23 de agosto

Primero(first), mira este video y toma apuntes sobre este video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A3JiKUW6W-w

I give you videos to watch at home so you have as much time as you need to process, and you can take notes at your pace so you don't feel rushed or perhaps held back in class. Then, we can spend our class time reviewing, clarifying, and most importantly...practicing.

After watching the video, try out your skills by doing pp. 17-18.

So, in summary, watch vid, take notes, do WB pp. 17-18.



What is coming up and how can I prepare? Thank you so much for asking.

Answer: 2 quizzes.

1. Miercoles 8/29: Quiz over ser, estar, and tener. Some questions to ask yourself...

1. Can I conjugate these verbs?

2. Do I know when to use which?

3. Do I know the vocabulary related to each? Can I spell them? (p.7)


Ser, estar o tener. Llena el espacio con la forma correcta.

  1. Yo _______ en las clase de historia.
  2. Mi madre ______ emocionada.
  3. Mi hermana _______ miedo.
  4. Susana ______ una doctora.
  5. Ellos ______ tienen hambre.
  6. Tu ______ estudioso.
  7. Luis y Roberto ______ de Jacksonville.
  8. Usted ______ en Jacksonville.

2. Viernes 8/31: Los paises, las capitales y las nacionalidades de centroamerica. Some more questions to ask yourself...

1. If I were given an blank map, could I fill it out? Could I spell them correctly?

2. If I had to write sentences about people and their nationality, could I spell it correctly being mindful of gender and number agreement?


Parents/Guardians! I need your support. Quiz your students, check to make sure they are completing assignments, sign up for remind, and see you at open house!