. We'll tour the must-sees of ancient Athens: the Parthenon, Agora, and amazing National Archaeological Museum. We'll take the fast-paced pulse of the modern city, but waste no time getting to Rick's favorite side-trip destinations: the ruins of the mystical oracle at Delphi and a fast boat to the romantic, traffic-free isle of Hydra.

© 2008 Rick Steves' Europe

duration 24:55 minutes διάρκεια 24:55 λεπτά της ώρας

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La Construcción de un Imperio - "Grecia"

Eduard Grigoryan

Published on May 12, 2012

Tema: Grecia

Documental: La construcción de un Imperio.

duración 43:54 minutos διάρκεια 43:54 λεπτά της ώρας

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Η Ακρόπολη σε 3D αναπαράσταση


Published on Feb 19, 2013

duración 09:00 minutos διάρκεια 09:00 λεπτά της ώρας

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La Atenas de Pericles: arquitectura y democracia

Canal de jaubar1

Uploaded on Nov 10, 2011

duración 45:28 minutos διάρκεια 45:28 λεπτά της ώρας

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Grèce les monuments de l'Acropole d'Athénes ( Greece Acropolis of Athens )

Claude Aven

Uploaded on Jun 10, 2010

( merci de noter cette vidéo ) , l'Acropole d'Athènes est une forteresse naturelle qui culmine à 156 m au-dessus du niveau de la mer, à environ 100 m au-dessus de la ville basse. Sur une surface d'un peu moins de trois hectares, se trouve le plus remarquable ensemble de monuments que la civilisation grecque antique le Parthénon, les Propylées, le temple d'Athéna Nikê et l'Érechthéion incarnent une politique de construction prestigieuse menée par Périclès et ses successeurs.

( english )


The Acropolis of Athens is a natural fortress, which rises to 156 m above sea level, about 100 m above the lower town. On an area of slightly less than three hectares, is the most remarkable of all monuments of ancient Greek civilization, the Parthenon, the Propylaea, the temple of Athena Nike and the Erechtheion embody a policy of construction conducted by prestigious Pericles and his successors.

deutsch )


Die Akropolis von Athen ist eine natürliche Festung, die auf 156 m Seehöhe, ca. 100 m oberhalb der unteren Stadt erhebt. Auf einer Fläche von etwas weniger als drei Hektar ist die merkwürdigste von allen Sehenswürdigkeiten der antiken griechischen Zivilisation verkörpern den Parthenon, die Propyläen, der Tempel der Athena Nike und das Erechtheion eine Politik der Bau von renommierten Perikles durchgeführt und seinen Nachfolgern.

durée 04:48 minutes duration 04:48 minutes Dauer 04.48 Minuten

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Découverte assez brève du Parthénon

Découvrons la Grèce Antique

Published on Mar 17, 2012

Dans cette vidéo vous découvrirez pas à pas le Parthénon et son projet de rénovations !

durée 08:12 minutes

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Les secrets du PARTHENON Série "les Monuments Eternels" : Arte France 10 05 2015


Published on Jul 17, 2015

le PARTHÉNON construit entre 447 et 438 avant J.-C. a été conçu comme un écrin architectural pour une gigantesque statue d’Athéna.

Quand sa RÉNOVATION a démarré, les architectes pensaient que, grâce aux "nouvelles" technologies, le chantier ne durerait pas plus de dix ans. Trois décennies plus tard, il est loin d’être achevé. Restaurer ce monument aux proportions parfaites tient du CASSE-TÊTE .

L’harmonie de ses lignes repose sur un principe étonnant : contrairement aux apparences, aucune n’est droite ! D’où la difficulté que pose la restauration de cet édifice dont AUCUN ÉLÉMENT N'EST INTERCHANGEABLE .

Coordonnée par l’architecte grec Manolis KORRES l’équipe de rénovation se retrouve face à une partie de PUZZLE GÉANT où les pièces sont des blocs de marbre qui se comptent par dizaine de milliers et pèsent dans les 10 tonnes.

