
Prof. Rao further says,

"Planets therefore appear to be simply indicators and it is perfectly within the sphere of man to know the evil results of such previous acts and take suitable remedies to avert them or to allow natural laws to operate upon him without the slightest attempt on his part to stem such evil currents....There is no predestination or fatalism recommended in the astrological sciences. I simply draw the attention of the educated classes to these important truths; for many are carried away with the idea that a blief in astrology involves a belief in fatalistic theory and ties down man to inactiona and laziness. ...Proper remedial measures are recommended and no preordination or predestiny is encouraged.....The making of the attempt to overcome the evils indicated by planetary combinations obtained at the time of birth or of question as the result of previous Karma, may itself also be indicated by those very same planetary combinations, and therefore may be stated to be a sort of pre-arrangement which might go under the name of Fate or Human Destiny."

" But it is assured by the advanced Vedanta writers on Karma and Gnana theories, that the product of the past Karma as indicated by the planetary combinations is quite different from that special energy called as Ego or Self (Atma) which has an action independent of the Karmaic effects and a right development of which can be made to overcome the evil results of the previous Karma."

...By this statement, Prof. Rao seems to support the views of Swami Vivekananda. The development of the soul, which cannot be bound by any karma, has the power to overrule planetary effects. For those who are looking for spiritual evolution, this is a certificate that they are moving in the right directions. Though Astrology accepts the superiority of Spiritual knowledge, but Spirituality does not seem to recognise any use of Astrology. Prof. Rao accepts that the proper evolution of a soul is also a way to overcome the evil results; but Swamiji's lectures regard Astrology for mere superstition, for every individual has infinte powers coiled within. Paramahamsa Yogananda has though devoted a chapter on Astrology in his Autobiography, but not any further. Thereafter, reference of Astrology has never been made.

Training a mind, spiritually, seems to be the best solution to every problem of life.

But for those, who fall in the middle, the following message by Prof. Rao, perhaps, may appear more reasonable- "....One thing seems to be certain, namely that we need not be without a hope, when we make an attempt to overcome the evils which may be indicated by the planetary combinaions, and therefore, it is worth our while to know what is in store for us and make such arrangements as would be suitable to overcome the evil or augment the good. This has to be specially remembered by the students as it is very important in the life of a man to know, that it is in his power to mould his character and his future prospects temporal or spiritual. If this were not the case, astrology has no use, and man will be hopeless. The Karmaic acts will produce their own results so long as they are not obstructed or modified by external agencies, and these are sufficiently indicated by the astrological writers to escape the attention of even the most careless readers of their works.

Water finds its own level but where it is wanted for cultivating purposes at a higher level we must put a dam or anicut to raise its level and turn the canal to our advantage."
