Photo Gallery 2019

December 2019

After a Treasure Hunt round the village on Christmas Eve, children were invited to dress up as Nativity characters at the well-attended Crib Service at Sampford Peverell.  

Images of Christmas in the Team - a donkey at Halberton, a camel at Burlescombe, the crib and Carol Service at Sampford Peverell.

Christmas at Hockworthy with an 'eco-tree', decorated with re-cycling items to raise awareness of  these issues.

Christingles, Carols and a Teddy Bears' Picnic at Uplowman

Making Christingles



Carol Service




in church

Uplowman Christmas Tree Festival

November 2019

Messy Church at Sampford - exploring 'New Creation'

Remembrance Sunday

A special service was held at Sampford Peverell to dedicate a new Memorial to those who had fallen in the First World War, but whose names had not been commemorated.  The Memorial was dedicated by Deputy Lieutenant of Devon, Lord Ivar Mountbatten.

Sundaze - the theme was love, the first of our Fruit of the Spirit series. 

October 2019

New Ministry in the Team

Steph Packham's swimming pool was the venue for a new venture of full immersion baptism.

The service was conducted by Rev. Glyn, with the full approval and backing of the diocese.

In January Steph will also be using her pool to start 'Aqua Prayers and Bears' for toddlers in the area.

Outdoor Messy Church

Messy Church went to Otterhead Lakes and saw Creation at first hand.  People had to take photos in various categories - here a just a few of the lovely photos taken


Tree roots

Amazing water

Sky through trees

Harvest Time

Harvest Displays 

at Halberton

Sampford Peverell

Harvest loaf

Sundaze at Halberton

In October children and families explored Harvest, by making paper vegetables, cutting up - and enjoying -  fruit, making models with Lego and designing with Autumn Leaves.

September 2019

Uplowman Flower Festival

At the end of September Uplowman held a Flower Festival, where the beautiful displays reflected the months of the year.  The theme was also recycling and re-using so there were flowers made out of plastic bottles and nearly all the flowers came from gardens or hedgerows.  Children from Uplowman Primary School were also involved. The festival ended with a Songs of Praise.

Messy Church at Sampford Peverell.

The theme was Creation and Harvest.  

After an enjoyable breakfast and short film, children (and adults)made animals out of clay, explored the planets, made Creation models out of Lego and helped create a Harvest loaf for use at Sampford Peverell Harvest Festival.

'Shirley's Library' at Halberton School.  Over the summer holidays the library at Halberton School was given a facelift.  The library was named after Shirley Davey, Halberton Church Warden, who retired in July after working in the school for over 30 years.

The Halberton Open the Book Team practising for the first session of the school year - story 'The Creation'.

A concert to mark the 10th Anniversary of The Friends of St Mary's, Burlescombe was held in the church with music from Con Spirito, organ and trumpet, and Tiverton Ladies' Choir.  After the enjoyable music, the audience was given a light supper and glass of wine.



St Andrew's


August 2019   

Burlescombe Church celebrated Barbara Reed's 40th anniversary of playing the organ in the church with flowers and cake.

June 2019

Sampford Peverell Village Fete - church and school working together

Thy Kingdom Come 

Every church and school in the team had a 'Treasure Chest', some 'Treasure' and 'Pray for Five' cards and cords.  Visitors and congregations were invited to pray for five people between Ascension and Pentecost


At Sundaze this month we looked at the statement “I am the Good Shepherd “.  We considered how we are like sheep and how Jesus - The Good Shepherd looks after us.  We made sheep sock puppets, decorated sheep cupcakes, made sheep key rings and played sheep games with balloons. We also used the Thy Kingdom Come prayer station to pray for other sheep in the Good Shepherd's flock. 
Sheep sock puppet
Sheep balloon games
Sheep key rings
Sheep cupcakes

May 2019

Messy Church Lite - The parable of the wheat and the weeds.

At Messy church we are looking at the Kingdom parables.  We had a quiz to identify weeds from plants, tried to take raisins out of cookies without damaging the cookie and sieved sand looking for good and bad items inside. 

Holcombe Rogus Sunday School

Resurrection appearances. We were being detectives, working out how people knew for sure that Jesus had risen.

Uplowman Dog Show

Best in class

St Andrew's, Halberton in the May sunshine

New icon, The Woman at the Well

Over a dozen people came to an evening at Millhouse  Retreats to reflect on this new icon, commissioned especially for the Retreat House Association.

The reflection was lead by Revd Jane Taylor, who helped everyone to gain fresh insights into the icon and the story behind it.

Sundaze - I am the Light of the World. 

We connected circuits to create light, made large art glow stick pictures, did some glass painting, made paper candle pictures, and decorated sunglasses.  We also placed candles on maps where we would like light to shine.

April 2019

Good Friday


Easter Day

on Connigar Hill

Palm Sunday at Uplowman

March 2019

Messy Church - different sources of power

Military Wives' Concert at Sampford.

Followed by a delicious supper.

On 9th March Glyn walked about 16 miles, visiting each of the churches in the Team.  He stopped and prayed in each church.  Anyone was welcome to join him for all, or some, of the journey - fourteen people - and miscellaneous dogs - took part.

The walk started with prayers at Halberton.

Setting off in bright sunshine.

At Uplowman.


Ready to leave.

Then to Hockworthy



Arrival at Holcombe Rogus

From Holcombe Rogus Glyn walked to Burlescombe, then completed his journey by walking along the canal to Sampford Peverell where he was welcomed with tea and cake.


At Sundaze this month we were thinking about what Jesus meant when he said  "I am the true vine”.  

We enjoyed creating a giant vine made from modelling balloons, tried treading grapes, used paints to create our own pencil case, made grass heads to take home and used Virtual Reality goggles to transport us to a vineyard.

February 2019

Messy Church - Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

Put on the Armour of God

Pray for Schools

Each school in our parishes was given a cake and they were prayed for at Sunday Services

January 2019

Messy Church

We looked at forgiveness through the story of Joseph.

'Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us.'