Cinq ans ont été nécessaires pour identifier la place de 700 d'entre eux.

L'équipe a dû répertorier une infinité de critères : taille, inclinaison, taches, et même graffitis ! Un travail de titan qui a mis en échec l'informatique – les ordinateurs s'avérant incapables de faire ce gigantesque calcul – et qui s'est souvent terminé "au jugé, avec nos "yeux", précise l'une des restauratrices.

Comment les Grecs ont-ils réussi à construire un monument aussi harmonieux et complexe en moins d'une décennie et sans que l'on ait retrouvé le moindre plan ? Passionnante investigation scientifique, ce documentaire lève un à un les nombreux mystères qui entourent le Parthénon. Du Louvre à l'École française d'Athènes, de l'Acropole aux universités américaines, le réalisateur a convié tous les spécialistes du sujet à reconstituer peu à peu le puzzle. Images en 3D et séquences tournées sur le chantier donnent une vision concrète de cette de cette extraordinaire entreprise de rénovation.

Nourri d'une iconographie riche, ce film nous transporte aussi au Ve siècle avant notre ère, durant le règne de Périclès, période faste d' Athènes … Diffusé en HD, il rend perceptible la fascination exercée par ce monument qui fut, au fil des siècles, copié, pillé, incendié, pilonné, déguisé en église ou encore en mosquée.

REMARQUE d'un visiteur :erreur dans le commentaire, juste avant l'intervention de l'immense Jacqueline de Romilly : Associer la bataille de Marathon à celle de Salamine est totalement absurde ! Marathon eut lieu pendant la première guerre Médique, et sauva la cité d'Athènes, tandis que Salamine a lieu plus de 10 ans plus tard... après la destruction d'Athènes ! Glups !

durée 1:19:59 heures

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Der Parthenon Reportage deutsch über den Parthenon

Angelo Morenetti

Published on May 20, 2013

Der Parthenon (griechisch παρθενών „Jungfrauengemach") ist der Tempel für die Stadtgöttin Pallas Athena Parthenos auf der Athener Akropolis.

Er wurde zum Dank für die Rettung der Athener und Griechen durch die Göttin nach dem letzten Perserkrieg im dorischen Peripterosstil erbaut. Im Laufe der Geschichte diente das Gebäude unter anderem auch als Schatzkammer des Attischen Seebunds. Der Parthenon ist eines der berühmtesten noch existierenden Baudenkmäler des antiken Griechenlands und eines der bekanntesten Gebäude weltweit. Das Gebäude beherrscht als zentraler Bau seit fast 2.500 Jahren die Athener Akropolis.

Dauer 1:15:12 Stunden

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L'acropoli di Atene

CiSonoStato VideoViaggi

Uploaded on Jul 21, 2011

durata 04:07 minutes διάρκεια 04:07 λεπτά της ώρας

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L'Acropoli (tratto da Atlante di Arte e Immagine)

Zanichelli editore S.p.A.

Published on Feb 27, 2014

Video tratto da P. Bersi, C. Ricci - Atlante di Arte e Immagine, Zanichelli editore S.p.A., 2014.

durata 09:58 minutes διάρκεια 09:58 λεπτά της ώρας

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Acropoli - video guida

TheWorldOfTravel IT

Uploaded on Dec 19, 2009

Acropoli - video guida

durata 02:40 minutes διάρκεια 02:40 λεπτά της ώρας

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8 . Partenone - Storia

Carmine Greco

Published on Nov 15, 2012

Storia del Partenone

duration 04:37 minutes durata 04:37 minutes διάρκεια 04:37 λεπτά της ώρας

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L'Acropoli e il Partenone


Published on Aug 28, 2014

Sono più di duemila anni che l'Acropoli domina dall'alto Atene. I saccheggi, le profanazioni e i vandalismi hanno scalfito il potere che esercita sulla nostra immaginazione.

