
02/10/12 - Tim Morris (SHEP Southampton) - Asymptotic Safety in the f(R) Approximation

09/10/12 - Adam Bzowski (GR Southampton) - A holographic approach to slow roll inflation

16/10/12 - Nick Evans (SHEP Southampton) - Holography of the conformal window

23/10/12 - John Estes (Imperial) - Holography of 3d N=4 superconformal quiver theories

30/10/12 - Marika Taylor (GR Southampton) - Firewalls

06/11/12 - Mariano Chernicoff (DAMTP) - Quarkonium dissociation by anisotropy in a strongly coupled CFT

13/11/12 - Eric Perlmutter (DAMTP) - Probing higher spin black holes

27/11/12 - Joan Camps (DAMTP) - Blackfolds and conformal symmetry

04/12/12 - Euihun Joung (Pisa) - Higher-spin cubic interactions and holography

11/12/12 - Keun-Young Kim (Amsterdam) - Moduli Spaces of Cold Holographic Matter

23/01/13 - Yuko Urakawa (Barcelona) - Inflationary loops and initial states of inflationary universe

30/01/13 - Anton Faedo (Swansea) - RG flows as domain walls of N=4 supergravity

06/02/13 - Simone De Liberato (Southampton) - Informal discussion on condensed matter theory

20/02/13 - Toby Wiseman (Imperial) - Quenches in holographic superconductors

27/02/13 - Davide Cassani (King's College) - Supersymmetry on curved spaces from a holographic viewpoint

24/04/13 - Stefano Cremonesi (Imperial) - Partition function of N=(2,2) gauge theories on S^2 and vortices

01/05/13 - Nadav Drukker (KCL) - The quark-antiquark potential in N=4 SYM from an open spin chain

08/05/13 - Jerome Gauntlett (Imperial) - Spatially modulated phases in holography

15/05/13 - Ben Withers (Durham) - Striped black branes in AdS

22/05/13 - Amihay Hanany (Imperial) - Brane tilings, specular duality

29/05/13 - James Lucietti (Edinburgh) - Near-horizon symmetry of extreme black holes