

As a graduate of the Colgate teacher education program, I…

…have a solid understanding of the relevance of educational research to teaching.

*This section is copied from my college, pre-service teaching portfolio. One day I'll get around to revising.

Below I have listed the Education Studies courses that I have taken as a Colgate University student. Each of these classes in some way enhanced my familiarity with researching in the field. I was fortunate enough to receive assignments that were diverse in nature, allowing me to experience the scope of issues pertaining to the history of as well as current controversies surrounding educational theories and institutions of learning throughout the United States. I have included links to some of the research I have done within the department of Educational Studies.

EDUC 201 The American School

EDUC 204 Child & Adolescent Development

EDUC 305 Race and Education

EDUC 321 Educational Psychology

EDUC 321 Educational Psychology

EDUC 418 Seminar in High Needs Schools

EDUC 502 Teaching of Reading

EDUC 507 Special Education

EDUC 503 Student Teaching

EDUC 519 Diagnosis & Remediation of Reading Problems

EDUC 553 Seminar on Curriculum & Instruction: Mathematics

Sex-Segregated Versus Coeducational Instruction

- Discusses achievement gaps between males and females in schools and the possibilities of closing the gap via segregated instruction.

The Role of the Father on a Child's Development

- Evaluates the influence that father presence and involvement in a child's life has on the offspring's (anti)social behaviors.

Writing Math

- Looks at the relationship between writing and mathematics as related disciplines.