Adventures in Boating

In 2005 I decided to do the 100 mile Raid from Galiano Island Canada to Port Townsand USA over 7 days. The story I wrote about this trip is here Traditional Small Craft Summer 2006 Issue
Tad Roberts write up here:

Rowing through the channel on Lopez Sound to Rosario Strait on the second to last day of the RAID.

Boats on the beach in Watmough Bight, evening of the sixth day. I'm anchored out with a stretchy line holding the boat off the beach. If I haul on the bow line it will bring the boat back to shore with the stern anchor still in place.,-122.819939,21662m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x548f801371c3d51d:0xa4572a5cf1f70ce2!8m2!3d48.4869178!4d-122.8955118?hl=en

I also did a weekend trip up to Sucia Island in the San Juan Islands of Washington state: Story and Photos here.
Photos also here:

Note, I have a Coleman cooler bungied onto the bow seat for carrying our food. Really a soft cooler would work better, but is less resistent to being tampered with by mice.

Tiger Lily sitting flat on her keel, a benefit of Swampscott dories, vs the red striped Gig Harbor Whitehall sitting on her side farther up the beach.

Note, the boom is held up and out of the way by the jack lines. And I probably have too much rake in the mast.

Getting a tow back to the launch beach as there was no wind, and a friend offered, so why not?