Welcome to the web site for STEEMI, the Student Ecological and Environmental Modelling Initiative.

Our aim is to harness the enthusiasm, commitment and knowledge of students around the world to create a resource which will help people to explore possible futures. This resource is a collection of ecological and environmental models, available for anyone to view and run in their web browser.

In order to achieve this, students will convert existing published models, implemented and described in a wide variety of formats, into a single common language which is understood by a web application that is being developed in parallel with STEEMI.

18 Sept 2013 Breaking News

Systo ( is now nearing public release. It's a browser-based platform for systems modelling, and will in the near future be the primary platform for contributing models to STEEMI.

About explains the background behind STEEMI.

Getting involved tells you about the various ways in which you can contribute to STEEMI.

Participants lists the various groups and individuals which have signed up to work with STEEMI.

Sources lists various books, journal papers etc which provide suitable models for conversion.

Guidance provides guidance notes on how to convert an existing model.

Models links to all the models identified as being suitable for conversion, those being converted, and those that have been converted.

Software describes the various modelling software tools which are used for implementing models, or for re-implementing them in this project.

Acknowledgements recognises the contributions made by individual people and institutions.

Discussion forum is where you can see what we talk about, and join in.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) is a space dedicated to share issues encountered during the re-implementation process, with other STEEMI members