Open Science community

The Open Knowledge Foundation aims to "build tools and communities to promote open knowledge around the world", where Open Knowledge is defined as "knowledge that people are free to use, re-use and distribute without legal, technological or social restrictions". The Open Science group is concerned with applying these principles and approaches within science. It originally focussed on opening up scientific data, but has recently broadened its remit to cover all aspects of open science, including activities such as Citizen Science.

Our aims - to engage volunteers in making ecological and environmental models widely accessible - clearly falls within this scope.


The Open Knowledge Foundation web site.

The Open Science Working Group within the Open Knowledge Foundation

The Open Science mailing list - anyone can sign up. The discussions are fascinating, if sometimes asuming quite a bit of knowledge about intellectual property issues etc.

The Open Science blog - mainly heavy policy stuff just now, but hopefully will lighten up.


I (Robert) have been asked to post a blog entry on the Open Science blog, and got the thumbs-up for something on STEEMI. I would appreciate at least one volunteer to help me (it could showcase a model that you have converted...), and it would go in under our joint names.