If you don't know me, my name is Steven Burgauer. I'm from Peoria, and I'm running for the United States Senate.

I'm from the generation that burned their draft cards,

that occupied the Dean's office in protest,

that demonstrated against the war.

I'm old enough to remember the old saying from the Nixon-era:

If nominated, I will not run.

If elected, I will not serve.

If indicted, I will not resign.

It made me laugh back in those days. And it still does now.

For in it, was an element of truth:

Politicians can't be trusted.

They're lousy people, without any honor.

Grow up to be anything you want, but never a politician.

Truth is, I never wanted to be a politician.

I still don't.

What I want is to serve my country.

I want to make it stronger.

I want to make it healthier.

I want to make it be the best that it can be.

Corny words? Perhaps. But never were more honest words spoken.

Let's face it -- there hasn't been a straight-talking Senator from Illinois since the days of Everett Dirksen.

Maybe it's about time we had one.

The America I see is one where no idea is punished,

where no risk is stalled,

where no work is reduced,

and no freedom infringed.

The America I see has sharply lower taxes.

It has a smaller, less intrusive national government.

It has accepted choice as a part of education.

It has breathed new life into the 2nd amendment.

It has upheld an individual's right to privacy, from the bedroom to the boardroom.

The America I see doesn't make war unless Congress declares it.

It works with whatever governments are in power around the world.

It trades freely with whatever countries wish to trade.

It promotes the ideals of a republican-style government,

and it does so in a non-threatening manner.

The America I see protects the natural rights of people.

It enforces private contracts.

It ensures property rights.

It vigorously provides for the national defense.

The America I see is just over the next hill.

I can see it clearly along the horizon.

The lights are bright, the air is clean.

Ships move easily in and out of the harbor.

Merchants fill the streets.

People own themselves.

They trade without fear, because it makes sense to do so.

This place is called America.

Let's go there together, you and me.

It's not far.

We can make it if we try.

Thank you and God bless.