Nascosti tra le sue rovine, giacciono gli ideali dell'età dell'oro della Grecia: i principi filosofici di Socrate, quelli geometrici di Pitagora, la nascita della democrazia e il Partenone stesso.

L'edificio più influente nella storia della civiltà occidentale.

durata 54:57 minutes διάρκεια 54:57 λεπτά της ώρας

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segreti del Partenone

Luigi Chatel

Published on Jan 22, 2013


Estratti dal documentario a cura di Alberto Angela "Le meraviglie del British Museum" di Londra. Uno dei più famosi musei archeologici del mondo.

Attraverso i capolavori esposti in questo prestigioso museo si ripercorre il cammino iniziato dall'uomo ben cinquemila anni fa. Il documentario completo è scaricabile da Youtube.

(Visitando le sale del British Museum conosciamo la storia degli Assiri: vediamo i monumentali tori alati che montavano la guardia nei palazzi reali.

Scopriamo che i loro re erano scaltri e spietati, che avevano un esercito possente e che amavano distrarsi andando a caccia di leoni. Ammiriamo,anche, i preziosi gioielli con cui si adornavano le principesse assire.

Prima degli Assiri comparve quella che può essere definita in assoluto la prima civiltà del pianeta: quella Sumera. Tra l'incredibile serie di invenzioni, che questa popolazione ideò, la scrittura è quella più straordinaria.

Passeggiare al British Museum equivale davvero a sfogliare un grande libro di Storia, dopo le popolazioni della Mesopotamia, Alberto Angela ci svela i misteri di altre grandi civiltà del passato: Egizi, Ittiti, Greci, Etruschi e romani.

In questo museo si trova uno dei più famosi reperti di tutta l`archeologia che ci ha fornito la chiave di lettura dei geroglifici, rimasti un enigma per duemila anni: la Stele di Rosetta. Tradotta da Chappollion riporta un testo in tre lingue: greco, geroglifico e demotico a proposito del primo giubileo al trono di Tolomeo 5°.)

La visita continua con lo statuario egizio.

I reperti conducono poi alla battaglia di Kadesh ed alle guerre di Ramesse 2° con gli ittiti. I Si arriva ai greci con i reperti del Partenone e dell'età d'oro della Grecia.

A fini didattici ho operato una serie di taglia ed incolla per evitare ripetizione con pezzi presi da altri documentari. Per le altri parti si veda il mio canale.

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Pericle e il Partenone di Atene parte 1


Published on Feb 18, 2013

Dopo la vittoria di Atene contro i Persiani, Pericle decise di investire il denaro pubblico nella ricostruzione dei monumenti distrutti in quella guerra. In uno stile ancora più grandioso, fece erigere i nuovi templi sull'Acropoli: questo avrebbe anche mostrato al mondo quanto Atene fosse divenuta ricca e potente. L'edificio più importante doveva essere un nuovo tempio dedicato ad Atena, la dea protettrice della città: il Partenone. Si chiama così perché è dedicato ad Atena Parthènos, che in greco significa "vergine", e in particolare prende il nome da una sala che durante le festività ospitava le vergini ateniesi incaricate di servire la dea.

A dirigere i lavori Pericle chiamò il più importante artista dell'epoca, oltre che suo amico, Fidia, che vi lavorò dal 447 al 432 a.C. Questi, ovviamente, non eseguì di propria mano ogni statua e ogni rilievo, ma coordinò in un progetto unitario tutti i lavori, avvalendosi di numerosi altri artisti. In realtà alla costruzione del Partenone partecipò l'intera società ateniese: carpentieri, fonditori, tagliapietre, operai, tessitori, marinai, carrettieri, cuochi, oltre un gran numero di muli e cavalli per il trasporto dei materiali!

