2022 Chennai- Southampton Workshop

Sponsored by Fundamental physics UK, Ministry of Education India

Workshop on holography, gauge theories and black holes

STAG Research Centre, Southampton University,

Center for Strings, Gravitation and Cosmology, IIT Madras, Chennai

28 - 30 March 2022, colloquium 31 March

Talk Schedule:

Click here

Invited Speakers:

  • Pawel Caputa (Warsaw)

  • Iñaki Garcia Etxebarria (Durham)

  • Jerome Gauntlett (Imperial College, London)

  • Daniel Grumiller (Vienna)

  • Carlos Hoyos (Oviedo, Spain)

  • Tanay Kibe (IITM, Chennai)

  • Cristhiam Lopez-Arcos (Colombia)

  • Scott Melville (Cambridge)

  • Prahar Mitra (Cambridge)

  • Toshali Mitra (IMSc, Chennai)

  • Sebastian Mizera (IAS, Princeton)

  • Partha Paul (CMI, Chennai)

  • Michela Petrini (LPTHE, Paris)

  • Matteo Sacchi (Oxford)

  • Sutapa Samanta (Washington State, IITM Chennai, IACS Kolkata)

  • Atul Sharma (Oxford)

  • Congkao Wen (Queen Mary, London)

  • Claire Zukowski (Amsterdam)

Chandrasekhar Colloquium:

Speaker: Jerome Gauntlett (Imperial College London)

Date: 31.03.2022

Time: 13:00-14:00 (BST), IST: GMT+4.5 hrs, NY time: GMT-5 hrs

Title: Black Holes and Quantum Spacetime

Abstract: Black holes are structures in the fabric of spacetime and are amongst the most extraordinary objects known to exist in the universe. In addition to their astrophysical significance, black holes also provide profound clues in the ongoing quest of constructing a theory of quantum gravity that unifies Einstein's theory of General Relativity with the quantum laws of physics. Developments in string theory, a most promising framework for quantum gravity, have illuminated our understanding of the quantum properties of black holes and the nature of quantum spacetime. The goal of the talk is to give a flavour of some these striking theoretical developments.

Organising Committee:

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List of Participants:

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Highfield Campus, Building 56

Titles and Abstracts:

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Talk Slides:

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