Critical Thinker

Critical Thinker

As a graduate of the Colgate teacher education program, I…

…am a critical thinker with a broad understanding of the liberal arts.

*This section is copied from my college, pre-service teaching portfolio. One day I'll get around to revising.

Colgate University requires all of its graduates to complete a rigorous academic program including the CORE curriculum as well as completing a liberal arts distribution in the natural and social sciences as well as in the humanities. Below I have listed the courses that I have taken during my time at Colgate. Not only do I believe I enriched my educational experience by concentrating in Mathematics and English, utilizing both sides of my brain, but I also believe I often made attempts to select courses outside of my fields of interest to broaden my horizons and take on new perspectives.

I have also included links to some papers that I have written which together serve as a small example of the liberal arts foundation of knowledge that I have acquired.

Fall 2002 Spring 2003

CLAS 230 Classical Mythology CORE 151 Western Traditions

CORE 152 Challenge of Modernity ENGL 217 Intro to Creative Writing: Fiction

EDUC 201 The American School PHED 347 "Isms" of Society

MATH 112 Calculus II PSYC 150 Introduction to Psychology

PHED 124 Relationships & Sexuality SOAN 101 Introduction to Sociology

Fall 2003 Spring 2004

CORE 162 Colombia CORE 143 Introduction to Statistics

ENGL 206 Innocence & Experience ENGL 208 Sex & City

MATH 113 Calculus III ENGL 244 American Literature II

MATH 214 Linear Algebra MATH 250 Number Theory & Math Reasoning

Fall 2004 Spring 2005

ENGL 338 Contemporary Critical Theory ENGL 408 Medieval Identities

MATH 308 Differential Equations ENGL 441 James Joyce

MATH 316 Probability & Statistics I MATH 312 Applied Math: Social Sciences

MATH 323 Real Analysis I MATH 320 Abstract Algebra I

Fall 2005 Spring 2006

EDUC 204 Child & Adolescent Development EDUC 321 Educational Psychology

EDUC 305 Race and Education EDUC 418 Seminar in High Needs Schools

ENGL 361 Chaucer ENGL 364 American Writers: Nonfiction

MATH 327 Geometry

Fall 2006 Spring 2007

EDUC 502 The Teaching of Reading EDUC 503 Student Teaching

EDUC 507 Special Education EDUC 519 Diagnosis & Remediation of Reading Problems

GEOG 593 Urban Environmental Issues EDUC 553 Seminar on Math Curriculum & Instruction

MATH 591 Functions of a Complex Variable

MATH 592 Numerical Analysis

Paper on Tom Wolfe's The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test

Paper on Poverty in Colombia

Paper on Deviance and Social Control

Paper on Native Americans Voices - Forced into Battle