Le sculture del Partenone sono uno dei punti più alti raggiunti dalla scultura greca non solo per l'esecuzione perfetta delle figure, tecnicamente insuperabile, ma anche per le grandi innovazioni stilistiche introdotte da Fidia: egli infatti ebbe la grande capacità di legare fra loro le varie statue che popolavano i fregi, non lasciandole isolate, quasi a blocchi, come era nei rilievi arcaici. Trattò invece il fregio come un discorso, fatto cioè non di frasi isolate, ma di periodi tutti collegati fra loro.

Oltre alle due statue in oro e avorio, Fidia nella sua carriera realizzò molte altre sculture, come l'Atena Lemnia e la grande Atena Pròmachos (che in greco vuol dire "combattente in prima fila"), sempre per l'Acropoli di Atene. Purtroppo anche queste statue sono andate perdute e dell'opera di Fidia rimangono solo i rilievi del Partenone.

Anche questi ultimi non si sono però conservati nella loro totalità: dopo essere stato trasformato in chiesa dai cristiani e in moschea dai musulmani, il Partenone fu addirittura adibito a polveriera dai Turchi e nel 1687 durante una battaglia fu colpito da una terribile cannonata che distrusse molte delle sculture di Fidia.

Circa un secolo dopo, nel 1799, lord Elgin, ambasciatore inglese presso il governo turco, raccolse la grande maggioranza delle statue di Fidia e le portò con sé a Londra, dove furono vendute al British Museum che ancora oggi le conserva. Solo alcuni pezzi sono rimasti ad Atene.

durata 07:40 minutes διάρκεια 07:40 λεπτά της ώρας

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Pericle e il Partenone di Atene parte 2


Published on Feb 18, 2013

Dopo la vittoria di Atene contro i Persiani, Pericle decise di investire il denaro pubblico nella ricostruzione dei monumenti distrutti in quella guerra. In uno stile ancora più grandioso, fece erigere i nuovi templi sull'Acropoli: questo avrebbe anche mostrato al mondo quanto Atene fosse divenuta ricca e potente. L'edificio più importante doveva essere un nuovo tempio dedicato ad Atena, la dea protettrice della città: il Partenone. Si chiama così perché è dedicato ad Atena Parthènos, che in greco significa "vergine", e in particolare prende il nome da una sala che durante le festività ospitava le vergini ateniesi incaricate di servire la dea.

A dirigere i lavori Pericle chiamò il più importante artista dell'epoca, oltre che suo amico, Fidia, che vi lavorò dal 447 al 432 a.C. Questi, ovviamente, non eseguì di propria mano ogni statua e ogni rilievo, ma coordinò in un progetto unitario tutti i lavori, avvalendosi di numerosi altri artisti. In realtà alla costruzione del Partenone partecipò l'intera società ateniese: carpentieri, fonditori, tagliapietre, operai, tessitori, marinai, carrettieri, cuochi, oltre un gran numero di muli e cavalli per il trasporto dei materiali!

Le sculture del Partenone sono uno dei punti più alti raggiunti dalla scultura greca non solo per l'esecuzione perfetta delle figure, tecnicamente insuperabile, ma anche per le grandi innovazioni stilistiche introdotte da Fidia: egli infatti ebbe la grande capacità di legare fra loro le varie statue che popolavano i fregi, non lasciandole isolate, quasi a blocchi, come era nei rilievi arcaici. Trattò invece il fregio come un discorso, fatto cioè non di frasi isolate, ma di periodi tutti collegati fra loro.

Oltre alle due statue in oro e avorio, Fidia nella sua carriera realizzò molte altre sculture, come l'Atena Lemnia e la grande Atena Pròmachos (che in greco vuol dire "combattente in prima fila"), sempre per l'Acropoli di Atene. Purtroppo anche queste statue sono andate perdute e dell'opera di Fidia rimangono solo i rilievi del Partenone.

