Outstanding faculty researchers
Supported by anonymous gifts, the Chapter makes periodic awards to outstanding researchers in the sciences and allied fields.
Eligibility: Science and engineering faculty of Portland State University and other academic institutions and businesses in the Portland area. We are asking for nominations of both professors with a long record of success in research and also younger researchers who have had a recent success that is worthy of an award.Â
Nominations are sought in seven categories:
1) Behavioral Sciences/Social Sciences: psychology, sociology, anthropology, and geography
2) Biological Sciences: biology, zoology, botany, medical sciences, environmental sciences
3) Physical Sciences: physics, chemistry, astronomy
4) Earth Sciences: geology, geography, archeology, environmental sciences
5) Mathematical Sciences: math, statistics, data analysis, theoretical mathematics
6) Engineering: engineering, computer science
7) Science Education Research: in any of the above areas
Each of the winners receives an engraved plaque and a monetary award.
The Chapter seeks nominations for the 2023 awards in all seven research categories from all higher-education institutions in its territory. Nominations typically come through departments, but individual recommendations are also welcome. A cover letter and vita should be sent by 1 May 2023 to Scott Burns, <burnss {a~t} pdx.edu>, chair of the selection committee, Department of Geology, PSU, PO Box 751, Portland, OR 97207.
2016 & 2017: no awards
2012: no awards