Pet Sitting

Why hire a Pet Care Provider?

Advantages of working with a Professional:

There are many reasons for us to have to be away from home and our pets. No matter what the reason one of our first considerations should be the welfare of our pets. More and more people are taking advantage of the benefits of professional pet care providers.

For your pets:

  • Less stress – Stress is reduced for your pet because they remain in the surroundings they are most comfortable in. They experience the sights, sounds and smells that they are accustomed to.

  • Home routine stays similar – Pets stay on their regular schedules of eating and medicating. This helps to reduce the potential of health problems due to being upset.

  • No Trauma do to traveling or boarding – Your pet does not have to travel to be cared for and for those pets that don’t travel well this is a big advantage.

  • Health monitoring – With my many years of caring for pets, I have been able to detect problems, sometimes long before it becomes life threatening. Also with your pet staying at home it is less likely to be exposed (from other animals) to illness or parasites.

  • Personal attention/familiarity – As your pet becomes more familiar with me, and some already are J There is a bond that is formed of love, loyalty and security from your pet and from me.

  • Medical attention – Should your pet require medical attention while you are away you’ll be at ease knowing that I am familiar with your pet’s health issues. Also knowing that I will follow your instructions 100% in any medical emergencies, no second guessing on my part.

For the owners:

  • No additional travel – There is no inconvenience on your part of having to drop off or pick up your pet. No traffic to deal with, no time delays, and no worrying if you are late in returning home. You know all will be the same at home as when you left J

  • No imposing on others – Not having to impose on someone to watch your pets and your house is self-assuring.

  • Home security – I can make your home look occupied while you are away. That in its self is a major stress relief. With crime being the way it is nowadays having a responsible person to stop by daily or spend the night can deter any problems.

  • Special services – No stopping the mail or newspaper, no dieing plants and no trash left to pile up. All these things are included in my service.

  • Relax your mind, body and spirit while you are away knowing your pets and your home are being well cared for J

My overnight stay in your home includes my own girls.

"Skyla" & "Sadie"

Remember to always look for a professional pet care provider.