Metropolitan College transactions

Metropolitan College has recorded and published its transactions since 1881, although earlier writings were published in the Rosicrucian Magazine (1868-1875) and then in The Rosicrucian and Masonic Record (1876-1879).

The Provincial Director of Studies has a number of the annual Transactions and Quarterly Notes, and editions of the Rosicrucian Magazine available for reference by fratres.

Papers 1868-1900

The Rosicrucian1868 Chronicles of the Ciceronian Club, Little, RW1868 Symbolic Language, Carpenter, W1868 Jewels of the Rosie Cross1869 The Rosicrucians, Woodman, Dr WR1869 Chronicles of the Ciceronian Club cont., Little, RW1869 Symbolic Language cont., Carpenter, W1870 Occult Science, Carpenter, W1870 Chronicles of the Ciceronian Club cont., Little, RW1870 Symbolic Language cont., Carpenter, W1870 Early Rosicrucians, Carpenter, W1871 Chronicles of the Ciceronian Club cont., Little, RW1871 Symbolic Language cont., Carpenter, W1871 Reichenbach's Magnetic Flames, and the Levitation of the Human Body, Lord Lindsay1871 Rosicrucians and Rosicrucianism, Carpenter, W1871 Ancient and Modern Mysteries, Little, RW1872 Church Symbolism, Allum, S1872 Spiritual Agency, Carpenter, W1873 The Hermetic Cross of Praise, Mackenzie, KRH1873 Spiritual Agency cont., Carpenter, W1873 Symbolism, Woodman, Dr WR1873 The Legend of the Cubic Stone, anon.1873 Philosophical and Cabbalistic Magic, Mackenzie, KRH1875 Egypt: Its arts and architecture thirty-four hundred years ago, Alfred, Dr MW1875 The Inquisition during the Reign of Ferdinand (extract: Llorente)1875 A Letter from the Brotherhood of the Rosie Cross, Mackenzie, KRH (trans.)1875 Speech, Fra Vitam Impendere Vero
Metropolitan College Transactions1885  The analogy between Magianism, Alchemy, and old Rosicrucianism, Collinson, J1885 The Ever-burning Lamps of the Antients, Wynn Westcott, Dr W1885 The Occult Origin of the Zodiacal Signs, Wynn Westcott, Dr W1886 Explanation of the Rosicrucian Certificate and the Seal of the Supreme Magus with Kabbalistic Notes, Woodman, Dr WR1886 The Reconciliation between the Chemistry of the Future and the Alchemy of the Past, Wynn Westcott, Dr W1886 Rosicrucianism, Diety , and the Hebrew Letters, MacGregor Mathers SL1887 The Zelator Ritual of the Societas Rosicruciana of the United States of America, Wynn Westcott, Dr W1887 Rosicrucianism a Trance Discourse by JB Tetlow, Wynn Westcott, Dr W1888 A Criticism of “The Real History of the Rosicrucians” by AE Waite and the Translation of his “Magical Works of Eliphas Levi”, Macbean, E1888 A Note on the Geheime Figuren der Rosenkreuzer, Wynn Westcott, Dr W1888 Notes on the Sephiroth, Woodman, Dr WR1888 A Lecture on the Fama Fraternitatis Rosae Crucis, Wynn Westcott, Dr W1889 The Basilisk and Cockatrice, Wynn Westcott, Dr W1889 The Ten Hebrew Sephiroth or Emanations of the Deity, Woodman WR1889 The Mandrake, Wynn Westcott, Dr W1889 Beraisheeth, Woodman WR1890 Hermetic Axioms on Numbers, Wynn Westcott, Dr W1890 The Rosicrucians, Lemon, TW1890 Some Special Aspects of the present Revival of Mystic Study, Prower N1890 Beraisheth (Continued), Woodman, Dr WR1890 Important Dates in Rosicrucianism, Wynn