VIX the Volatility or fear index

real time CNBC VIX price

The VIX "home" is considered to be 17 for many traders. Higher can be regarded as overly bearish and lower can be regarded as overly complacent.

Is VIX a Leading or a lagging indicator? I thought it moved faster than SPX. What is the most leading of indicators? thanks

Any data that is collected after the action is lagging, the only leading indicator is the imagination and projection based on historical data.

VIX is a trademarked ticker symbol for the Chicago Board Options Exchange Market Volatility Index, a popular measure of the implied volatility of S&P 500 index options. Often referred to as the fear index or the fear gauge, it represents one measure of the market's expectation of stock market volatility over the next 30 day period. The VIX is quoted in percentage points and translates, roughly, to the expected movement in the S&P 500 index over the next 30-day period, which is then annualized. For example, if the VIX is 15, this represents an expected annualized change of 15% over the next 30 days; thus one can infer that the index option markets expect the S&P 500 to move up or down 15%/√12 = 4.33% over the next 30-day period. That is, index options are priced with the assumption of a 68% likelihood (one standard deviation) that the magnitude of the change in the S&P 500 in 30-days will be less than 4.33% (up or down).

No company has provided a way of trading VIX directly. Instead a VIX trader must trade VIX futures and VIX futures suffer from time decay. As a result a 2x short term VIX futures ETF like Proshares UVXY will lose 80-90% of its value every 12 months. Proshares even state that their fund will eventually be worth zero. The odds of winning are so remote that it is questionable why such a fund exists or why they should call it an ETF. Most investors have not signed up to futures and options trading at their brokers yet that is exactly what they are doing when they buy Proshares UVXY, many without realising. Proshares also state that the SEC has not authorized their fund.

I came across a site called Volatility Research, which claims it can crack the volatility code. It reminded me of the guy who thinks that you can win at roulette by counting reds and blacks and waiting for runs. The only trend I have seen regarding volatility is the unrelenting time decay which suggests to me that the real winners are those that short VXX or use puts. Some traders believe that when the S&P500 and VXX both close negative there is a good chance that next day the SPX bounces higher.

Art Cashin: big VIX bet made. Feb 2013. Is this guy senile or???

From this morning's Cashin's Comments (emphasis ours):

A Very Big Bet In A Somewhat Unlikely Instrument. My friend, Jim Brown, the ever-alert consummate professional over at Option Investor pointed us to a rather unusual trade. Here's what he wrote in last night's edition of his valuable newsletter:

In past years I have reported on trades that were so large it appeared someone had inside knowledge of a pending event. Sometimes those were massive put positions on the S&P. A new trade just appeared that suggests there will be a market event in the near future. Last week somebody put on a call spread on the VIX using the April 20 and 25 puts. They bought 150,000 contracts for a net of $75 per contract. That is an $11,250,000 bet that the VIX will move over 20 over the next 60 days. You would have to be VERY confident in your outlook to risk $11 million on a directional position with the VIX at five year lows and the markets trying to break out to new highs.

Since 1990, the VIX has risen an average of 2.9% on the Monday after options expiration. Looking at all five days of the week, the VIX has posted a mean daily increase of 0.16% since 1990. If you back out those Mondays following options expiration, however, the remaining increase is a mere 0.02% per day, meaning that these post-expiration Mondays have accounted for almost all of the cumulative upside movement in the VIX over the past 17 years.

VIX expiration dates

Here are some very useful tools for turning trading losses into gains:

A chart showing all the available VIX products:

After reading all this and you still want to trade VXX or UVXY here is some important information about when it is safer to trade them:

Essential tools for turning daytrading losses into daytrading gains:

First of all, the VIX Spot Price is an index that measures implied market volatility based upon the activity of put/call options. The higher the VIX, the more implied market volatility, the lower the VIX, the less. The VIX Spot cannot be traded directly, so it is accomplished through VIX Futures Contracts (typically the front month plus the 8 following months). For example, on Monday 3/19, you can buy/sell VIX Futures Contracts for the near month March (H) through November (X). Each month is represented by a letter (Jan=F, Feb=G, March=H, April=J … Nov=X, Dec=Z). There is no month with an I or Y. You can get EOD Futures prices at the CBOE -

UVXY and VXX will always hold two months of VIX Futures contracts: the near month (March, until 3/21) and the following month (April, until 4/20). Each day, UVXY and VXX must rebalance to sell a portion of its March VIX Futures Contracts to buy an equivalent amount of April VIX to maintain a constant maturity of 30 days. Assuming an average of 23 trading days each month, it must therefore sell 1/23 of its March VIX holdings each and buy an equivalent amount of April VIX. When the near month has a contract value LOWER than the following month (i.e. VIX Futures upward sloping over time), futures are said to be in CONTANGO. If the near month is HIGHER, futures are said to be in BACKWARDATION. We are now in significant CONTANGO.

