A Message From Your Vendor.


Helpful Notes From The Vendor.

Thank you for choosing Serious Electronics!

We're certain you'll be completely satisfied with your order. However, in the event you have any difficulties please read the following Service Tips carefully.

The box is empty. What do I do now?

Be sure that you ordered something from us. Most "empty-box" complaints we receive turn out to be from people who actually ordered a product from another company and received a shipment from Serious due to a statistical fluke.

If you really did place an order with us, please consider waiting another 6 to 8 weeks. We normally catch shipping errors and rectify them within that time. (Note: additional shipping charges will apply.)

If a full three months have passed and you've still received nothing but an empty box, see the section of this document titled "I DESPERATELY NEED SERVICE!"

The products I ordered don't work/have gone bad/are defective!

Serious cannot be held responsible for damages inflicted by the end user. Serious does warrant all its shipments to be completely sterile until the shrink-wrap is removed or perforated in any manner. All products returned for service must be germ-free.

If you're certain that Serious is at fault for the deficiency of the items you have purchased, see the section of this document titled "I DESPERATELY NEED SERVICE!"

I was overcharged! Now what?

The first question you must answer is this: is the problem philosophical or financial? Serious charges what it believes to be fair prices for the products it sells. If you happen to disagree, why did you buy from Serious in the first place?

If Serious has charged your account for equipment you did not receive, please consider waiting another 6 to 8 weeks. We normally correct accounting errors within that time. (Note: interest charges will apply.)

If three months have passed and the only measure we've taken is to assign our Collections Department to your account, please see the section of this document titled "I DESPERATELY NEED SERVICE!"


If you're utterly certain that Serious has failed you, rest assured that our Service Department is ever alert for the call to action. Just call us and we'll take care of you once and for all.

When calling the Serious Electronics Service Department, please have the following items in hand:

    • The Tracking Code from the box your equipment was shipped in.
    • A complete list of all peripherals in your computer.
    • Your tax returns for the last eight years.
    • Your credit card number, expiration date and CVV2 code.

The Serious Electronics Service Department can be reached 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at 1-900-976-1212. There will be a $2.50 charge for the first minute, $2.00 for each additional minute.