Westcott, Dr W1891 Rosicrucian Secrets: The Chymical Wedding, Wynn Westcott, Dr W1891 Rosicrucianism, Lemon, WT1891 Rosicrucian Tracts, Schnitger, FF1892 Lecture by the S.M. upon a "Carte Philosophique et Mathematique", Wynn Westcott, Dr W1892 Report on Two Talismans, Wynn Westcott, Dr W1892 Divination, Prower, N1893 Hiram Chiram and Hermes, Wynn Westcott, Dr W1893 Mesmerism, Rodgers, GF1894 Notes upon Ancient Magic, Wynn Westcott, Dr W1894 The Mystical Animals of Antiquity, Wynn Westcott, Dr W1894 The Influence of Temperament on the Reception of Evidences of Things Unseen, Prower, N1895 The Doctrines of the Gnostics, or the Gnosis, Wynn Westcott, Dr W1896 The Relative and the Absolute, Prower, N1896 The Song of Solomon, Street, E1897 The “Aenigma de Nomine Virginis” from the Chymical Marriage of Christian Rosencruetz, Wright, FM1897 Aenigma de Nomine Virginis Algebraical Solution, Wright, FM1897 George of Ragusu on Divination, Street, E1897 Catalogue of the Library of the SRIA part 1, Gardner, FL1898 The Influence of the Mind over the Body, Brindley James, Dr J1898 The Rose and its Symbolism, Hunter, WS1898 The Philosophy of Judaisism and the Rabbinic Teachings, Wynn Westcott, Dr W1899 The Psychological Aspect of the close of Two Centuries, Brindley James, Dr J1899 Religion and Folk-Lore, Cadbury-Jones, A1900 Modern Mystics, Wynn Westcott, Dr W1900 Old and new Views of the Constitution of the Universe, James, Hugh1901 History of Astrology, Wynn Westcott, Dr W

Papers 1901-1930

1902 Angels: Jewish, Christian and pagan, Wynn Westcott, Dr W1902 The Devil, and Evil Spirits According to the Bible and Ancient Hebrew Rabbis, Wynn Westcott, Dr W1902 The Influence of Art, Cadbury-Jones, A1903 Antiquity of the System of Degrees in Freemasonry, Blackham, Dr. R.J.1903 Fundamental Axiom of Mysticism, Walter, F.1904 Talismans and Charms, Wynn Westcott, Dr.W.1904 The Zodiac and its connection with "The device of an angelic nature", James, H1905 Some Mystical Symbolism drawn from the Operative Craft found underlying the Mysteries of Ancient Egypt, Blackenden, M.W.1905 The Influence of Material Surroundings on the Speculations of the human Mind, Blaker, Dr.W.C.1905 Man and The Deluge, Cadbury Jones, A.1906 The Druids and Neodruidism in Connection with the Cave or Grotto at Margate, Blaker, Dr WC1906 The Badge of the Soc. Ros. in Relation to the Four Pillars of the Zelator Grade, Cadbury Jones, A1906 The Pentagram: A speculation as to its origin and meaning, Cadbury Jones, A1906 Dreams, Wynn Westcott, Dr W1906 Notes on the Amazon Race, Goodman, AF1906 The Place of Masonry in the Rites of Initiation, Waite, AE1907 The Ruins of Zimbabwe and Ophir of Solomon, Wynn Westcott, Dr W1907 Pilgrimage to Bearstead, Kent, anon1907 In Memory of Robert Fludd, Wynn Westcott, Dr W1907 Our attitude towards the Supernatural, Brindley James, Dr J1907 The Hidden meaning of Architectural Plan Forms, Wonnacott, W1908 Abury and its Connection with Serpent Worship, Mayell, RY1908 Kabalistic Thoughts upon the Rosicrucian Medal, Parker Mew, JH1908 Time and Space, Wynn Westcott, Dr W1909 The Great and Invaluable Privileges of Freemasonry, Burrows, H1909 Alchemy and Modern