
The Aim of the Society is to aid and encourage each other in working out the great problems of life, and in searching out the secrets of nature; to facilitate the study of the system of philosophy founded upon the Qabalah and the doctrine of Hermes Trismegistus, which was inculcated by the original Fratres Rosae Crucis, AD 1450, and to investigate the meaning and symbolism of all that now remains of the wisdom, art and literature of the ancient world.

In order to achieve this aim, papers and discussions are undertaken in Colleges, fratres are encouraged to undertake their own researches, and additional information in support is provided by the Society and Directors of Studies. 

The provincial Study Group was reactivated in 2021 and in 2024 will likely be online quarterly on Sunday evenings. This group is led by the Provincial Directors of Studies and is currently leading fratres through the Supreme Magus' Study Course.

Many texts and papers are obtainable through the College Directors of Studies, for general study and reflection of the fratres. This material is being updated and extended. Click here for a suggested reading list.


High Council has a voluminous and highly important library, now housed at UGLE Library and Museum, Great Queen Street, London, which is available to all fratres. The Museum of Freemasonry (UGLE) link is:

High Council also has an increasingly large and valuable collection of digitial material available to fratres in their Golden Cabinet online repository:

The provincial library, which is held at the Western Masonic Centre, has an increasing collection of material: Click here for the catalogue or click here for a more detailed spreadsheet of the catalogue (c. Dec-2023).

The provincial digital library with 1000's of pieces of work, currently includes the following collections, covering a broad range of topics:

Foundational Texts                                                                 SRIA 'Red Book' series

Magazines and Newsletters                       Books on a wide variety of topics

Metropolitan College Transactions                                    Supreme Magus' Study Course (parts 1, 2 & 3)

Fratres' presentations and lecture papers                       Provincial Seminar Transactions

Fratres looking for research material on a range of topics might consider visting other external sites - click here for a list of sites (which may not be current).

Provincial Study Topics

The Provincial Director of Studies visits Colleges in the province during each year to make presentations to the fratres and lead general discussion on an annual study topic. All fratres are invited and encouraged to attend and participate in these prelectories. The provincial calendar indicates when the Provincial Director of Studies will be visiting each College.

Recent annual provincial study topics have included (click on underlined topics for an introduction piece):

        2012 - Alchemy and Rosicrucianism

        2013 - Philosophy and the Great Work

        2014 - Symbolism and Allegory of the First Grade

        2015 - Hermetic Science and its Origins

        2016 - Good and Evil

        2017 - God and Man

        2018 - The Kabbalah

        2019 - Kabbalah 2.0

        2020 - Gnosticism

        2021 - Rosicrucianism

        2022 - Rosicrucianism 2.0

        2023 - The Great Work

        2024 - Mystical Journey from Zelator to Philosophus 

Award of Companion of Christian Rosenkreutz (CCR)

Each year the Supreme Magus confers the Award of Companion of Christian Rosenkreutz to fratres adjudged to have the best papers presented in Colleges each year. All fratres are eligible for this award and are earnestly encouraged to participate. Click here for an outline of the award and it's administration.

The following fratres from this Province have been recipients of this prestigious award:

        2008 - Fra. John S Molnar, OAM, CCR

        2017 - Fra. Dr Thomas H Mikeska, CCR

        2023 - Fra. Travis Trinca, CCR

At left is the jewel worn by recipients.

In addition, Fra. Carlos F Zapata-Aramayo (dec'd) was given honourable mention for his work in 2015.