Other EXTERNAL Online Resources

Fratres looking for interesting resources on myriad topics might consider a visit to the following external websites.

Important: None of these sites are SRIA-related and there are no guarantees on reliability or availability and no responsibility will be taken for any unintended consequences of visiting any of these sites or links within/from them.

The online Archive.org (https://archive.org/) repository includes Manly Palmer Hall's Collection of Alchemical Manuscripts, 1500-1825 which can be found via the following link: https://archive.org/search?query=Manly-Palmer-Hall-Collection-of-Alchemical-Manuscripts-1500-1825

The University of Amerstdam Faculty of Humanities Online Collections webpage: https://www.amsterdamhermetica.nl/online-resources/archives-libraries-online/ 

Bodleian Libraries (Oxford University) free online resources on Theology and Religion : https://libguides.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/conted-religion/free 

The Alchemy Website, a wealth of material organised by Adam McLean at: https://www.alchemywebsite.com/index.html

The Hermetics.org website: https://www.hermetics.org/home.html 

The Pansophers website: https://pansophers.com/

The AMORC publications page: https://amorc.org.uk/publications 

The Hermetic Academy Library website: https://www.hermetics.net/

The Sacred Magick website: https://sacred-magick.com/ 

The Digital Occult Library: https://digitaloccultlibrary.commons.gc.cuny.edu/

The Blavatsky Study Center website archives: https://www.blavatskyarchives.com/