Science, or Vibrations and Radiations, Bateson, Dr V1909 The Rosicrucian Pilgrimage to Glastonbury Abbey and the Isle of Avalon, Wynn Westcott, Dr W1909 An Essay on the Ancient Mysteries, Wynn Westcott, Dr W1909 Ancient Superstitions Concerning the Liver, Brindley James, J1909 Some Masonic Instructions for Zelatores, Gorham, Capt. A1910 Superstitions, Cadbury-Jones, A1910 Divination and its History, Wynn Westcott, Dr W1910 The Mystery of Life, Goodman, WH1910 The Mystic Mind, Bateson, Dr V1910 Polynesian Mythology and Maori Lore, Bruce, S1911 Magic - White and Black, Burrows, H1911 The Vision of Mer-Amen Ramzes, Edwards, Dr BEJ1911 A Mystical Explanation of the T.B. of the 2°, Zacharias, HCE1911 The Revelation of St John the Divine or "The Apocalypse", Yarker, J1911 The Religion, Philosophy and Occult Science of China, Wynn Westcott, Dr W1911 The Egyptian Doctrine of the Future Life, Wright, Rev. CEL1912 Man, Zander, CG1912 The Tetragrammaton, Cockburn, Sir John A, KCMG, MD1912 Reincarnation, Burrows, H1912 The Star Lore of the Bible, Wynn Westcott, Dr W1912 Reincarnation, Cadbury-Jones, A1913 Planetary Influence on the Oeconomy of Human Life, Blaker, Dr WC1913 Man's Blood and Generation, Wynn Westcott, Dr W1913 Note on a Sephirotic Illustration in a Syriac New Testament, Carnegie Dickson, Dr WE1913 The Golden Age and Others, Wynn Westcott, Dr W1914 Studies in the Christian Cabala, Bond, FB1914 Folklore in Central Africa, Felkin, Dr RW1914 The Religious and Masonic Symbolism of Stones, Wynn Westcott, Dr W1914 An Essay upon the Constitution of Man: Spirit, soul, body, Wynn Westcott, Dr W1914 Notes on Some Stone Remains in Cornwall, Hammond, Dr W1915 Tripartite Man, Blaker, Dr WC1915 Signum Crucis Ubique, Doe, GM1915 The Rosicrucian Society of England, Wynn Westcott, Dr W1915 Knots as Symbols, Wynn Westcott, Dr W1916 Rosicrucian Medicine, Felkin, Dr RW1916 The Permanence of the Human Personality, Sander, CG1916 The Prehistoric Statues of Easter Island, Wynn Westcott, Dr W1916 The Symbolism of the Office-bearers in Craft Masonry, Carnegie Dickson, Dr WE1917 A Recent Spiritual Development, Wynn Westcott, Dr W1917 Some Elements of Naology, Glover, Rev. Dr EA1917 The Symbolism of the Alphabet, Cockburn, Sir John A, KCMG, MD1917 Going West, Watkins, JM1918 The Number Four in Relation with the World and Man, Wynn Westcott, Dr W1918 Cabul, or Christian Symbolism in Freemasonry, Gill, CC1918 The Gate of Remembrance, Bond, B1918 The Mathematical X Cross: A point of faith in mathematics, Blackden, MW1918 Esoteric Notes on the Great Pyramids of Gizeh, Mayell, RY1918 An Address, Duncan, Rev. JG1919 The Literary and Mystic Labours of the S.R.I.A., Norman, Dr G1919 Historical Account of the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia, Wynn Westcott, Dr W1920 The Platonic Bodies, Maxwell, G1920 The Symbolism of Architecture, Cockburn, Sir John A1920 The Symbolism of the Rose, Wynn Westcott, Dr W1921 A Jewish Temple in Egypt in the Time of Ezra, Hills, GPG1921 A Glance at the Life and Writings of "Paracelsus" the Physician, Mystic and Reformer, Wynn Westcott, Dr W1921 "Sun Worshippers", and their Festival, Mayell, RY1921 The Philosopher's