Heinrich Gottfried Theodore Dorhauer

Immigrant.........Adventurer.........Prominent Citizen



Heinrich Gottfried Theodore Dorhauer

1827- 1890

Builder,Gold Miner, Entrepeneur

The Barque 'Hanover'

Heinrich Gottfried Theodore Dorhauer, the second oldest of four brothers was born on 15th September 1827 in Casseedorf, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, and had seven sisters. He was a carpenter and cabinet maker by trade, as were other members of the family. 

At the time of his birth our name was spelt as 'Dürrhauer'

The death of Heinrich's parents, Johann Christoph August and Sophia Dorothea would more than likely have been the catalyst that triggered the decision of their sons and daughters to emigrate to other countries. Although the hostilities between Denmark and Prussia in 1848 may have also been a good reason to leave. Johann died in 1840, and Sophia died five years later in 1845.

Heinrich had moved to "Eutin" and did not leave for England until 1850. He arrived at Hull on the 28th of September of that same year travelling on the Ship "Britannia." with one piece of luggage. 

His brother, Johann Christopher August had already arrived in England on the 15th of March 1850 on board the ship "Hamburg"

Known as "August" he left England for America, arriving in Pittsburg on the "City of GLasgow" in 1853. His immigration certificate incorrectly spelt his name as "Dorhaner" and listed his nationality as "Hamburgh", which of course should have read "German" His occupation is listed as "Joiner" which is also correct

His younger brother Heinrich Christian did not arrive in England until the 1st of May 1852 on board the ship "Ocean Queen." After Heinrich's marriage to Maria Weber

It is not known what happened to their other brother, Hinrich. He may have remained in Germany.

Their sister, Sophia Dorothea Christiane went to Copenhagen Denmark and married Johann Heinrich Burmeister on 25th. July 1858, and three years later married Johann Ernst Adam Paul Helwing on 24th. February 1861

Heinrich married his first wife Maria Weber on 8th September 1851 at St. Pancras Old Church in Middlesex England, and at this time he was listed as a Pianoforte Maker. His older brother Johann August was a witness at their wedding.

Heinrich, with Maria and her nephew Adolph Philip Wagner and Heinrich's brother Christian travelled to Australia on the ship "Hanover" which arrived here in 1854.

The Dorhauer brothers decision, for whatever reason, to go to England at that time was a wise one given the much longer distances and time at sea to travel to Australia. The ships departing from London had a much higher degree of comfort and were better able to cater for the passengers, and a ship's doctor travelled with them to provide the necessary medical support. A large proportion of the emigrants wives were either pregnant or they had young children with them.

Both brothers set up their timber yards in Woollahra, a suburb of Sydney, and prospected for gold on the Sofala, Wattle Flat and Hill End Goldfields. Christian also prospected on the Melbourne diggings. Heinrich also opened another timber yard in Clarke Street, Hill End in 1872. 

Go to link---The Goldfields

In October1859 Heinrich was one of 144 signitaries on the pettition to form the Municipality of Woollahra

They returned to Woollahra from the gold fields around 1873.

The brothers between them built many Hotels and Terrace Houses and became very prominent citizens in the area. Their contribution to the economy of the area and to the community was outstanding.  

Some of the homes that they built are as follows;-

Queen Street Woollahra, No's 64,66,68,70,72 Built by Christian and 78,80,82 built by Heinrich.

Paddington Street Woollahra No's 124,126,128 built by Christian.

Queen Street Woollahra No's 99,109,110,111,118 built by Heinrich

Jersey Road Woollahra no. 63 built by Christian.

Jersey road Woollahra Terraces at 118 dated 1884 called "Hamburg Place" and 112 named "Hanover Place"

Sutherland Street Paddington. 4 terraces houses built by Heinrich

Among the properties built by Heinrich was the Windsor Castle Hotel and the Solferino Hotel which later became Humberstons Hotel, and is now known as the Four Hand Hotel. He also is reported to have built the original Acklands Hotel which is now the Woollahra Hotel.

