• sharply cut income taxes

    • eliminate the Social Security tax

    • eliminate the capital-gains tax

    • protect the 2nd and 4th amendments

    • introduce choice into education

    • strengthen our intelligence-gathering capability

    • build a national missile defense system


was the



from ILLINOIS in 2002



Platform Speech

Convention Speech

The Proper Role of Government

How To Pay For Government

The Modern-Day Serf

School Choice

An Armed Society Can Be a Polite Society

Where Can We Cut?

The United Nations

Limited Government -- A Quaint Idea?

A Grim Fairy Tale

Sewage and Perfume

Pocket of Tyranny

A Sane Transportation Policy for Illinois

The Economic Slavery of our Children

From Each According to His Ability . . .

The Scam That is Social Security


Campaign Kickoff Press Conference

Tax Day Press Conference

University of Illinois at Chicago

The Daily Vidette/Normal, ILL

Libertarians to be on Ballot

Ballot Challenge

Airport Options


Avid hiker, Eagle Scout, founder of a successful mutual fund, winner of the Mathematics and Science Award from the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Steven Burgauer lives in Illinois with his family. He has been happily married to the same woman for 27 years and together they have raised two fine children, now of college-age. A graduate of Illinois State University, Mr. Burgauer currently writes science fiction and teaches Business Economics for Eureka College, the alma mater of former President Ronald Reagan, and for Bradley University.

His community service includes:

    • President of the Friends of the Peoria Public Library -- helped to raise nearly $200,000 in private funds to buy the library a new Bookmobile

    • Board of Directors of the Libertarian Futurist Society -- helped them adopt a new set of by-laws and become a not-for-profit corporation

    • Scoutmaster of a local Boy Scout Troop -- established a High Adventure program for older boys at risk of dropping out of Scouting

    • Board of Directors of the local Girl Scout Council

    • Member Finance Committee, Father Sweeney School for the Academically Gifted

    • Cubmaster of a local Cub Scout Pack -- doubled the size of the Pack and brought Cubscouting to more boys

    • Member Capital Drive Committee charged with raising $2,000,000 to buy land for and build a new Boy Scout camp to serve central Illinois

    • Volunteer Professor to teach Economics to inmates at Pontiac State Penitentiary as part of a rehab program

    • Volunteer Commissioner -- MaKaJaWan Scout Reservation, Northeast Illinois Council, Boy Scouts of America

    • Scoutmaster -- Boy Scout Troop, Fairbury, Illinois

    • President, and later, Faculty Advisor to Illinois State University chapter of Alpha Phi Omega, national service fraternity

  • Co-Founder -- helped found the Blind Bowling League of Lake County in conjunction with the Grayslake Lions Club as part of his Boy Scout Eagle Service project


In addition to writing science fiction, Mr. Burgauer has written extensively on business topics in the fields of investment management, finance, and economics. Drawing on knowledge he gained as a former Certified Financial Planner and as a stockbroker, he recently completed work on an investment primer, THE WEALTH BUILDER'S GUIDE.

His work has been reviewed in many places, including LOCUS Magazine, SCIENCE FICTION CHRONICLE , the PEORIA JOURNAL STAR, and PROMETHEUS, the journal of the Libertarian Futurist Society. His book, IN THE SHADOW OF OMEN, was the Barnes & Noble online book of the week in October 1997.

Paid for by the BURGAUER FOR SENATE Committee