Lactobacillus fabifermentans T30PCM01 genome

Lactobacillus fabifermentans T30PCM01 GENOME SEQUENCING

This project was done in collaboration with Viviana Corich and Alessio Giacomini of the University of Padua. Laura Treu, Veronica Vendramin and Barbara Bovo of the DAFNAE Depertment are also participating to this project.

Results of the genome sequencing are described in the paper:

Genome sequence of Lactobacillus fabifermentans strain T30PCM01, isolated from fermenting grape marc.

Laura Treu (1), Veronica Vendramin (1), Barbara Bovo (1), Alessio Giacomini (1), Viviana Corich (1), Stefano Campanaro (2)

(1) Department of Agronomy, Food, Natural resources, Animals and Environment (DAFNAE), University of Padova, Italy

(2) Department of Biology, University of Padova, Italy

Lactobacillus fabifermentans T30PCM01 was isolated from grape marc obtained from the Prosecco vineyard in Fregona (Treviso) (Italy).

Grape marc obtained after bunch pressing was fermented and used for the production of grappa (a traditional Italian spirit). Previous microbiological analyses were performed through identification of culturable bacterial and yeast species by Viviana Corich and Alessio Giacomini of the DAFNAE Department of University of Padua (REFS 1-3). These analyses demonstrated that after 30 days of incubation (T30) the microbial composition of the grape marc undergoes a deep modification and species of the genus Lactobacillus become prevailing. These data have been confirmed by a deep characterization of the microbial community using high throughput 16S rRNA sequencing (grape marc metagenomic project). Among these species one of the more abundant is Lactobacillus fabifermentans; the strains T30PCM01 was isolated from grape marc at T30 and its genome was sequenced at the Ramaciotti Centre for Gene Function Analysis (UNSW, Sydney).

The L. fabifermentans T30PCM01 genome sequencing project aims to shed light on the ability of this species to grow in this peculiar and selective environment.

Download sequences! Genome sequence, proteins encoded and annotation can be downloaded from ncbi website as reported below

ncbi bioproject - ncbi biosample - genome sequence gbk format - contigs


1: Lorenzo F, Viviana C, Alessio G, Marina B, Sergio C. Grape marcs as unexplored source of new yeastsfor future biotechnological applications. World J Microbiol Biotechnol. 2013 Sep;29(9):1551-62.

2: Maragkoudakis PA, Nardi T, Bovo B, D'Andrea M, Howell KS, Giacomini A, Corich V. Biodiversity, dynamicsand ecology of bacterial community during grape marc storage for the productionof grappa. Int J Food Microbiol. 2013 Mar 15;162(2):143-51.

3: Bovo B, Nardi T, Fontana F, Carlot M, Giacomini A, Corich V. Acidification of grape marc for alcoholicbeverage production: effects on indigenous microflora and aroma profile afterdistillation. Int J Food Microbiol. 2012 Jan 16;152(3):100-6.