For example, at Friday 3/16 close, VIX March (H) = $16.15 and VIX April (J) = $21.60, a +$5.45 or 34% difference which is significant CONTANGO. To get a sense of the affect on UVXY or VXX, just take that Contango of $5.45 and divide by 23 = $0.24 … therefore, at present, there is a rebalancing loss of $0.24 on Monday INDEPENDENT of how the VIX Spot Price moves. For VXX, that $0.24 represents 1.1% of its $21.56 last closing price. Thus, VXX will lose 1.1% of its value on Monday independent of VIX Spot Price movement due to daily rebalancing. This is why it is NOT a good idea to hold UVXY or VXX long-term unless you’re gambling on a significant volatility spike at some point.

The price of UVXY and VXX is based upon three elements: 1) Daily Rebalancing Gain/Loss, 2) VIX Spot Price Movement, and 3) Supply/Demand of the shares (sometimes generating a short-term premium versus NAV).

Since I day trade UVXY, I visit the ProShares page summarizing its Daily Holdings -… for VXX, go here -

At present, UVXY holds 1,885 March VIX contracts and 20,744 April VIX contracts for a total of 22,629 contracts. I know that by the end of Wednesday 3/20, it will have sold ALL 1,885 March VIX contracts and be 100% April VIX. The following evening, it begins to sell roughly 1/23 April VIX to buy May VIX ($23.80 as of last Friday). You should

If you have read this far and doing the math, you will notice that beginning Friday, 3/22, the CONTANGO will be reduced significantly because there is only +$2.20 difference between April/May contracts versus +$5.45 between March/April contracts. Therefore, beginning Friday, the daily rebalancing loss will be cut by more than half and that may have a more positive (less negative) impact on the price of UVXY and VXX. But until then, the CONTANGO slope is steep.

When I day trade UVXY, I am primarily playing the #3 short-term Supply/Demand element … buying when it becomes oversold and selling within minutes or hours to grab a quick profit. To track this, I watch the correlation of UVXY to $VXV (the 3 month version of VIX) on the 5-minute chart.

If you want a more detailed explanation -

June update: With spot at 18 and front month futures at 22, anyone holding VXX would expect a loss of up to 18% if volatility does not spike significantly and double that for UVXY/TVIX. If spot VIX falls significantly, the damage will be correspondingly worse.

Sell off last 30 minutes into close often means the next day is an up day, and vice versa.

Volatility ^VIX seems to move between 0.5 steps.

About Contango and VXX UVXY losses

About XIV and backwardation

Last time $VIX was lower was May of 2007 13.06. During Sept - Nov of 2006 it fell to just below 11 right into congressional elections $SPY

$SPY 1st Fib turn date came in 2 Mondays ago and surprised to upside. Another one comes in 15th +/- 2 days VIX this low not a positive

Record high VXX volume and shares outstanding

“It’s summer and nobody wants to own volatility during the doldrums”

"Market fundamentals do not justify these extremely low levels of volatility," writes the JPMorgan team, attributing the recent lack of action to large option sales (as traders try to generate yield) pinning the S&P near 1400. Much of these positions are expiring today, which should "loosen the grip" on the VIX (VXX)"

The longer we linger here the less chance there will be a break to the upside...

