Have you ever wondered why Catholics do what they do?  Do you have a Catholic spouse and would like to see what you need to do to celebrate the sacraments along with them?  Maybe you know a Catholic co-worker, friend or family member that always seems to be filled with hope and joy, even when things may not be going their way.  Do you feel some inner urgings, calling you to seek something you sense is missing? 

If the answer is yes to any of these questions, the Holy Spirit may be calling you to a deeper level of companionship with Jesus and we are here to journey with you.

The Catholic Church has a process, called the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (O. C. I. A.), whereby one can ask their questions, learn about the Catholic faith, and journey with others with similar questions.  The process is fit to the individual’s need and it is up to you if you would like to continue to more in-depth study about Jesus.  It can start anytime you are ready and often culminates in receiving the sacraments at the Easter Vigil, though it can vary.

Weekly sessions depend on the schedule of the participants.

If you would like to find out more about this process, or have questions, contact Diane Dover at 517-467-2106 or sjsadultedrcia@gmail.com.  

If you have been thinking about the possibility of joining the RCIA program, now called the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA),  I wanted to let you know that we have started a new group.  We are meeting on Sundays after the 11 am Mass (10 am from Memorial Day to Labor Day), beginning March 17th.  Our schedule is a little different to accommodate one of our inquirers so we will be meeting for 2 months, and then off for 2 months.  If you are interested in finding out more, please contact me at sjsadultedrcia@gmail.com, or feel free to call me at 517-438-3587.  And if this time does not work for you, please contact me and we can find a time that works for you.  Right now, we have 6 people in process.

God's blessings on your day,

Diane Dover