Notable Historical Trading Events

Notable Historical Trading Events, these charts demonstrate what happens to markets at specific events.

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Run up to the QE3 announcement on Sep 13th 2012

After Obama's 2nd term victory, the next day the markets fell 2.5%.

When elected for his first term the DOW fell 500 points

Market reaction to FED meeting and announcement (QE4) on Dec 12th 2012:

Regarding the Dec 2012 fiscal cliff, I do not know what would happen if no deal reached. However the DOW dropped 700 points in 2008 when the House rejected the $700B bailout plan. A few days later the bill passed but it was too late the damage was already done.

Jan 9th 2013, AA earnings coincided with a quadruple bottom in VIX. VIX opened at 13.2 and closed at 13.8.

UVXY now broken, the 20 did not cross the 170 once:

Downgrade of UK debt to AA1 announced on friday 22nd