The Art of Trading Volatility

Heaven knows VXX chart

VXX and contango

Peak Theories

Apple VIX

Current and Historical VIX contango and backwardation data

Using VIX and VXV to spot entry and exit points

10 Weighted Runs Moving Average Chart

Wealth Daily VXX prediction

VIX 1month and 5months

Predicting VIX moves with Williams %R

R4 triger system

S&P 500 Futures - strong support at 1425

FAZ as a leading indicator of VXX. When FAZ or VXX double top sell FAZ and VXX

Google Finance UVXY Chart with ema buy sell indicators

10 day UVXY intraday chart

Yahoo 5 day chart with ema and RSI and STO indicators

Buy when

RSI crosses 30 towards 50 AND

Slow STO start towards 20

Sell when

RSI crosses 70 towards 50 AND

Slow STO starts towards 80

Yahoo UVXY chart - when it works

VIX funds ranked best and worst


The VIX falls naturally forming a wedge or a triangle, hence the trendlines down follow this shape also. HATCH

There is a second triangle ray line below the first (not shown).

VIX products are hard to hold becauase they have no intrinisic value, they are all eventually worthless. They are also intensly difficult to trade because they are traded by ultra fast supercomputers. Better to use as forward market indicators..

VIX Market tops

Medium term VIX chart

Paik VIX chart

10 day UVXY intraday chart

Yahoo UVXY chart - when it works

VIX 3 month Chart with 20ema, 34ema and 200ma

SPY Candlestick Analysis

VIX 2 year chart with 20ema and 50ma 200ma

Other UVXY trade methods:

Studying the lowest points the UVXY reached before it made its most pronounced price increases, one would find that it is near the bottom of a bollinger band, or even at the exact bottom of the bollinger bands that it starts breaking out. But, it can also be observed that the UVXY tends to continue to drop when the bollinger band is dropping. Therefore, it is time to buy only near the bottom of a stabilizing bollinger band.

It can also be observed that it is time to sell (also applicable to selling short) when it hits the 20-day SMA (Simple Moving Average). As seen in the above chart, it had repeatedly tested the 20-day SMA, and that is where it starts reversing. Therefore, by these simple rules, one can create a system to trade the UVXY.

Studying the lowest points the UVXY reached before it made its most pronounced price increases, one would find that it is near the bottom of a bollinger band, or even at the exact bottom of the bollinger bands that it starts breaking out. But, it can also be observed that the UVXY tends to continue to drop when the bollinger band is dropping. Therefore, it is time to buy only near the bottom of a stabilizing bollinger band.

It can also be observed that it is time to sell (also applicable to selling short) when it hits the 20-day SMA (Simple Moving Average). As seen in the above chart, it had repeatedly tested the 20-day SMA, and that is where it starts reversing. Therefore, by these simple rules, one can create a system to trade the UVXY.

This a fake Buy signal:

VIX Rises rapidly at the start of a correction but falls as fast as it nears the end.

VIX Term Structure and Expiration Dates

VIX support levels:

Another view on medium term VIX predictions based on CCI:

Over the last several months, the steepness of the VIX curve has driven extreme losses in VIX ETNs, which Cole called the “Kia” – for which you should read cheap ride — of volatility exposure.

“To hedge for six months or one year, with the VIX at five-year lows, you would have paid more this year than one day after Lehman went bankrupt,” he told conference goers. “Most people don’t realize that. The term structure is at the steepest level it has ever been in the story of markets over the last year.”

The VIX exchange-traded notes are “not inherently bad or good, they’re a tool, but not a very effective one,” he said. “I think the VIX ETNs offer exposure to volatility like driving a Kia — not a very good product, but they may get you where you need to go.”

Cole said he compared the merits of buying a VIX ETN versus commonly used options strategies. Result: “These VIX ETNs do not outperform a lot of traditional hedging strategies.” Buying a protective put option that is 10% “out of the money” worked better, as did being long a “straddle,” a multi-legged options strategy designed to profit from volatility. The volatility ETNs were the last-ranked among strategies he studied in terms of their efficacy in delivering volatility exposure.

One reason you should listen: Cole has been trading these things since these were launched on the exchange, and he knows the market inside and out. The more uninformed traders arrive in the market, the more opportunities for a fund like his. “Selfishly, I want as many idiots as possible in this market,” he said.

Where is Cole putting his money now? He’s betting against the crowd that has driven up the unprecedented cost of the long-dated futures. “I’m buying. It’s too cheap. Right now I’m buying the front month VIX future and selling the back.”

Due to current contango conditions, UVXY is losing 5.3% every 5 days:

The typical UVXY rally lasts 2-3 weeks and has a 1-5 waves as shown:

Buy XIV after point 5 until the pattern no longer works.

VIX Death Cross Historical