Anche questi ultimi non si sono però conservati nella loro totalità: dopo essere stato trasformato in chiesa dai cristiani e in moschea dai musulmani, il Partenone fu addirittura adibito a polveriera dai Turchi e nel 1687 durante una battaglia fu colpito da una terribile cannonata che distrusse molte delle sculture di Fidia.

Circa un secolo dopo, nel 1799, lord Elgin, ambasciatore inglese presso il governo turco, raccolse la grande maggioranza delle statue di Fidia e le portò con sé a Londra, dove furono vendute al British Museum che ancora oggi le conserva. Solo alcuni pezzi sono rimasti ad Atene.

durata 08:18 minutes διάρκεια 08:18 λεπτά της ώρας

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Prof Rodolfo - Antiguidade Clássica - Introdução à Civilização Grega.mp4

Rodolfo Neves

Uploaded on Apr 20, 2011

Vídeo abordando a formação da Civilização Grega.

duração 12:20 minutos διάρκεια 12:20 λεπτά της ώρας

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ATENAS CLÁSSICA - Prof Rodolfo.mp4

Rodolfo Neves

Uploaded on Sep 4, 2011

Aula sobre a polis de Atenas - Antiguidade Clássica.

duração 13:23 minutos διάρκεια 13:23 λεπτά της ώρας

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Civilização Grega: Período Clássico.mp4

Rodolfo Neves

Uploaded on Sep 18, 2011

Aula abordando o período Clássico (séc. VI-IV a.C.) da Civilização Grega.

Prof. Rodolfo Neves

duração 14:16 minutos διάρκεια 14:16 λεπτά της ώρας




Published on Jul 23, 2013

A História da Tradição Ocidental

Uma série de vídeos de instrução sobre a Civilização Ocidental para faculdade e salas de aula do ensino médio e alunos adultos; 52 programas de vídeo de meia hora e livros coordenados.

Cobrindo desde o Mundo Antigo até a Era da Tecnologia, esta ilustrada palestra de Eugen Weber apresenta uma tapeçaria de acontecimentos políticos e sociais tecidos com muitos fios - religião, indústria, agricultura, demografia, governo, economia e arte. Um banquete visual de mais de 2.700 imagens do Metropolitan Museum of Art retrata os principais eventos que moldaram o desenvolvimento do pensamento, cultura e tradição Ocidentais. Esta série também é valiosa para professores que buscam rever o assunto.

Produzido por WGBH Boston. 1989.

Versão brasileira: Hélicon. Televisionado pela TV Câmara, data imprecisa. Divulgação sem fins comerciais em baixa qualidade de programa tornado público via emissora de TV pública, sem detenção de qualquer direito ulterior.



As conquistas de Alexandre quadruplicaram o tamanho do mundo conhecido pelos gregos.

duração 26:04 minutos διάρκεια 26:04 λεπτά της ώρας

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Published on Jul 23, 2013

A História da Tradição Ocidental

Uma série de vídeos de instrução sobre a Civilização Ocidental para faculdade e salas de aula do ensino médio e alunos adultos; 52 programas de vídeo de meia hora e livros coordenados.

Cobrindo desde o Mundo Antigo até a Era da Tecnologia, esta ilustrada palestra de Eugen Weber apresenta uma tapeçaria de acontecimentos políticos e sociais tecidos com muitos fios - religião, indústria, agricultura, demografia, governo, economia e arte. Um banquete visual de mais de 2.700 imagens do Metropolitan Museum of Art retrata os principais eventos que moldaram o desenvolvimento do pensamento, cultura e tradição Ocidentais. Esta série também é valiosa para professores que buscam rever o assunto.

Produzido por WGBH Boston. 1989.

Versão brasileira: Hélicon. Televisionado pela TV Câmara, data imprecisa. Divulgação sem fins comerciais em baixa qualidade de programa tornado público via emissora de TV pública, sem detenção de qualquer direito ulterior.