Stone, Sutcliffe, R1922 Solve et Coagula and the Synthetic Philosophy, Cockburn, The Hon. Sir John A, KCMG, MD1922 The Majestic Number, Rickard, Col. FM1922 The Evolution of the Crucifix, Powney, Lt-Col. C1922 Notes on General Charles Rainsford (1728-1809) and his Rosicrucian Studies, Hills, GPG1922 Playing Cards and the Tarot in Divination, Wynn Westcott, Dr W1922 The Alleged Germination of Mummy Seeds Parkhurst Baxter, GC1923 Notes on Rosicrucian History, Mayell, AY1923 Rosicrucians in Russia, Telepnef, B1923 Ogam Stones and Inscriptions, Gorham, Maj. A1923 Masonry and Magic of Frater Rudyard Kipling, Bateson, Dr V1923 The Number 666, Wynn Westcott, Dr W1923 Apollonius of Tyana, de Lafontaine, HC1923 The Religion of Julian the Apostate, Stokes, Dr J1924 The North American Indians: Their beliefs and ceremonies akin to Masonry, Van Duzer, FC1924 Idolatry, Cockburn, The Hon. Sir John A, KCMG, MD1924 Atlantis, Beachcroft, M1924 Sound, Voice, Poetry and Music, Wynn Westcott, Dr W1924 A Christian Aspect of some other Faiths, Doe, GM1925 The Pleiades, Mayell, RY1925 The Hermetic Succession, Bonner, GH1925 Chinese Secret Societies, Wakefield, Lt-Col. TM1925 Is Life Eternal?, Hobbs, EW1925 The Philosophy of Ritual, O'Grady, Rev. CJS1926 The Florentine Period in the Hermetic Tradition, de Lafontaine, HC1926 Missionary or Quietist? Nolan, JJ1926 The Light of the World and the Sun, Cockburn, Sir John A1926 Figures and Flowers, Doe, GM1927 Speculative Masonry, Maxwell, G1927 Totems: A chapter in ethnology, Coutts, Dr FJH CB1927 The Early Days of the College and Society, Hobbs, JW1928 The Divining Rod, Wynn Westcott, Dr W1928 Some Pagan Survivals in Folk Lore, Firebrace, Capt. CW1928 Aveburyor Abury, and Silbury Hill, Mayell, RY1929 Akhnaton: The Man and his Vision, Parkhurst Baxter, GC1929 The Philosopher's Stone, Sutcliffe, R1929 Hindu Deities, Vibert, L1929 Aims and Claims of the Alchemists in Light of Ancient Philosophy and Modern Science, Elkington, G1930 The Deluge, Powney, Lt-Col. C1930 An Introduction to the Hermetic Philosophy, Wilson, Lt-Col. HCB1930 Nirvana, Ivanoff, B1930 Some Early Ideas on Rosicrucianism, Nolan, JJ

Papers 1931-1960

1931 A Visit to Jerusalem, Bell, HS1931 The Mysticism of Cornelius Agrippa, Hindley, Lieut-Col GD1931 Japanese Religions, Saywell, A1931 Imhotep, Coutts, Dr FJH, CB1932 The Gammadion or Swastika, Vibert, L1932 Roger Bacon as a Mystic, Hindley, Lt-Col. GD, MC1932 Magical Customs and Ceremonies, Mayell, RY1933 The Zelator Ritual, Parkhurst Baxter, GC1933 Objects and Aims of the Society, Rickard, Col. FM1933 Witchcraft in Finland, Alven, E1933 The Symbolism of the Zelator Ritual, Parkhurst Baxter, GC1934 Cosmogony of Welsh Tradition, Mayell, RY1934 The Evil Eye in Italy, Adams, Maj. CC1934 The Moabite Stone, Gorham, Maj. A1934 Dr John Dee, Mystic, Hindley, Lt-Col. GD1935 Lao Tsze: the Chinese Philosopher, Roberts, WJD1935 Fire, Saywell, A1935 Joshua's Conquest of Palestine, Radice, FR1935 The Wizard Michael Scott Hindley, Lt-Col. GD, MC1936 Mithraism, Bruce Wilson, Lt-Col. HC1936 Forms, Figures and Fancies, Doe, GM1936 Hellenism and Judaism, Radice, FR1936 The Wizard Michael Scott, Hindley, Lt-Col. GD, MC1937 