
Q. Why a squirrel?

A. You mean, Why a duck?

Q. No, really.

A. Because.

Q. Do you like squirrels?

A. Not since they started eating my house, but it's too late to change now.

Q. It's a Scientology thing, isn't it.

A. I also didn't find out about that connection until it was too late, either.

Q. Define "too late".

A. This site used to be on geocities because xoom disappeared, that's how far back it goes. If not further. Farther. --That can't be right. Isn't it anything farther further?

Q. Are you drunk?

A. Terry Pratchett says the brain makes its own alcohol. Neither Google nor Netcraft can confirm this, but I think he's right. Or, to quote Isaac Asimov, I don't drink because I don't need to -- I was born drunk. But it is well past my bedtime.

Q. If not a squirrel, then what?

A. Probably a duck.

Q. Why a duck?

A. Because Howard the Duck is my role model. Not the movie duck, the comic-book duck. He's like Philip Marlowe, except that when he hears voices crying in the night and goes to see what's the matter, the voices say, "Y-you're a duck!"

Q. Okay, why a technologist?

A. What else could explain Notebox Disorganizer? I certainly can't. And there is all that electronic music.

Q. What's the deal with the music? Why isn't it in MP3 format?

A. Paranoia. I'm not sure whether I'd have to pay Fraunhofer Gesellschaft a fee to encode and distribute in MP3 format. No one else on Earth worries about this.

Q. Wow.

A. Not in the form of a question.

Q. Wow?

A. Definitely. Any other questions?

Q. ...?

A. ...!