Reinos helenísticos estenderam a cultura grega por todo o Mediterrâneo.

duração 23:17 minutos διάρκεια 23:17 λεπτά της ώρας

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durata 12:28 minutes διάρκεια 12:28 λεπτά της ώρας

DOC: ATENAS - Grandes Tesouros da Arqueologia [Falado PT]


duração 45:18 minutos διάρκεια 45:18 λεπτά της ώρας

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DOC: Atenas - Esplendor Ocidental [Português]


Published on Mar 29, 2014

Conheça a vida extraordinária dos gregos no auge da civilização clássica. Saiba como o conflito entre a paixão e a razão deu forma à arte e às ideias do mundo ocidental.

duração 24:46 minutos διάρκεια 24:46 λεπτά της ώρας

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[6] Construindo um Império - Grécia - History Channel [6/12]

Luciano SilvaBoy

Published on Oct 31, 2013

No passado, poderosos impérios foram forjados do nada, até adquirirem grande poder. Junte-se a Peter Weller, ator e professor da Universidade de Syracuse enquanto ele viaja pelo mundo para mostrar os feitos de engenharia que levaram a ascensão de algumas das maiores civilizações conhecidas pelo homem. De Roma ao Egito dos faraos, da Grécia a Cartago, dos Astecas aos Maias e mais, este programa do History Channel usa técnicas de computação gráfica para explorar a arquitetura, a política e a glória cultural dos maiores impérios do mundo.


A civilização ocidental foi influenciada por muitas culturas, mas seu nascimento teve lugar na antiga Grécia. Além de filósofos como Aristóteles e Sócrates, os deuses olímpicos, o início da democracia e conquistadores como Alexandre Magno, a Grécia trouxe como contribuição para a humanidade idéias geniais, que enriqueceram a arte da arquitetura e da construção.

Engineering an Empire - GREECE

Western civilization has been influenced by many cultures, but his birth took place in ancient Greece. Apart from philosophers such as Aristotle and Socrates, Olympian gods, the beginnings of democracy and conquerors such as Alexander the Great, Greece brought as a contribution to mankind cool ideas that enriched the art of architecture and construction.

duração 43:55 minutos διάρκεια 43:55 λεπτά της ώρας

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[7] Construindo Um Império - Grécia: A Era de Alexandre - History Channel [7/12]

Published on Oct 31, 2013

No passado, poderosos impérios foram forjados do nada, até adquirirem grande poder. Junte-se a Peter Weller, ator e professor da Universidade de Syracuse enquanto ele viaja pelo mundo para mostrar os feitos de engenharia que levaram a ascensão de algumas das maiores civilizações conhecidas pelo homem. De Roma ao Egito dos faraos, da Grécia a Cartago, dos Astecas aos Maias e mais, este programa do History Channel usa técnicas de computação gráfica para explorar a arquitetura, a política e a glória cultural dos maiores impérios do mundo.


Depois da construção do Parthenon, no século V, a Grécia antiga alcançou seu maior esplendor. Tinha avançado em direção à democracia e alcançado os maiores índices culturais e artísticos do mundo na sua época. Mas a possibilidade de expansão da Grécia até o momento havia sido limitada por guerras civis. Seria necessária a vontade e a visão de um homem, Alexandre Magno, para expandir os limites do império até a Pérsia e Egito.

Engineering an Empire - GREECE : AGE OF ALEXANDER

After the construction of the Parthenon in the fifth century , ancient Greece achieved its greatest splendor. Had advanced toward democracy and reached the highest levels of artistic and cultural world in his time . But the possibility of expansion of Greece so far had been limited by civil wars . It would require the will and vision of one man , Alexander the Great , to expand the boundaries of the empire to Persia and Egypt

duração 44:00 minutos διάρκεια 44:00 λεπτά της ώρας

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The Elgin Marbles (2004)

Otis Merde

Published on May 28, 2014

duration 1:30:08 minutes διάρκεια 1:30:08 λεπτά της ώρας

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Send them back: The Parthenon Marbles should be returned to Athens


duration 46:38 minutes διάρκεια 46:38 λεπτά της ώρας

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The Acropolis of Athens in ancient Greece - Dimensions and proportions of Parthenon

Hernán Gil

Published on Sep 30, 2014

This video contains a description of the monumental buildings in the Acropolis. Especially it has very interesting analysis of the proportions and optical refinements of The Parthenon.

