Sad but True

Treat Me Kindly

Treat me kindly, my beloved master for no heart in the world is more grateful for kindness than the loving heart of mine.

Do not break my spirit with a stick, for though I lick you hand between the blows, your patience and understanding will more quickly teach me the things you would have me do.

Speak to me often, for your voice is the world’s sweetest music, as you must know by the fierce wagging of my tail when your footsteps fall upon my waiting ears.

When it is cold and wet, please take me inside, for I am now a domesticated animal, no longer used to bitter elements. And I ask no greater glory than the privilege of sitting at your feet beside the hearth.

Though had you no home, I would rather follow you through ice and snow than rest upon the softest pillow in the warmest home in all the land, for you are my God, and I am your devoted worshipper.

Keep my pan filled with fresh water, for although I should not reproach you were it dry, I cannot tell you when I suffer thirst.

Feed me clean food, that I may well, to romp and play and do your bidding, to walk by your side, and stand ready, willing and able to protect you with my life should your life be in danger.

And, beloved master, should the Great Master see fit to deprive me of my health or sight, do not turn me away from you. Rather hold me gently in your arms as skilled hands grant me the merciful boon of eternal rest….and I will leave you knowing with the last breath I drew, my fate was ever safest in your hands.


1) My life is likely to last only 10 to 15 years. Any separation from you will be painful for me. Remember that before you adopt me.

2) Give me time to understand what you want of me.

3) Place your trust in me-it’s crucial to my well-being.

4) Don’t be angry with me for long, and don’t lock me up as punishment. You have your work, your entertainment, and your friends. I have only you.

5) Talk to me sometimes. Even if I don’t understand your words, I do understand your voice when it’s speaking to me.

6) Be aware that however you treat me, I’ll never forget it!!

7) Remember before you hit me that I have teeth that could easily crush the bones of your hand, but I choose not to bite you.

8) Before you scold me for being uncooperative, obstinate, or lazy, ask yourself if something might be bothering me? Perhaps I’m not getting the right food, or I’ve been out in the sun to long, or my heart is getting old and weak?

9) Take care of me when I get old, you too will grow old someday.

10) Go with me on difficult journeys. Never say I can’t bear to watch it or let it happen in my absence. Everything is easier for me if you are there by my side. Remember-I LOVE YOU, now and forever!

The Rainbow Bridge

There is a bridge connecting Heaven and Earth. It’s called the Rainbow Bridge because of its many colors. Just this side of the Rainbow Bridge is a land of meadows, hills and valleys, all of it covered with lush green grass. When a beloved pet dies, the pet goes to this lovely land. There is always food, water and warm weather. There, the old and frail animals are young again. Those who are maimed are made whole once more. They play all day with each other, content and comfortable. There is only one thing missing. They are not with the special person who loved them on Earth. So each day they run and play until the day comes when one suddenly stops playing and looks up! Then, the nose twitches! The eyes are staring. You have been seen, and that one suddenly runs from the group! You take him or her in your arms and embrace. Your face is kissed again and again, and you look once more into the eyes of your trusting pet. Then, together, you cross the Rainbow Bridge, never to be separated again.

--Author Unknown—