2015-2016 Postgraduate

First term seminars take place on Tuesdays at 2pm in room 54/8031 (8C)

13/10/15 - Gavin Hartnett - Journal club on arXiv:1509.07876 "Complexity Equals Action"

20/10/15 - Andrew O'Bannon - Journal club on arXiv:1507.08666 "A 4D-2D equivalence for large-N YM theory"

27/10/15 - William Woodhead - Journal club on arXiv:1503.01409 "A bound on chaos"

03/11/15 - String theory seminar

10/11/15 - Francesco Aprile - Journal club on arXiv:1509.08511 "Anomalies, Conformal Manifolds, and Spheres"

17/11/15 - Marco Caldarelli - Journal club on arXiv:1508.06577 "BMS invariance and the membrane paradigm"

24/11/15 - Ariana Christodoulou - Journal club on arXiv:1508.06354 "Conformal QED_d, F-Theorem and the ε Expansion"

01/12/15 - Stanislav Schmidt - Journal club on arXiv:1509.03612 "Looking for a bulk point"

08/12/15 - William Clemens - Journal club on arXiv:1509.00013 "A Precision Test of AdS/CFT with Flavor"

Second term seminars take place on Tuesdays at 9:30am in room 54/10031 (10C)

26/01/16 - Da-Wei Pang - Journal club on arXiv:1512.06431 "Relative entropy equals bulk relative entropy"

02/02/16 - Canceled

09/02/16 - Masanori Hanada (Yukawa Institute, Tokyo) - Seminar on arXiv:1602.01473 "Chaos in Matrix Models and Black Hole Evaporation"

16/02/16 - No postgraduate seminar

23/02/16 - Marika Taylor - Journal club on arXiv:1601.04958 "Vacua of the gravitational field”

01/03/16 - Canceled

08/03/16 - Ariana Christodoulou - Journal club on arXiv:1602.02039 "Holographic Construction of Excited CFT States”

15/03/16 - Tim Morris - Journal Club on arXiv:1502.07396 "Background independent exact renormalization group for conformally reduced gravity” and on “Background independence in a background dependent renormalisation group" which is shortly to appear on the arXiv.

Easter break

12/04/16 - Nick Evans - "Holographic NJL Interactions" http://inspirehep.net/record/4327?ln=en, hep-th/0112258, and arXiv:1601.02824

19/04/16 - Oscar Dias - Journal club on arXiv:1512.02644 "Superradiant instabilities of asymptotically anti-de Sitter black holes"

26/04/16 - Kostas Skenderis - Journal club on arXiv:1603.05665 "Negative branes, supergroups and the signature of spacetime"

03/05/16 - No postgraduate seminar

10/05/16 -

17/05/16 - String Theory seminar

24/05/16 -

31/05/16 -