Vegetable Bouillon Mix (makes 4½ cups)

Adapted from recipes by Katherine Deumling, Heidi Swanson and Pam Corbin

All the vegetables should be chopped into 1 inch pieces. Measure vegetables after peeling and chopping.

1¼ cups or 5 oz. leeks, well-washed and sliced


1¼ cups or 5 oz. sliced leeks and chopped onions, mixed

1½ cups or 7 oz. carrots, peeled and chopped

¾ cup or 3½ oz. celery, chopped

A scant cup or 3 ½ oz. of celery root (celeriac), peeled and chopped


A scant cup or 3 ½ oz fennel, tops cut cut off, outside layer removed and chopped

5 individual or 1 oz. sun-dried tomatoes in oil, cut into quarters

¾ cup or 3½ oz. shallots, peeled

1 bunch parsley, with 1 inch of stems left on, hardly chopped

½ cup Kosher salt

Place all ingredients except parsley and salt in food processor. Pulse 20 times to get vegetables evenly chopped. Add parsley and salt. Let food processor run until mixture is chopped as desired. (I wish I had chopped mine more.)

If you haven’t measured the vegetables too accurately, remove the vegetable mixture from the food processor before adding the salt. Measure and then process in ½ cup of Kosher salt to every 4½ cups of vegetables.

Pack bouillon into small freezer containers. It’s not necessary to thaw, use a fork to get out as much as you need. To make stock, add 1½ teaspoons of mixture to 1 cup of hot water. Taste for seasoning.

Recipe from Food Network Musings. All rights reserved. Please don't use my photos or other content without my permission.