Coach's award

The State Mathematics Contest Committee's Coach/Sponsor Award

In 2002 the State Mathematics Contest Committee established an award for outstanding coaches or sponsors of students who have competed in contests of the State Mathematics Contest Committee.



The purpose of this award is to recognize and reward an individual who has made an outstanding and noteworthy contribution to mathematics education and NCCTM by having formed, coached and sponsored teams or groups of students in mathematics competitions. The individual or individuals recognized must have a sustained record of at least five years. Examples of such mathematics competitions include but are not limited to math counts, N. C. Mathematics League, Local Site Contests of the N. C. Mathematics Contest Network, State Finals Competitions in Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, and Comprehensive, Atlantic Regions Mathematics League (ARML), American High School Mathematics Examination (AHSME), and the American Invitational Mathematics Examination (AIME).

Criteria for the Award.

Criteria for the Award may vary slightly from year to year depending upon the composition of the Committee but should include primarily the following factors:

1. Impact upon students served.

2. Length of time service provided (at least five years).

3. The extent or reach of the nominees' service.

4. Devotion of nominee.

5. Amount of time and effort expended on behalf of their targeted population.

6. Other as deemed appropriate by the Sub-Committee.

Nomination Procedures.

Any NCCTM member may submit names of nominees by sending them to:

Bampia Bangura

Department of Mathematics

Marteena Hall

NC A&T State University

Greensboro, NC 27411

NCA&T Contest Representative

Chair, Coach's Award Committee

(336) 334-7822 (W)