The Coronation Rite, Hall, Dr LE1937 Disce Mori, Doe, GM1937 The Incas and Sun-worship, Mayell, RY1937 The Wandering Jew, Rickard, Col. FM1938 The Fama and the Florentine Academy, Smith, Dr BA1938 Substituted Secrets, Moulton, Maj. The Hon. HF1938 Divination, Potter, CN1938 Wisdom, Strength and Beauty, Moulton, Maj, The Hon. HF1939 Shrines, Hindley, Lt-Col. GD, MC1939 The Exposure of the Illuminati, Firminger, Rev. Dr WK1940 The Debt of Culture to Agriculture, Coutts, Dr FJH1940 Origins of Number Symbolism, Renwick, JE1940 Was Moses an Egyptian Heretic?, Bruce Wilson, Lt-Col. HC1941 History and Preparation of Perfumes and Cosmetics, Newman, LF1941 Serpents: Facts and fiction, past and present, Doe, GM1941 The Triumph of Alchemy, Moulton, Maj. The Hon. HF1941 Perfumes in Religion, Magic and Aesthetics, Newman, LF1942 In Search of Truth, Hall, WE1942 The Hebrew Mazzaroth, Mayell, RY1942 Confessio Fraternitatis and its Objects, Ivanoff, B1942 The Holy Grail, Rickard, Col. FM1943 A Religious Distortion, Radice, FR1943 A Page in the History of the Rosicrucians, Songhurst, WJ1943 A Brief Account of h Life and Work of St Thomas Aquinas, Renwick, JE1943 The Globes on the Columns, Moulton, Maj. The Hon. HF1944 A Bard and his Disciple, Mayell, RY1944 Zerobabel's Temple, Hepburn, Dr R1944 The Birth of a new Religion: Bab-ism, Coston Taylor, F1944 How the Light Returned to the West, Radice, FR1945 How the Light Blazed Forth in Italy, Radice, FR1945 Bahá-ism, the Development of Báb-ism, Coston Taylor, F1945 A Century of English Witchcraft, 1560-1660, Slingsby, FH1945 The Sons of Heth, Meek, HG1946 Fundamentals of Vedanta Philosophy and the Qabalah, Potter, CN1946 Mecca and the Muslim Pilgrimage, Coston Taylor, F1946 Folklore and Freemasonry, Bullamore, GW1946 How the Light Spread in the West, Radice, FR1947 The Sikhs and their Religion, Coston Taylor, F1947 The Chamars of India, Thorburn, Rev. E1947 On Some Points of Peuckert's "Die Rosenkreutzer" anonymous1948 The Bee in Magic and Medicine, Bullamore, GW1948 The New Look in Physics, Moulton, The Hon. HF1948 Objects and Aims of the Society, Rickard, Col. FM1949 The Deluge, Powney, Lt-Col. C, OBE1949 Yoga, or the Philosophy of the Yogi, Lowndes, Maj. RC1949 On Some Points of Peuckert's "Die Rosenkreutzer", anon.1950 Salt in Relation to Life, Ritual, Magic and Religions, Newman, LF1951 Some Pagan Survivals in Folk Lore, Firebrace, Capt. CW1951 An Introduction to Greek Philosophy, Saywell, A1951 The Gnostic and Kabbalistic Traces in Freemasonry, Bonner, FW1952 Imhotep, Coutts, FJH1953 Who are the Rosicrucians?, Hamilton-Jones, JW1953 Is Survival for Man's Benefit?, Ford, JB1953 The Light of the World and the Sun, Cockburn, The Hon. Sir John A, KCMG, MD1953 Historical Musings, Walker, JEN1954 The Early Days of the College and Society, Hobbs, JW1954 Notes on the Grand Priory of the Venerable Order of St John, Elvin, LF1954 Some Further Witchcraft Trials, Slingsby, FH1955 Freemasonry and Time Immemorial, Bullamore, GW1955 Comenius in Relationship to Rosicrucianism, Rickard, Col. FM1955 What is the Purpose of Freemasonry, Bruce-Wilson, Lt-Col. HC1956 The Jew and his Neighbour: Some aspects of