Market Research and Opinion

This comprehensive list of Market Research sites is probably the most useful collection of financial information available in one place on the internet.

Large cap blue chip stocks are usually the last to come down so it could be time to shift into large cap stocks.

Feb 14th 2013 Whole Foods beat but getting crushed. It never goes down. First sign market is out running it's viagra for now.

Buffett’s prediction “guaranteeing another huge recession” was actually a no-brainer. Read William J. O’Neil’s bestseller “How to Make Money in Stocks.” The publisher of the Investors Business Daily is one of the best numbers guys in the world. In his first edition he says: “During the last 50 years, we have had 12 bull markets and 11 bear markets … The bull markets averaged going up about 100% and the bear markets, on the average, declined 25% to 30%.” And “the typical bull market lasted 3.75 years and the classic bear market lingered only nine months.

Revenue and specifically revenue growth drives stocks and not necessarily EPS. What you need to do is figure out what the revenue growth rate is and estimate the trajectory. It's a complex process, but the first step is relatively easy, get a handle on revenue. It's one of the best measures of growth. EPS can be misleading.

"In the long run we are all dead" keynes

Take 10 analysts - get 17 different opinions. 12 economists, 20 different opinions.

The market does not care what anyone thinks - it is a pure mechanic based on supply, demand and greed or fear of the moment.

At least 9 of the last 7 recessions have been accurately predicted.

I have talked to several economists in the know including the almighty Krugman. I was told the markets would either go up or maybe down and the economy might get better, but it might just get worse.

Although one guy said it also had a chance to stay the same. We beat him with a pillow case and soap after that.

Here are some very useful tools for turning trading losses into gains

Accumulation / Distribution:

“People somehow think you must buy at the bottom and sell at the top to be successful in the market.

That’s nonsense, the idea is to buy when the probability is greatest that the market is going to advance.”

[Marty Zweig, R.I.P.]

Zweig was an undisputed trailblazer, perhaps best known for calling (on live television) the greatest one day crash in generations (October 1987),

three days before it happened

Largest Companies in the USA

Stocks outperformed bonds by about 10+% this quarter, so managed portfolios that are under contract to maintain a fixed percentage in stocks/bonds, must (it is not optional) sell stocks and buy bonds …. through Monday. “UBS expects US defined benefit funds to do sizable Q1 quarter-end rebalancing - anticipating $29-35 billion of equity outflows and perhaps as much as $15-19 billion of fixed income inflows.

The Thomson Reuters 12-month forward P/E ratio stands at around 13.5 (see chart below, blue line), though above its five-year median of 12.7 in orange. Yet the current value remains below the median 14.8 from 2000 to today and also below the long term mean of 15 over several decades.