Heinrich was successful with many Council and government tenders, such as:

(Sources: Leichhardt Historical Journals 1-10 Ref. 7.15a)

                 Woollahra Council Library


The Four in Hand Hotel  was saved from demolition by the national Trust.

Details of the history and significance of the hotel can be found on this website link:




Between 1864 and 1890 Heinrich built dozens of terrace houses and shops which he either sold or leased.

In 1875 he offered part of his allotment of land in Moncur street to Council in exchange for part of the Adjoining allotment belonging to Council in order that Little Piper street could be carried in a straight line. Council accepted the offer.

In 1885 Heinrich donated a block of land at Bondi Sands to Waverley Council for the disposal of "Nightsoil"

In recognition of Heinrich, "Dorhauer Lane" and "Dorhauer Place" were named in his honour and the streets still carry the Dorhauer name today. The community car park adjacent to Dorhauer lane has been named "Dorhauer Carpark" by the Municipal Council.


Heinrich was a founding member of "The Builder & Contractors Association Of NSW" formed on 21 October 1873, which was to become"The Master Builders Association Of NSW" and he was a signitory to the petition to make Woollahra a Municipality. as well as being a signitary to a petition to make Hill End a Borough.

Also in 1873 he was one of two trustees elected for the "Robert Burns Gold Mining Company"

In July 1871 he stood for election as an Alderman on the Woollahra Council, to fill a position that had been vacated. He was defeated at that election by Mr. William Teale, a prominent solicitor. 

Heinrich built the house at 99-100 Queen Street ( Now listed as 101-103 ) for he and Maria but their marriage to Maria was without Issue and they became estranged in 1865 but continued to live in the same house. After Maria's death in 1878 he married my Great Grandmother Margaretha Heinz and he built a house for them at 109 Queen Street Woollahra. They had seven children, three sons and four daughters two of which were to die young. 

My grandfather, Albert Leopold Victor Dorhauer was the youngest, born 1888.

Heinrich's legacy to his wife and children, when he died on the 27th of September 1890, included 27 properties, consisting of houses and shops in the Woollahra Paddington area. [From humble beginnings to a man of means.]



Author: Russell Albert James Dorhauer (Great Grandson)

Details of Christian and Wilhelmina's children


  Surnames & Descendancy Charts & Pedigree Charts researched can be found on this link





Link to the Village Voice Woollahra ( see page # 8) April 1998

The Enterprising Dorhauers- Queen Street Pioneers


Link to the Village Voice Woollahra (see page #4 ) August 1993

The Dorhauers & Konneckes a page in Queen Street History

Link to the Village Voice Woollahra (see page #4 November 2020

Heinrich Gottfried Theodore Dorhauer 

To read documents relating to the the person or event click onto corresponding attachment at bottom 

of page

The house at 99-100 Queen Street in the 1960's ( Now listed as 101-103 )

99-100 Queen Street Woollahra

A sketch of the front facade of the house at 99-100 Queen street showing the shops at the front, as it looked c1884 That Heinrich built for his first wife Maria Weber. ( now listed as 103 Queen Street)

The front cover of the Queen Street History book Showing the house at 99-100 Queen Street as it was in the 1800's and in 2019. (Now 103 Queen Street)

A photo of the house at 109 Queen street c1958 that heinrich built for his second wife Margaretha Heinz

A second photo of the house Heinrich built for his second wife Margaretha. Named "Lorelei"

This old map of Woollahra shows the position of Heinrich Gottfried Theodore Dorhauer's timber yard, It would have been on the lot where he built his second house "Lorelei" for his second wife, Margaretha at 109 Queen Street. His first house was at 99-100 Queen Street, on the corner of Moncur Street.


The Antique Print below shows the house and shops at 99-100  Queen Street. (now numbered as 103) Queen Street). The house is second from the bottom on the right side of the print with people in the forground and shops on the footpath.  Aspect is looking from Moncur Street to Queen Street