anti-semitism, Denny, LRR1956 The Kabbalah, Semken, JD1957 Tradition, Lawson-Reece, C1957 Chevalier Ramsay, Kayley, EV1957 The Toxicology of Witchcraft, Paterson, FL1957 The late Colonel F. M. Rickard, EM Semken, WR1958 A Rosicrucian Chain, Hamilton-Jones, JW1958 Divine Names, Langdon Coburn, A1959 The Religion of Islam, Saywell, A1959 A Rosicrucian Chain, Hamilton-Jones, JW1959 Lux Lawson, Reece, C1959 Jacob Boehme, Langdon Coburn, A1960 The Medieval Cathari, Ferraro, Rev. Preb. FW1960 The Zohar, Hackney, N

Papers 1961-

1961 Eckhart & the Medieval Builders, Langdon Coburn, A1961 Sacrificial Aspect of Initiation, Wilkinson, Col. RJL1962 Astrology, Newman, LF1962 Our Duty to God, to Man, and to our Fratres, Wallace, Dr HO, Nurse, Dr VO & Birrell, Dr JF1962 Rosicrucianism & Freemasonry, Potter, CN1962 The Triad Society, Fripp, TW1963 Visit to Essex and Suffolk Churches, anon.1963 Poem, Penrose, DM1963 The Gnostic Thread, Hugo Ball, E1964 Prophets and Prophesies, Newman, C1964 On Divination, Potter, CN1965 The Return to the Heights by the Ascent of the Tree of Life, Hackney, N1966 The Identity of Eirenaeus Philalethes, Hamilton-Jones, JW1966 Heredom-Harodim, Hackney, N1967 Centenary Address, Semken, WR1968 Considerations on the Nature of Ritual, Waite, AE1968 Conceptions of the Deity, Ball, EH1969 Mystical Numeration, Woodward Saunders, Rev. G1969 A Note on Reincarnation in the Qabalah, Hackney, N1970 Quo Vadis, Cresswell, CW1970 Rosicrucianism and the Qabalah, Hackney, N1970 The Relevance of the Qabalah, Potter, CN1971 Plotinus, Bonner, G1972 To the Mountain and the Hill, Cresswell, CW1973 Notes on Rosicrucians of the Eighteenth Century, Telepnef, B1974 Number, the Inducer of Philosophies, the Synthesis of Letters, Stokes, HA1975 On the Philosophy of Being, Cresswell, CW1977 Spiritual and Scientific Healing, Duke, GA1978 Alchemy, Black, RM1979 Alchemy and Magic, Black, RM1980 Spiritual Healing, Cordell, CF1981 Lamas and Lamaseries of Tibet, Greensill, TM, MBE1982 The Way of Tantra, Cresswell, CW1983 Rudolf Otto and the Concept of the Numinous, Hudson, H1985 The Communication of Mystical Experience, Gilbert, RA1987 Extracts on Time, Paternoster, JR1988 A Christian Approach to the Buddhist Doctrine of Rebirth, Swindells, Rev. PJ1991 The Practical Secret Hidden in the Logo of the Masonic Study Society, Pike, RE1992 The Zelator Certificate, Brook, D1992 Alchemical Aspects of the Parabola, Black, RM1994 The Essenic Mysteries Part 1 - Man's Mind & Character, Fra. Finis Coronat Opus1999 Freemasonry and Alchemy, Black, RM1999 The Rosicrucian Impulse: Magic, mysticism, and ritual, Cicero, C1999 SRIA and the Challenge of the New Millennium, Grearson, D2005 Whatever Happened to Goddess Worship?, Bale, L2005 Reflections on Time, Paternoster, Dr JR2005 Antecedents of Rosicrucianism, Magnay K2005 The Monas and the Astronomia Inferior of Dr John Dee, Black, Dr RM2005 The Supreme Being, Davis, G2005 Know Thyself - Look Within, Peacock, K2006 Freemasonry and Common Sense, Pike, RE2006 The Geheime Figuren der Rosenkreuzer, Black, Dr RM2008 Mr Boyle's 'Red Earth', Black, RM2008 Myth in the 21st Century, Crowson, M2008 Akhenaten and the Essenes, Lees, A