First skype and yahoo messenger convo

Post date: Nov 17, 2008 8:23:05 PM

Chat convo for our first conversation. Time about 45 minutes. We talked a little on skype but switched to IM because skype audio quality was poor. We introduced everyone and outlined our project. We have established goals for each member to bring to our next meeting on Monday 24th at 2:30(EST).


ciprian vasile: 14:30:18

hello river

riverpaison: 14:30:21


riverpaison: 14:30:42

the audio quality seems bad

ciprian vasile: 14:31:07

This call will be recorded. If you decline to be recorded please end the call.

ciprian vasile: 14:32:39

This call will be recorded. If you decline to be recorded please end the call.

ciprian vasile: 14:36:55

This call will be recorded. If you decline to be recorded please end the call.

ciprian vasile: 14:42:29

can we write because i cant hear you very well

riverpaison: 14:42:36


riverpaison: 14:42:58

so we will make a powerpoint on google docs

riverpaison: 14:43:06

so that we can edit at the same time

ciprian vasile: 14:43:12


ciprian vasile: 14:43:35

and what we should include in this presentation?

riverpaison: 14:43:58

we can discuss collaboration using google docs

riverpaison: 14:44:25

wikis, like wikipedia

riverpaison: 14:44:39

what do you guys think?

ciprian vasile: 14:45:14

me and camelia thought that we can zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

ciprian vasile: 14:45:49

is it oke? something like: "how important is for u to have acces to the internet?"

riverpaison: 14:46:08

ok thats good

ciprian vasile: 14:46:11

and other questions like this one...

riverpaison: 14:46:53

have you heard of

ciprian vasile: 14:47:02

no, what is it?

riverpaison: 14:47:17

its a website that allows zzzzzzzzzzz

riverpaison: 14:47:47

it generates a phone number and people watching the presentation can text in their responses and it updates live results

ciprian vasile: 14:48:23

no, i don-t know this website but it sounds interesting

riverpaison: 14:48:59

ok, we can create that part

ciprian vasile: 14:49:14


ciprian vasile: 14:49:54

This call will be recorded. If you decline to be recorded please end the call.

riverpaison: 14:50:31

i'll type it

riverpaison: 14:50:57

i think that can make up most of it, the powerpoint should be less than 10 slides

ciprian vasile: 14:51:02

i can-t hear you very well..i dont know why because it worked today..but you-re too far away:)

riverpaison: 14:51:15

haha yes

riverpaison: 14:51:55

we can work the powerpoint itself during our next meeting

ciprian vasile: 14:52:02

and the part with zzzzzzzzzzzl wil be maximum 2 slides

ciprian vasile: 14:52:12

it-s oke?

riverpaison: 14:52:17


ciprian vasile: 14:52:58

and the rest of it..should we make an introduction about the internet in schools?

ciprian vasile: 14:53:29

and after that zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz our learning?

riverpaison: 14:53:48

thats exactly what we were thinking

ciprian vasile: 14:54:09

oke :)

riverpaison: 14:54:38

ok so do we want to work on the powerpoint itself next monday?

riverpaison: 14:54:43

now that we have the outline

ciprian vasile: 14:55:32

untill next monday?

riverpaison: 14:55:58

we can start now if you would like

ciprian vasile: 14:56:39

it will be oke if we can start a little bit faster because our teacher wants to see what we've worked

riverpaison: 14:56:47


riverpaison: 14:57:30

ciprian, what is your gmail account?

riverpaison: 14:57:47

nick, is going to create the google doc presentation outline

riverpaison: 14:58:09

and he will add you and we can create a couple of slides if you would like

ciprian vasile: 14:58:42

oke...and whith the poll? me and camelia could do this

ciprian vasile: 14:58:57

it-s oke?

ciprian vasile: 14:59:52

i wanted to ask you what program do u use often in order to chat? skype or something else? because we use frequently yahoo messenger

riverpaison: 15:00:39

its your choice, we are familiar with the website so we can do it if it would make it easier for you

riverpaison: 15:01:00

would you prefer to use yahoo messenger?

riverpaison: 15:01:21

we can get on that if you would like

ciprian vasile: 15:01:33

do u use it?do u have mess id?

ciprian vasile: 15:01:43

it will be great for us:)

ciprian vasile: 15:02:15

whould it be possible?

riverpaison: 15:02:33


ciprian vasile: 15:02:45

oke my yahoo id is cipib2002

ciprian vasile: 15:02:58

and camelia's is cameliacrisciu

riverpaison: 15:03:09

ok, i'm downloading and installing it now

ciprian vasile: 15:03:13

and we are online allmost all day

ciprian vasile: 15:03:42

can u give us your yahoo id?

riverpaison: 15:04:48


ciprian vasile: 15:04:55


riverpaison: 15:05:27

ok i've added you guys i think

ciprian vasile: 15:05:53

could u tell as the skype or mess id of nich and nick?

riverpaison: 15:07:35

smits_nich --skype for nic

riverpaison: 15:07:57

nicolas.culafi --skype for nick

ciprian vasile: 15:08:20

thank you

riverpaison: 15:08:49

ok the nicks don't have yahoo messenger

riverpaison: 15:08:54

but they will download it soon

riverpaison: 15:09:05

are you guys online at yahoo?

ciprian vasile: 15:09:10






hallo river..


would you like to use yahoo messenger from now on?


yes because most of our friends are on yahoo mess




so for the next time me and camelia whould have to do the zzzzzzzzzzzz





and you will have to work at the google presentation..


nic has started working on the powerpoint already

and at our next meeting we will add the zzzzzzzzzzzzz to the powerpoint


all right



so next meeting, 2:30 on monday 24th?





ok ciprian, we have class in 10 minutes so we need to get going


oke river..

good luck


haha thanks, take care, and we will keep in touch with email incase anything changes


me and camelia say goodbye to you and have a nice day


yes, good night to you as well, bye from nic, nick, and river



see you monday or when you-re online on mess


see you later