This monumental work is a peripteral octostyle Doric temple on the Athenian Acropolis dedicated to the goddess Athena, whom the people of Athens considered their patron.

Its construction began in 447 and was completed in 438 BC although decoration of the building continued until 432 BC.

It is the most important surviving building of Classical Greece, considered the zenith of the Doric order.

The construction of The Parthenon, made ​​almost entirely of white marble from Mount Penteli, was initiated by Pericles in thanks to the gods for his victory against the Persians. The architects in charge of the work were Ictino and Calicrates and were, in most cases, under the direction of the architect and great Athenian sculptor Phidias, author of the sculptural decoration and the great statue of Athena Parthenos which was located as the centerpiece of the temple (measuring forty feet high and for its elaboration 1,200 kg of gold were needed).

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διάρκεια 47:08 λεπτά της ώρας - duration 47:08 minutes

La Acrópolis de la Grecia antigua - Dimensiones y proporciones del Partenón

Hernán Gil

Published on Oct 1, 2014

Este vídeo documental contiene una descripción de los edificios monumentales de la Acrópolis. Es muy interesante un análisis que hace sobre las proporciones y refinamientos ópticos del Partenón.

Esta obra monumental es un templo octástilo y períptero ubicado en la Acrópolis de Atenas y dedicado a la diosa Atenea, a quien el pueblo de Atenas consideraba su protectora.

Su construcción se inició en el año 447 y fue terminada en 438 AC, aunque los trabajos de decoración del edificio continuaron hasta 432 AC.

Es el edificio más importante que sobrevive de la Grecia clásica y es, sin duda, el máximo exponente del Orden Dórico.

La construcción del Partenón, hecha casi enteramente de mármol blanco del monte Pentélico, fue iniciada por Pericles en agradecimiento a los dioses por su victoria contra los persas. Los arquitectos encargados de la obra fueron Ictino y Calícrates trabajando, en la mayoría de los casos, bajo la dirección del arquitecto y gran escultor ateniense Fidias, autor de la decoración escultórica y de la gran estatua de Atenea Partenos que estaba situada como pieza central del templo. Medía doce metros de altura y para su elaboración se necesitaron 1.200 kilogramos de oro.

duración 47:08 minutos διάρκεια 47:08 λεπτά της ώρας

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El Misterio del Partenon

Canal de l'usuari socialsbadalona7

duración 46:52 minutos διάρκεια 46:52 λεπτά της ώρας

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El Partenón: El antes y el después

Jorge Osma

Uploaded on Dec 15, 2007

Gran video de reconstrucción del Partenón...

duración 02:41 minutos διάρκεια 02:41 λεπτά της ώρας

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Sacratour Agência de Turismo

