Degrees of Sunility

Degrees of Sunility

While I try and keep most of my significant work and information current on this site,

you may be interested in "friending" or "following" me on other domains:

  • Facebook:
    • I am very picky about who I elect to "friend"...don't take it personally if I reject your request :-)
  • TeacherTube:
    • Just some random classroom videos that may or may not pertain to mathematics whatsoever.
  • Twitter:
    • Presently I'm still developing as a "tweeter." I still don't get the hype, nor do I think I understand how to "tweet" correctly, but I've at least evolved to the point of creating an account...yes, I assimilate and follow the herd sometimes in life. I held out for a long time though...
  • Blogspot:
    • I started the posts of this blog in college and it was originally created as a means to be playful with a female peer in my freshman dorm (who also had a blogging account - before everyone did, lol). Soon after, it was meant primarily to vent, journal, or save course posts that I wanted to save without actually taking up space on my hard drive. While I'm providing access to it here, if you choose to read through any of the entries, please do so with a grain of salt. It's not at all an exclusive professional blog, nor do I stand behind 100% of what I've written there. If anything, it's perhaps a window into my tone of voice and the senility (a.k.a. sunilty) that sometimes comes over me. Posts are usually few and far between, but one day I'll learn a lesson from my awesome colleagues (who I personally feel should be getting paid for blogging) and become a more frequent and more polished blogger.
  • Flickr:
    • Personal and school-related photos.