The Year 2433: For a thousand years every gulag had been the same. The same drawn faces. The same haunting blank stares. The same cold-blooded, inhuman guards. The same gruesome tools for inflicting pain. It was in this godless place called a gulag that Carina Matthews now found herself. Rebellious. Feisty. Intelligent. She would soon learn how much agony one can endure before folding.

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A first-rate adventure set in a time when Mars is caught in the throes of early colonization.

A feisty young woman must battle not only the untamed Martian wilderness, but a powerful corporation as well.

To prove herself she must scale the tallest mountain in the solar system, Olympus Mons. O.Mons to some, Omen to others, it becomes a symbol for all the mountains mankind must yet climb to conquer space!

"A masterfully crafted story based on the universal human conflict between the desire for order and the desire for freedom. Burgauer gives us a heroine whose concern is for the future, and a hero who is keenly aware of his own mortality."

—Loren Logsdon . . . Editor, Eureka Literary Magazine