Published on Jul 16, 2013

Atenas é a maior cidade da Grécia, e também a capital da região da Ática. Na origem lendária, a região da Ática era disputada entre Poseidon e Atena. Os deuses dariam a região àquele que desse aos habitantes o presente mais útil. Poseidon deu então uma fonte de água, e Atena o suplantou criando a oliveira. A cidade ganhou então seu nome do nome desta deusa. Na antiguidade era uma sociedade não militarista, em oposição a Esparta, e se destacava das outras cidades gregas por ter adotado a democracia, depois de ter passado pelas fases de monarquia, arcontado e tirania . Foi fundada no século VIII a.C.. Até o século VIII a.C. a região não constituía uma unidade política, sendo dividida em pequenas comunidades. A união destas comunidades é associada à figura mitológica de Teseu. A colina rochosa conhecida como Acrópole passou então a ser a capital do novo estado. Durante as escavações, nas vertentes da Acrópole, foram encontrados vestígios humanos que demonstram que a região era habitada já na época neolítica (4º milênio a.C.). Foi uma poderosa cidade-estado e um centro cultural muito importante na Antiguidade e durante o grande período da civilização grega, no primeiro milênio a.C., durante a "Idade do Ouro" da Grécia (aproximadamente 500 a.C. até 300 a.C.). A sua mitologia é tão rica quanto o passado pré-histórico da cidade. Era o principal centro cultural e intelectual do Ocidente, berço da filosofia ocidental, e certamente é nas idéias e práticas da Antiga Atenas que a "civilização ocidental" teve sua origem. Após seus dias de grandiosidade, Atenas continuou a ser uma cidade próspera e um centro de estudos até o período tardio do Império Romano. As escolas de filosofia foram fechadas em 529, depois que o Império Bizantino foi convertido para o cristianismo. Atenas perdeu bastante o seu status e se tornou uma cidade provinciana. Entre o séculos XIII e XV foi combatida pelos bizantinos e cavaleiros franceses/italianos do Império Latino. Em 1458 caiu em poder do Império Otomano e a população começou a diminuir. As condições pioraram quando o Império Otomano declinou. Partes da cidade (incluindo muitos de seus edifícios) foram destruídas entre os séculos XVII e XIX, por diferentes facções que tentaram controlá-la. Ficou virtualmente inabitada quando se tornou a capital do recém estabelecido Reino da Grécia, em 1833. Durante as décadas seguintes foi reconstruída e se transformou numa cidade moderna. A última grande expansão ocorreu na década de 1920, quando os subúrbios foram criados para acomodar os refugiados gregos da Ásia Menor. Durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial foi ocupada pelos nazistas e esteve mal nos últimos anos da guerra. Depois da guerra começou a crescer novamente. Atualmente, além de ser uma cidade moderna, conta com uma população de cerca de 3,3 milhões de habitantes (2013), quase um terço da população total da Grécia. Na Bíblia Sagrada Atenas é mencionada quando o Apóstolo Paulo visita o Areópago (At 17,16-34) e, corajosamente, diante do altar ao deus desconhecido, fala do Cristo que viveu, morreu e ressuscitou. Ao final foi ridicularizado e debochado pela maior parte dos ouvintes, sem deixar de alcançar algumas poucas conversões.

duration 09:17 minutes διάρκεια 09:17 λεπτά της ώρας

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( please using the right click of your mouse, and Open Link in Next Private Window, )

y para más información, cambie por favor a la misma página web enespañol -

(por favor usando el clic derecho de su ratón, y elvínculo abierto en la ventana privada siguiente,)

et pour plus d'information, commutez svp à la même page Web en français -

(svp utilisant le droit - clic de votre souris, et le lien ouvert dans la prochaine fenêtreprivée,)

und zu mehr Information, schalten Sie bitte zur gleichen Webseite auf Deutsch -

(bitte unter Verwendung des Rechtsklicks Ihrer Maus und öffnen Sie Link im Folgenden privatenFenster,)

e per più informazioni, commuti prego alla stessa pagina Web in italiano -

(per favore facendo uso del cliccare con il pulsante destro del mouse del vostro mouse e delcollegamento aperto in finestra privata seguente,)

e para mais informação, comute por favor ao mesmo Web page no português -

(por favor usando o direito - clique de seu rato, e a relação aberta na janela privada seguinte,)

και για περισσότερες πληροφορίες, παρακαλώ μεταπηδήστε στην ίδιαιστοσελίδα στα ελληνικά -

( παρακαλώ χρησιμοποιώντας το δεξιό κλικ του mouse, ανοίξτε τον επόμενο σύνδεσμο

( ιστοσελίδα ) σε ξεχωριστό παράθυρο προς τα δεξιά, )