Macedonia’s Remarkable Monuments - The BEST COLLECTION of PODCASTS and YOUTUBE VIDEOS for


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01. [ ENGLISH ] Macedonia’s Remarkable Monuments - The BEST COLLECTION of PODCASTS and YOUTUBE VIDEOS for



Greece: The homeland of Alexander the Great (Archeological sights in Vergina, Pella, Dion)

Eirini Greece

Published on Apr 10, 2015Our search for Alexander the Great takes us to northern Greece where we meet with foremost archaeologists who give insight to his life. Alexander was a Greek king of Macedon, and by the age of thirty had created one of the largest empires of the ancient world stretching from the Ionian Sea to the Himalayas. We explore the archaeological sites of Aigai (modern Vergina) the ancient first capital of the Kingdom of Macedonia and now a UNESCO World Heritage Site; Pella where he was born and educated; and the sacred city of Dion where he assembled his armies.

NOTE: I do not own the copyrights to this video. All rights belong to their owners.

duration 06:01 minutes

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Macedonia A Civilization Uncovered - Ancient Discoveries

documentaire HD5

Published on Jan 19, 2016 Ancient Greece Documentary: Macedonia-A Civilization Uncovered (Ancient Greece Documentary)

This BBC Ancient Greece Documentary is a full history documentary film about the civilization of ancient Macedonia. The Macedonians (Greek: Μακεδόνες, Makedónes) were an ancient tribe that lived on the alluvial plain around the rivers Aliakmon and lower Axios in the northeastern part of the Greek peninsula. Macedonians, who were considered as an ancient Greek tribe, gradually expanded from their homeland along the Aliakmon valley on the northern edge of the Greek world, absorbing or driving out neighboring tribes, primarily Thracian and Illyrian.

This history documentary, one of the best documentary films about the great civilization of the Greek tribe of Macedonians, explores the kingdom of Macedonia as seen from the eys of archaeologist Manolis Andronicos, who discovered the tomb of ruler Philip II, father of Alexander the Great. In this top documentary film we watch Manolis Andronicos extensive work to uncover a Macedonian settlement and we follow his attempts to prove that Greek Macedonian civilization was a sophisticated center of culture rather than an outpost of classical Greece.

This ancient history documentary film covers an unprecedented archeological discovery. In November 8th- 1977, Manolis Andronikos and his team were in front of an ancient discovery that caused worldwide excitement. Archaeologists had discovered a Macedonian tomb in Vergina. The bones of King Philip, the father of King Alexander, were found in a golden larnaca.

The Kingdom of Macedon that was established around the 8th century BC is mostly associated with the Argead dynasty, and the tribe named after it. Traditionally ruled by independent families, the Macedonians seem to have accepted Argead rule by the time of King Alexander I (r. 498–454 BC). Under King Philip II (r. 359–336 BC), they are credited with numerous military innovations, which enlarged their territory and increased their control over other areas, leading to the exploits of Alexander the Great, the establishment of several realms from the Diadochi, and the inauguration of the Hellenistic civilization.

duration 1:36:02 hours

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Macedonian Treasures of Vergina & Pella

jelenabata Published on Mar 4, 2016 Vergina - The town is better known for its remains of Aigai, the first capital of Macedon. It was here in 336 BC that Philip II was assassinated in the theatre and Alexander the Great was proclaimed king.

The burial sites of the kings of Macedon, including the tomb of Philip II, father of Alexander the Great (Tomb II) and also of Alexander IV of Macedon, son of Alexander the Great and Roxana (Tomb III).

Pella - Visit the monumental palatial complex that occupies the northernmost hill of the city, and covers an area of 60.000 m2. Wander around the city’s commercial and manufacturing centre, the so-called agora (ayorá), which was in fact the biggest agora of the ancient world. This huge building complex of 70.000m2 included shops, workshops, administration offices, and the repository of the city’s historical records. The main avenue of agora was actually connected with the city’s port, the ruins of which are still visible today.

The ancient agora is constructed according to the famous urban planning of Hippodamus (Hippodamian grid plan): well-defined city blocks, paved streets with sidewalks, and elaborate water supply and sewage systems. They all illustrate Pella’s modern infrastructure and sophisticated urban design. The two-storey private houses built in Doric and Ionic style brings to mind images of a prosperous, ancient, city.

You will certainly be impressed by the outstanding mosaic floors that used to decorate the city's grand mansions – the most famous are the ones depicting the Abduction of Helen, Rapture, the Amazonomachy (the battle of Amazons), and the Deer Hunt. You can marvel at these decorated floors (considered the most important group of mosaics in Macedonia) at the New Archaeological Museum of Pella.

duration 08:31 minutes

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Vergina, Makedonien / Mazedonien Region - Griechenland

MACEDONIA FOREVER GREEK Published on Sep 11, 2015 Das Legendäre Land der Hellenen

© Planet1

duration 08:02 minutes

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Греция. Эпоха Александра Македонского (документальный фильм)


Published on Dec 2, 2013

Александр Македонский - один из самых великих полководцев в истории человечества. Он превратил обширные территории от Египта до Индии в греческую империю, распространяя на весь мир греческий язык, науки и культуру. Но инженерно-технический фундамент военных побед Александра заложил его отец, Филипп II.

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duration 44:01 minutes

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Александр Македонский – исторические факты. Документальный фильм

Doc Фильм

Published on Oct 18, 2015

Искусный воин, гениальный полководец и беспощадный завоеватель - все это Александр Македонский. С детских лет его растили воином, он в совершенстве овладел военным ремеслом. По масштабу захваченных территорий ему не было равных. Он оставил не мало загадок для историков, до сих пор его считаю неоднозначной личностью и никто конкретно не может ответь на вопрос: "Что же им двигало?"

Смотрите фильм: Александр Македонский – исторические факты. Документальный фильм

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Новые документальные фильмы на канале «Документальный проект» от Рен-ТВ, BBC, Discovery и National Geographic

A skilled warrior, a brilliant military leader and ruthless conqueror - all Alexander the Great. Since childhood, he raised a warrior, he mastered the art of war. By the scale of the occupied territories he had no equal. He left not a few mysteries to historians still consider him a controversial personality and one can not specifically answer the question, "What do they move?"

See the film: Alexander the Great - the historical facts. Documentary

Ein erfahrener Krieger, ein brillanter militärischer Führer und rücksichtslose Eroberer - all Alexander dem Großen. Seit der Kindheit, hob er ein Krieger, er beherrscht die Kunst des Krieges. Durch die Skala von den besetzten Gebieten hatte er nicht seinesgleichen. Er ließ nicht wenige Geheimnisse Historikern immer noch für ihn eine umstrittene Persönlichkeit und man kann nicht spezifisch die Frage zu beantworten, "Was wollen sie sich bewegen?"

Sehen Sie den Film: Alexander der Große - die historischen Fakten. Dokumentarfilm

duration 44:42 minutes

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