
01/10/13 - Blaise Goutéraux (Nordita) - Universal scaling properties of holographic cohesive phases

08/10/13 - Erik Tonni (SISSA) - Entanglement of disjoint intervals in CFT: entropies and negativity

15/10/13 - Ben Withers (Southampton) - An effective microscopic description of black brane thermodynamics

22/10/13 - Luis Melgar (UAM/CSIC Madrid) - Holographic Type-II Goldstone Bosons

29/10/13 - Gianmassimo Tasinato (Portsmouth U) - New perspectives for dark energy model building

05/11/13 (11am) - Thomas Vanel (LPTHE Paris) - Dressing the electron star in a holographic superconductor

05/11/13 (room 02/1085 (L/T C)) - Rodolfo Russo (Queens Mary) - Microstate geometries and their (double) CFT description

07/11/13 (10am TR3) - Han-Chih Chang (Seattle) - Entanglement entropy for probe branes, the leading backreaction

12/11/13 - Karapet Mkrtchyan (SNS Pisa) - Higher Spin algebras in different dimensions

19/11/13 - Christiana Pantelidou (Imperial College) - p-wave superconductors and spatial modulation

26/11/13 - William Kelly (UCSB) - Coarse-grained entropy and causality in AdS/CFT

03/12/13 - Sebastian Fischietti (UCSB) - Entanglement in Extremal Reissner-Nordstrom AdS

10/12/13 - Aristomenis Donos (DAMTP) - Lattice induced phase transitions from holography break

07/01/14 (11am) - Marko Djuric (Porto) - Low x scattering using gauge/gravity duality

14/01/14 (11am) - Minas Tsoukalas (CECs, Valdivia) - General scale invariance

21/01/14 - Jorge Casalderrey Solana (Barcelona) - From full stopping to transparency in a holographic model of heavy ion collisions

04/02/14 - Adam Bzowski (Leuven) - Conformal Invariance in Momentum Space

11/02/14 - Prem Kumar (Swansea) - Finite Density and Holography

18/02/14 - Carsten Gundlach (Southampton) - Numerical simulations in AdS

25/02/14 - Benjamin Doyon (King's College) - Non-equilibrium steady states of quantum critical systems

11/03/14 - Andy O'Bannon (Oxford) - A Holographic Model of the Kondo Effect

25/03/14 - Donovan Young (Queen Mary) - Amplitudes in the near-D2 limit of Higgsed ABJM

29/04/14 Dario Martelli (King's College) - The gravity dual of supersymmetric gauge theories on a squashed S1×S3

06/05/14 David Garner (QMUL) - Thresholds of factorisation in AdS_5/CFT_4

13/05/14 Ville Keranen (Oxford) - Dynamics of entanglement entropy in holographic thermalization

20/05/14 Francesco Nitti (APC Paris) - Holographic RG flows and quantum effective actions

27/05/14 Daniele Dorigoni (Cambridge) - Resurgence in QFT: the Principal Chiral Model

01/07/14 Joan Camps (DAMTP, Cambridge) - Generalized entropy and higher derivative gravity