Week 3


    • Reading Reflection – Brain & TAL
    • Thoughts on Observations - Procedures? Classroom culture? Rapport?
    • Discussion: Discuss and model non math related skills and honor every student’s potential for growth.
non-math skills
  1. Do - Finals Week


1. Reading #3:

Inner World of Teaching by Robert Marzano (or here)



For Teenagers, Praising 'Effort' May Not Promote a Growth Mindset

Think: How do teacher and student mindsets affect teaching and learning?

Be Prepared to write about the articles next week in class!

2. Observation Reflection #2: Describe the...

  • class objective (SWBAT, standard)
  • Activity - What is the teacher doing? What are the students doing? What questions is the teacher asking? What questions are the students asking? What is the hook? Describe the direct instruction, guided practice and independent practice. How did the teacher check for understanding?

In addition…

  • describe how the instructor encourages a growth or mathematical mindset?
  • If the instructor isn’t encouraging va growth or mathematical mindset, how might he/she do so?

Due: Week 4 via google classroom. Remember to also submit your reflection to the Cal-teach google form.