Getting involved

Do you want to contribute to STEEMI?

Click here if you are a student who studies, or has an interest, in ecology or related subjects.

Click here if you are a lecturer or professor who teaches ecology.

Click here if you are an interested individual who would like to participate.

If you are a student with an interest in the use of modelling as a tool for exploring future scenbarios, then you can:

Sign up as an individual, teach yourself the basics of System Dynamics modelling and how to convert models using the resources available on this web site, chose a model from the list of available candidate models, and set about converting it. You will not be alone! The whole STEEMI community is here to help you along, via our discussion forum, or you could link up with a fellow student, perhaps somewhere else in the world.

Set up a local STEEMI group, so that you can benefit from mutual support and the exchange of ideas.

If you are a lecturer/professor teaching ecology courses which include a modelling component, then you can:

Include STEEMI models in your practical classes, and encourage students to adapt models and saved the revised version.

Propose topics for Honours or MSc projects based on the conversion and testing of an existing model, possibly re-calibrated for some new situation. The student can then contribute the resuting model(s) to the STEEMI model database.

Set up an extra-curricula group of interested students, and guide them through the process of choosing and converting existing models.

If you are an individual with an interest in the aims of STEEMI:

Perhaps you are a researcher who has developed a relevant model, and would like to make it available for conversion?

Perhaps you area computer science student or web developer, who would like to contribute to our software tools for handling models or the STEEMI support system?

Please contact us at (temporary email address) robertm AT ed DOT ac DOT uk