Man, the Maker of his Own Destiny - 5


(g)..I was once travelling in the Himalayas, and the long road stretched before us. We poor monks cannot get any one to carry us, so we had to make all the way on foot. There was an old man with us. The way goes up and down for hundreds of miles, and when that old monk saw what was before him, he said, "Oh sir, how to cross it; I cannot walk any more; my chest will break." I said to him, "Look down at your feet." He did so, and I said, "The road that is under your feet is the road that you have passed over and is the same road that you see before you; it will soon be under your feet." The highest things are under your feet, because you are Divine Stars; all these things are under your feet. You can swallow the stars by the handful if you want; such is your real nature. Be strong, get beyond all superstitions, and be free. (The complete Works -VIII. 183, 184, 186-87)

Every lecture of Swamiji is filled with strength. We need to realise our strengths and get out of the superstition that we are bound by planets and stars. Remember! Every relation of this world, every action of ours which is not directed towards self-realisation is nothing more than a superstition, spiritually.

3...The Upanishads declare: "He, the Lord, has interpenetrated the universe. It is all He."

"He is the Omnipresent, the One without second, the One without a body, pure, the great Poet of the universe, whose meter is the Sun and the stars, is giving to each what he deserves." [Isha Upanishad , 8]

"They are groping in utter darkness who try to reach the Light by ceremonials. And they who think this nature is all are in darkness. They who wish to come out of nature through this thought are groping in still deeper darkness." - [Isha Upanishad -9]

Are then ceremonials bad? No, they will benefit those who are coming on. [The complete works of Swami Vivekananda..Vol -VI 86-88]

Realising that 'I am the Soul' is the only way we can get out of the darkness or ignorance.
